
Vadim Tulipov: biography, family, photo

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Vadim Tulipov: biography, family, photo
Vadim Tulipov: biography, family, photo

Vadim Albertovich Tyulpanov is a former speaker of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, a senator of the Federation Council, as well as the initiator of numerous legislative projects and just a happy family man.


Tulpanov Vadim Albertovich (whose photo is presented below) was born in May 1964 in the city of Leningrad. At the age of 22, he graduated from the Higher Marine Engineering School in the city of Leningrad.

Biography, work

Vadim Tyulpanov, whose biography began in the city of Leningrad, after receiving a diploma of higher education gained experience on the ships of the Baltic Shipping Company. He started as a minder and reached the senior mechanic.

Climb the career ladder

In 1993, Vadim Albertovich became one of the founders of a company engaged in shipping by sea (CJSC Merktrans).


After 4 years, he became one of the founders of the Regional Fund for Legal Protection of Pensioners and the Poor in St. Petersburg. At the same time, he was elected to the position of chairman of the fund. The organization was engaged in the publication of newspapers and counseling citizens at no cost.

Political activity

In 1998, Vadim Tyulpanov was elected as a deputy of the Kirov region. At the same time, he was trying to become a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the 2nd convocation of St. Petersburg. The first round of elections was successful for the candidate, and he moved to the second. In his pre-election speeches, the politician promised to join the bloc of Yuri Boldyrev in case of victory, which earned him his support and approval. At the same time, his name was included in the governor's list. In the second stage, Tulipov won and was elected.


However, instead of the promised support of the Tulip bloc, he joined the Promyshlennaya faction, and later the Petersburg Regions faction.

In 1999, the politician became chairman of the LC commission on transport issues.

In 2000, as a result of the political struggle of several parties, the Tyulpanov and Kramarev faction won and was recognized as a representative in the Legislative Assembly of the Unity movement.

At the same time, the presidential elections were held. Vadim Tyulpanov was one of the supporters and attorneys of V.V. Putin.

In the summer of 2001, Vadim Albertovich was elected to the post of deputy chairman of the AP of the cultural capital.

A few months later, the politician replaced Boris Gryzlov at his post and stood at the head of the Unity faction.


In the following year, 2002, Vadim Tulpanov changed his faction and transferred to the St. Petersburg branch of the People’s Party of the Russian Federation.

Work with the United Russia party and the development of a political career

In the spring of 2002, Tulipov became the organizer of the Unity - People's Party faction.

Later, he is elected to the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly. At the same time, the politician coordinates the political party "United Russia". In an interview with reporters, Tulipov announced his intention to stand for election as speaker of the head of the city parliament of the 3rd convocation. In early 2003, he won the election of the chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the third convocation, having received a majority of the deputies.

In the summer of 2003, during the election of the governor of St. Petersburg, Vadim Tulpanov (photo presented in the article) enters V. Matvienko's election headquarters.


A year later, in the summer of 2004, Vadim Albertovich was elected to the post of secretary of the political council of the United Russia faction (its office in St. Petersburg).

In the spring of 2007, the politician was elected as a deputy of the AP of the 4th convocation, and he was also re-elected as chairman of the meeting.

In the winter of 2011, Tulipov again became a deputy of the Parliament of the 5th convocation.

Tulpanov Vadim Albertovich: Federation Council

At the same time, Vadim Albertovich became a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the Legislative Assembly of the city of St. Petersburg.

Since 2013, Tulipov has been a member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia faction.


In 2014, the politician is empowered by a representative from the administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, and in October he already holds the post of senator from the executive body of state power.

Participation in the preparation for the World Cup

During the preparatory activities for the World Cup (in 2015), the Federation Council creates a commission to organize and control the event. The head of the new structure is Tulip. In the autumn of the same year, Vadim Tulpanov, to whom the Federation Council delegated most of his powers, became a member of the Coordination Council, which is preparing the championship in the Russian Federation in 2018.

