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Walter Benjamin - Lone Rebel

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Walter Benjamin - Lone Rebel
Walter Benjamin - Lone Rebel

Video: Paris, Capital of the 19th Century 2024, July

Video: Paris, Capital of the 19th Century 2024, July

The name of the German philosopher, Marxist, aesthetics, critic and translator Walter Benjamin is increasingly recalled by current cultural scientists. To quote him now has become fashionable. As well as many of his contemporaries, such as Ortega y Gasset or Bertolt Brecht. All of them were united by a tragic sense of peace, concern about the fate of art and pessimism towards humanity. Apparently, all this turned out to be very consonant with our era, calling itself “postmodernism”. This article is an attempt to shed even a faint light on what kind of person Walter Benjamin was.


A brief history of life

The future philosopher was born in 1892 into a prosperous Jewish family in Berlin. On the maternal side, Walter Benjamin was related to Heinrich Heine. My father was engaged in the sale of antiques. Subsequently, the bankruptcy of the family business prompted the philosopher to go to Moscow. It was in the years 1926-1927. He worked a lot in the archives, met with Vladimir Mayakovsky. From this trip, he remained mostly negative memories, which he recorded in his "Moscow Diary". In 1933, a Jew and anti-fascist Walter Benjamin was forced to emigrate from Germany. He left for France, from where in 1940 he tried to get to the United States through Spain.

Tragic end

The Spaniards refused the writer to cross the border, as he did not have a visa. By law, he was supposed to be sent back to France, where the Nazis already ruled. He was allowed to spend the night at a local hotel, where he committed suicide on the night of September 26-27. His death helped the rest of the refugee group cross the border - the Spaniards, impressed by the tragedy, let everyone pass unconditionally. This group included Hannah Arendt, who was a big fan of Benjamin's ideas. She brought with her one of the drafts of his article “On the Concept of History” and published it in the USA under the heading “Abstracts on the Philosophy of History”.


Philosophical views

Walter Benjamin, like many of his contemporaries, was strongly influenced by Marxism. He very peculiarly combined it with Jewish mysticism and psychoanalysis. Being a translator, he was a distributor of French culture. Thanks to him, the novels of Marcel Proust and Charles Baudelaire came out in Germany. Walter Benjamin anticipated the historical approach of the second half of the 20th century. He outlined his views on the philosophy of history in his posthumous work, which Arendt transported to the United States. But the most famous work that Walter Benjamin wrote? - "A work of art in the era of technical reproducibility." In it, he formulated a theory that has become very popular in our time: about the aura that the object of art is losing, which has undergone endless replication.

The fate of the teachings

Only after his death, in the second half of the 20th century, the ideas of Walter Benjamin began to gain fame. A great role was played by his friends and colleagues - Theodor Adorno and Gershom Scholem. Adorno created a whole archive of the philosopher, collecting all his notes, notes, passages and drafts in one place. He did not divide Benjamin's works into significant and passing ones. This archive formed the basis of many years of work Adorno, dedicated to the legacy of Walter Benjamin. He did much to popularize the writer's works, but focused solely on his philosophical works. For a long time no one suspected that Benjamin had research on the history of photography, for example.
