
Valentina Zotova: biography, date and place of birth, albums, personal life, famous husband, interesting facts and stories from life

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Valentina Zotova: biography, date and place of birth, albums, personal life, famous husband, interesting facts and stories from life
Valentina Zotova: biography, date and place of birth, albums, personal life, famous husband, interesting facts and stories from life

The famous Soviet and Russian actor Evgeny Zharikov walked down the aisle twice. His first wife is Valentina Zotova. In numerous interviews, the actor has repeatedly admitted that this marriage was the biggest mistake in his life, despite the fact that it lasted for 12 whole years. He gave the word to get engaged in a pretty drink, and the girl blinded by love was only glad of this.

short biography

Little is known about Valentina Zotova’s childhood and youth. She was born in 1937. She is now 81 years old. Lives alone in Moscow. The only native person for her whole life was her mother, who died in 2006.

The wife of Valentin Zotov was once. After a divorce from Zharikov, she no longer wanted to tie the knot with anyone. Too severe an injury caused her famous actor for 12 years of marriage.


Before meeting with Eugene, Valentina met with one of CSKA hockey players. It was a civil relationship, although many in the press call this marriage the first in Zotova’s life.

The separation was difficult - the boyfriend said that he was not ready to marry, because he was not worthy to be called the husband of a talented woman. Valentina thought that the guy was afraid of living in need, knew that he could not provide a decent living for the family.


In her youth, Valentina Zotova was actively engaged in figure skating. Acquaintance with the handsome Zharikov took place in the holiday village of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the Zdravnitsa station. The girl was visiting an aunt-diplomat, Eugene came to visit a school friend. There were joint hiking in the forest for mushrooms and berries, evening gatherings around the campfire with songs for the guitar.


Zharikov liked the girl, he decided to invite Valentina to shoot in Kanev, where he was involved in Tarkovsky's film "Ivan's childhood."

Young people were walking in the city, once an actor brought a girl to the grave of Taras Shevchenko, where he offered a hand and a heart. He really wanted children, now and then he asked how much Valentina was ready to give birth.

After some time, the girl had to return to the capital to work. She was already engaged in coaching.


The trouble happened on the set - Eugene was taken away by ambulance to the hospital. Jaundice worsened. Parents did not come to visit, my sister was in the hospital after giving birth, Valentina had to go to her lover. Every morning she visited the actor, brought dairy products, cooked broths.

She spent more than a month at his hospital bed. In the fall, Zharikov was discharged, filming continued. Then the preparations for the wedding began. A few months before the celebration, Valentina herself went to the hospital - fell in training.

At the end of January 1962, the young signed. They celebrated the marriage of the Zharikovs in an apartment on Lomonosov Avenue.

Married life

Zharikov brought his newly made wife Valentina Zotova to a room located in Uspensky Lane. It belonged to the girl’s parents. A year later, I had to move to Eugene. Relations with the father-in-law of the young daughter-in-law did not immediately develop. Zharikov Sr. continually pointed them at the door, drove them out of the house. Returned to the room.


Young failed to have such desired children. Valentina suffered from diseases of the thyroid gland, doctors advised not to delay the conception. However, it was necessary to check the spouse. He refused, had to go to the trick. The test results were disappointing. It turned out that the husband picked up the disease from meetings with girls of easy virtue and was actively treated.


Two years after the marriage, the young husband left for Germany to star in the TV series "Russians for You." Valentina soon went after her lover. Then she found out about his adventures. Actress Larisa Wickel, who was involved in the filming, told Zotova about everything.


An unpleasant conversation followed, in which Zharikov confessed everything. A little later, her husband got a new mistress, all there, on the set in Germany. The girl worked as an administrator in a hotel where the actors stayed. Upon returning to Moscow, the hero-lover continued his adventures, made love affairs with new beauties. Some did not even hesitate to bring into the house.

One of the high-profile novels of the married actor was an affair with Natalya Kustinskaya on the set of Three Plus Two. And on the set of the film "Light in Your Windows", womanizer met his future second wife, Natalia Gvozdikova. She was married to physicist Alexander. He was very upset by the separation from his wife.

Pregnancy and Divorce

After the divorce, Zharikov accused ex-wife Valentina Zotova (photo of a woman below) of infertility. But, according to her admission, she was able to get pregnant, even having diseases that the actor infected her husband with. When the fetus was already five months old, it was not possible to save him, as the woman was treated with potent antibiotics.

Zharikov gladly accepted the news of the possible birth of an heir. But Valentina decided to part with her cheating husband.

The roads of the young parted. Valentina took up a new business for herself - art, Eugene endlessly changed partners, asked for forgiveness, sent tearful letters. Even the mother-in-law asked the woman to think, not to chop off her shoulder.

They divorced quietly, but after the breakup Valentina was in a terrible depressive state. She believed that in her 36 years, life ends. In order to somehow escape, I read books, listened to music. Due to the illness received from her ex-husband, Valentina really became barren, even got a disability.