
Valentina Isaeva and Khabib Potakhonov: the end of the tale

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Valentina Isaeva and Khabib Potakhonov: the end of the tale
Valentina Isaeva and Khabib Potakhonov: the end of the tale

The history of the youngest mother in Russia for several years does not leave the TV screens. Many are interested in the life of Valentina Isaeva and Khabib Potakhonov. They had to go through many difficulties and go through a large number of tests. It's time to find out how this unusual couple lives now and what is happening in their family life.

Crime and Punishment

18-year-old Khabib rented a room in the apartment of Grandma Vali and often remained alone with the girl. At 11 years old, she had not yet given an account of her actions, and she simply did not know what could happen after physical contact with a man. The girl learned about pregnancy, already in her seventh month. Then from the hospital and sent information to the police. It was not difficult to find the culprit, and soon before Habib loomed a real term for seduction and child molestation. The couple reacted quickly and began to go on all television channels and tell their love story. The public believed Valentina Isaeva and Khabib Potakhonova, respected people sided with the young lovers. The guy was given three years probation and was forbidden to live on the same territory with his future mother.


Shakespearean passions

Valya gave birth to a healthy girl, who was named Amina. Grandmother had to help her granddaughter escape from the hospital with her newborn baby. The guardianship authorities categorically refused to give the child to an eleven-year-old mother. And again, lawyers, psychologists and famous artists stood up for their young parents. Valya and Khabib were left alone; they disappeared from the media for several years. From time to time they were invited to various programs, but interest in their history faded long ago. After 4 years, the wedding of Valentina Isaeva and Khabib Potakhonov put an end to the sensational matter. There was no noisy rich celebration - modestly noted in the restaurant, and this event did not interest anyone.


After a couple of years, the audience again watched the young parents - this time they took part in the "Battle of psychics." Valentina Isaeva and Khabib Potakhonov wanted to appear on the screen again, but everything went off schedule. Psychics began to tell not the most pleasant facts from their family life, which the couple stubbornly denied. They insisted that there were no conflicts in their family, and at the moment, Valya was expecting a second child. Soon she gave birth to a boy, and again for two years, the audience lost sight of this strange couple.
