
Vasilyeva Tatyana Grigoryevna: biography and photos

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Vasilyeva Tatyana Grigoryevna: biography and photos
Vasilyeva Tatyana Grigoryevna: biography and photos

She belongs to those hypocrites whose charm, attractiveness and charisma are immediately evident. Not a single fragment of her life is left without attention, and filigree-played images are forever embedded in the memory of film and theater lovers. Undoubtedly, Tatyana Grigoryevna Vasilyeva is an actress with a capital letter.

"The most charming and attractive"

Fans of her work do not get tired of being surprised at the potential of talent and the ageless appearance that the heroine, who loved to repeat the well-known mantra: “I am the most charming and attractive, ” is able to maintain. And although Vasilyeva Tatyana Grigoryevna does not keep secret the fact that her beauty is the result of the work of plastic surgeons, nevertheless, this is also her merit, since she carefully watches herself. What was the actress’s ascent to the theatrical and cinematic Olympus?


Thanks to what role did she once wake up famous throughout the country? Consider these issues in more detail.


Naturally, fans of the talent of the famous actress are primarily interested in her biography. Vasilyeva Tatyana Grigoryevna (nee Itsykovich) was born on February 28, 1947 in the "city on the Neva". From a young age, she dreamed that she would perform on the stage and act in films. Once she climbed a dark staircase and injured a finger with some sharp object. In her diary, Vasilyeva Tatyana Grigoryevna subsequently writes that she performed this ritual in confirmation that her intentions to become an actress are the most firm. So then it happened. However, the girl’s parents did not support the idea that she would devote her life to “great art”. Her father predicted her career as a dentist. Nevertheless, Vasilyeva Tatyana Grigorievna, whose family forbade her to attend any amateur art circles, still managed to “run away” to both the theater and literary studios.


After leaving school, the girl faced a dilemma: to enter the Moscow Art Theater or try their hand at VGIK.


In the end, she opted for the first option. But it was necessary to solve another problem: what to say to parents? Young Tatyana tells her father and mother that she is going on an excursion to the capital, but in fact she is going to Moscow to take entrance exams to the “theater”. As a result, she successfully passes the competitive selection and becomes a student at the Moscow Art Theater School. Vasilyeva Tatyana Grigorievna informs her parents about this in a telegram. The reaction followed immediately: the father of the future actress arrived in the capital, intending to pick up the documents from the Moscow Art Theater, being sure that no daughter of the cinema and theater would work out. However, the rector of the university himself intervened in the situation, which prevented the parent from making a mistake regarding his own daughter.

Theater work

In the late 60s, Tatyana Grigorievna received the coveted diploma of the actress. Vasiliev falls into the troupe of the Moscow Theater of Satire. On its stage, the Moscow Art Theater graduate will play a number of brilliant roles, including: Maria Antonovna (The Examiner), Lyuska (Run), Sophia (Woe from Wit), Jenny-Raspberry (The Three-Penny Opera). The performance “Capercaillie's Nest”, in which Tatyana Grigoryevna will participate with her second husband, Georgi Martirosyan, will be successfully held in the same Melpomene temple.


In 1983, Vasilyeva left the Satire Theater and transferred to work at Mayakovka. Here, the viewer will remember her in such roles as: Lady Kitty ("The Circle"), Betsy ("The fruits of enlightenment"), Polyakova ("Tomorrow was the war").

In the 90s, Vasilyeva Tatyana Grigoryevna, whose photo has been decorating theater posters of the capital for many years, in addition to the theater named after Mayakovsky works in other temples of Melpomene. In particular, we are talking about the theater of the Soviet Army, where it brilliantly reincarnated as Clytemnestra (Oristean's play).

In 1998, the actress took to the stage of the School of Modern Play theater (where she still plays) to play Irina Nikolaevna (the play The Seagull). Today, she plays several roles a day, touring "cities and towns" with a reprise. You can only envy the efficiency and dedication of your favorite business, which are inherent in Tatyana Grigoryevna.