Famous offers and initiatives

Among the most famous proposals and initiatives of the politician, the following can be distinguished:

  • In 2002, Vadim Tyulpanov initiated the competition for the best words to the anthem of the Russian Federation. The following year, the event was enshrined in law.

  • The year 2006 was marked for the career of a politician with a proposal to amend the Federal Law "On Veterans". He insisted on equating the inhabitants of Leningrad with the status of participants in the Second World War. His initiative was supported, and citizens of the besieged city began to receive a second pension.

  • In 2007, Vadim Albertovich was elected to the post of project leader of the United Russia faction on the marine development of St. Petersburg. The project envisaged the expansion of the city’s maritime capabilities, water protection, an increase in personnel, as well as the development of sea tourism.


  • In 2009, Tulipov, together with the social committee of the city, created the project "One Family". Within the framework of the new structure, active assistance is being organized for orphanages, shelters and boarding schools. A single Internet portal is being created, which contains information on each child, as well as a video about his fate. The project provided tremendous support and assistance in placing children in new families. It covered almost all the social institutions of the city.

  • In 2011, the politician initiated the creation of the Social Code of the city. It contained information on all benefits and their sizes for various groups of citizens (poor, large families, students and other categories).

  • In 2012, the politician initiated changes to some provisions of the Federal Law “On the formation of the Federation Council”.

  • During the discussion of the issue of charging admission fees to museums for various groups of citizens, he proposed not to charge students, as well as to provide them with free access to libraries.

  • In 2013, he initiated a change in the situation of prisoners, as well as persons under house arrest. In particular, he proposed to provide persons under house arrest with the opportunity to walk for an hour, arguing that a citizen needs to make purchases, as well as other necessary measures. The persons in jail and in custody were given the opportunity to take their near and dear ones on their last journey.

  • In 2013, he initiated the toughening of punishment for phone calls with the threat of terrorist acts.

  • In 2014, he proposed increasing the punishment for hooligan actions and rowdy on airplanes.

  • In the same year he became the organizer of a point of assistance to Ukrainian refugees.

  • In 2015, he made a proposal to reduce the maximum permissible speed of a vehicle in settlements. According to him, this would help reduce the number of road accidents, as well as reduce the percentage of deaths.

  • In the summer of that year, he proposed changing the requirements for baby boxes. In his opinion, it is necessary to amend the current law in order to increase security, as well as establish the rules for their organization and equipment.

  • In the autumn of the same year, he became one of the initiators of the change in the conditions of detention of persons by law enforcement agencies. According to supporters, the detainee should be guaranteed the opportunity to make one phone call, as well as call a lawyer even at the time of compiling and signing the detention protocol.

  • In October 2015, he suggested repeatedly increasing responsibility for the ruffers, since the desire to make a beautiful photo very often ends in tragedy.

Political opinion

Tyulpanov’s position is best traced by his statements and actions.

  • He sharply criticized Estonia when the country's authorities decided to rebury the bodies of Soviet soldiers.

  • The politician was an active supporter of the abolition of zero per mille, arguing that any citizen can drink medicine or kvass and should not be afraid to pass a police detector test.

  • Organizes the work of the children's hospice.

  • He is a member of the board of trustees of several cathedrals of saints.

  • He advocated the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation.


The politician has very extensive interests that are not related to work. He is interested in music and singing. Vadim Albertovich recorded two CDs. One of them is dedicated to women, and the second is a collection of military songs.

Tulipov loves fishing very much and does not miss the opportunity to spend time outdoors and outside the city.

Interested in politician and television. He was the host of several programs. So, Vadim Tyulpanov led the program on REN-TV, and since 2012 he has been working as the host of the St. Petersburg Meetings television program, which is broadcast on the Culture channel.


Vadim Albertovich actively leads Twitter. Here he shares his vision of the political situation, and also expresses an opinion on some events in the country.


The politician is the owner of many awards of the Russian Federation. Among them are such as “For Merit to the Fatherland”, the Order of Honor, the President’s gratitude, medals, diplomas and badges, as well as the order.