Movie work

As for the cinema, here Vasilieva did not immediately find her place. For many years she tried on various images, playing either dramatic or comedic roles.


The test ball in the cinema was the work in the film for children “Look at this face” in which Tatyana Grigoryevna was approved for the role of a teacher. However, the real fame for the actress came after the release of the movie "Hello, I am your aunt!" (V. Titov, 1975). Vasilyeva plays the young beauty Annie, who fell in love with the audience for her charm and spontaneity. Three years later, director Mikhail Grigoriev takes the picture “Duenna, ” in which the actress gets the main role. This work has also been praised by critics. She often got eccentric, charismatic and, at the same time, not without comic images, and she brilliantly coped with them.

Brilliant roles

Another cinema dedeuvre of Soviet cinema, in which Vasiliev took part, is “The Most Charming and Attractive” (G. Bezhanov, 1985). The role of Susanna, an expert in seducing men, brought the actress a stunning success, and the phrases she uttered: “Your long, trembling fingers speak of a fine spiritual organization!”, “The first commandment is not to be born beautiful, be born active! Rather, become active and find a husband for yourself ”, “ Only artisans get along, talented people are in eternal search! ” immediately "went to the people."

Despite the crisis in the cinema, Tatyana Grigorievna turned out to be in demand in the profession in the 90s. She was invited to comedy: “The Groom from Miami”, “I Want to America”, “Womanizer-2”, which later became popular.


And for the role of Elena Orekhova in the film “See Paris and Die” (A. Proshkin, 1992), the actress was awarded the prestigious Nika award and the Kinotavr award.

Today, behind her is simply an unimaginable number of roles, and although infrequently, she continues to act in films, both in full-length and in multi-part.

She is always fit

Many do not cease to be amazed at how the one who constantly works and tours, manages to remain in such excellent physical shape. There are those who, by all means, want to know: “How old is Tatyana Grigoryevna Vasilyeva (actress)?” Of course, she has her own secrets, thanks to which she remains energetic and efficient. Firstly, after playing the performance on stage, it is fueled by the positive energy of its audience. Secondly, it is mobilized by a busy schedule, so there is little time for rest and temptations. Tatyana Grigoryevna adheres to a certain diet, not allowing herself late dinners. Her morning begins with gymnastic exercises and simulators. She prefers long walks.


In gastronomic dishes, she does not accept the presence of butter, potatoes and bread, but she has a weakness for jam. The basis of her diet is “vegetarian” dishes. For breakfast, she drinks a glass of tea without sugar, for lunch she eats vegetables with buckwheat, and for dinner she drinks kefir. These are the sacrifices for the sake of beauty and their own health Vasilyeva Tatyana Grigoryevna. The disease, in this mode, naturally bypasses it.

Outside profession

Very saturated and ambiguous was the personal life of the actress. With her first husband, actor Anatoly Vasiliev, fate brought Tatyana Grigoryevna when she was a student at the Moscow Art Theater School. However, the romance between them did not immediately flare up: Anatoly was in no hurry to talk about his feelings. Only in 1973, the actors legalized their relationship, and the young received a separate room. Tatyana and Anatoly played a modest wedding. In marriage, the son of Philip was born. After almost a decade of family idyll, the Vasilyevs union nevertheless broke up, but Tatyana Grigoryevna did not change her husband's name after the divorce.

Then, in the Satire Theater, she met her second husband - actor Georgy Martirosyan. A spark of sympathy immediately flashed between them, and soon a graduate of the Rostov Theater Institute offered his beloved a hand and a heart, despite the fact that Vasilyeva already had a stamp in her passport. They got married when Tatyana Grigoryevna came to serve in the theater to them. Mayakovsky. The marriage with the first husband was already dissolved. Vasilyeva gave birth to George Khachaturovich daughter Elizabeth.


However, after some time, the marriage broke up with Martirosyan, because during the pregnancy of his wife, the actor went to another woman. At that time, Vasilyeva was very upset by the betrayal of her husband, who nevertheless returned to her later, but still Tatyana Grigoryevna and Georgy Khachaturovich divorced a few years later.