men's issues

RF 20634 (Vladikavkaz city, Sputnik village). 19th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade

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RF 20634 (Vladikavkaz city, Sputnik village). 19th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade
RF 20634 (Vladikavkaz city, Sputnik village). 19th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade

Since July 1922, the 19th separate motorized rifle division began to function in the city of Voronezh. According to experts, this is the first unit of the Red Army, which was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in 1925. Initially, the 19th division, which is also the military unit 20634, was assigned to the Moscow Military District (VO). By 2009, after the reform of the Armed Forces, the division was transformed into a separate motorized rifle brigade (Omsbr). RF 20634, like other military units, does not have its official website. This article will be of interest to those who wish to obtain the necessary information about the 19th brigade.


Acquaintance with the formation

HF 20634 is the 19th Red Banner Voronezh-Shumlensky separate motorized rifle brigade of the orders of Suvorov II degree and the Red Banner of Labor. He is a member of the 58th Combined Arms Army (OA) of the Southern Military District. A military unit is deployed in the city of Vladikavkaz, in North Ossetia.


During the Great Patriotic War

Treble 20634 has a glorious history. Significant operations of the Second World War took place with the participation of servicemen of this military formation. The soldiers of the 19th brigade successfully took the Bulgarian city of Shumlen. The operation itself in history is known as the "Shumlenskaya". In 1945, soldiers of the brigade crossed the Danube, for which the connection was awarded the Order of Suvorov II degree. In the same year, in May, soldiers liberated the Czechoslovak city of Bratislava.

Post-war time

During the Great Patriotic War, the central part of the state was the place of deployment of the 19th separate motorized rifle brigade. At the end of the war, servicemen and command personnel were transferred to North Ossetia, in the village of Sputnik. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, soldiers of a separate motorized rifle brigade were involved in the First and Second Chechen Wars, as well as in the Georgian conflict. Winter 1994-1995 the military group "West", equipped with fighters of the 19th Motorized Rifle Brigade, stormed the city of Grozny.


The 19th brigade is located in the department of the 58th Army of the Southern Military District. According to eyewitnesses, cubicles with two rooms and washbasins became the place of lodging of conscripts. Each cockpit provides for one toilet, shower with hot water and drying. Each soldier has his own safe for storing personal belongings. However, judging by the reviews, they are equipped with very weak locks, which are easy for an attacker to open. This disadvantage is compensated by the fact that safes are located in the rooms of soldiers. Nevertheless, safes are not reliable enough for storing especially valuable things.

The soldiers who signed the contract, as well as the officers, live in a dormitory. Military personnel with families can rent apartments in the city. Meals are provided in the dining room. Judging by the reviews of eyewitnesses, the food offered does not suit everyone. For the services of such fighters there is a store with relatively reasonable prices. There is a Wentorg located next to the checkpoint. Also, soldiers have the opportunity to have a bite to eat in the teahouse. Near the military unit in the village of Sputnik there are other shops and a pharmacy. According to eyewitnesses, for fighters with money, additional nutrition is not a problem. Several car dealerships even come to the landfill. On the territory of the military unit there is a gym and a club. You can withdraw money through an ATM. Judging by the reviews of those serving in military unit 20634, we can conclude that the relationship between the soldiers and the locals leaves much to be desired. Due to the fact that the population does not like not only the soldiers from this military unit, but the military in general, those who gathered on a leave, the old-timers would advise to dress in civilian clothes and behave more modestly.


The command of the military unit was carried out by the following officers with the rank of colonel:

  • From 2010 to 2014 S. A. Kisele. In 2013 he received the title of Major General.
  • From 2014 to 2017, E. A. Abachev.
  • From 2017 to the present, R. Yu. Vyazomsky.


The unit is equipped with the following military units:

  • Head Office.
  • Three motorized rifle battalions.
  • Two howitzer self-propelled artillery divisions.
  • One tank battalion.
  • Jet artillery division.
  • Anti-tank artillery, anti-aircraft and anti-aircraft missile divisions.
  • A battalion of signalmen.
  • Engineer, reconnaissance and special forces battalion. There is also a formation that provides material support for the unit.
  • Repair, medical, commandant and companies responsible for radiation, chemical and biological protection.
  • Rifle company, in which snipers serve.
  • A company of drones.
  • Battery involved in management and artillery reconnaissance. The head of the artillery.
  • Management platoon led by the chief of air defense. Military personnel are responsible for radar reconnaissance.
  • Platoon of instructors.
  • Polygons.
  • Military band.

About the team

According to eyewitnesses, a calm psychological situation prevails in the military unit. In this formation, a tradition has developed, in accordance with which the contact of newly arrived soldiers with old-timers is completely excluded. In order to prevent the latter from communicating with the newcomers, the military leadership organized their separate residence. Classes are conducted by officers.



Upon arrival in the unit, beginners undergo combat training. Also, most of the time they are engaged in park and household works. Soldiers guard the Roki tunnel. According to experts, it is a very important strategic object: North and South Ossetia are connected to each other by a highway located in it. The highway is the only direct route connecting both regions in Vladikavkaz. RF 20634 controls 3 thousand meters of the road - the length of the entire tunnel from the south and north is alternately. Change is carried out every week. On the south side, the guard is deployed in trailers. The fighters on the north side have a hotel at their disposal. In addition, a special post with a doctor on duty is located on the highway. According to eyewitnesses, if necessary, fighters can provide medical assistance. In case of illness, soldiers are sent to the city to the hospital. The importance of protecting this highway is evidenced by the fact that the chevrons of the military are with the image of a tunnel tower.


Judging by the reviews, telephone communication leaves much to be desired, since only Megafon is functioning properly. Soldiers also help the local population during a natural disaster and eliminate its consequences.


On the territory of the Russian Federation there is only one high mountain range. Among military experts, he is known as the “Daryal”. Located in the city of Vladikavkaz, at an altitude of one and a half kilometers above the sea. It is here that the military personnel of the 19th brigade are trained in combat techniques in mountainous and impassable terrain. The slopes, cliffs and hills there are used by instructors to train soldiers in intelligence skills. During the training, special devices are used, with the help of which soldiers overcome various obstacles in the form of rivers and gorges.


This training ground is intended for the development by soldiers of VCh 20634 of new armored vehicles - T-90 tanks and BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles.


The location of the landfill became a mountainous area 2 km from the city. In the exercises, fighters master various types of small arms, study camouflage, dig trenches and dugouts. At this time, large tents designed for 30 people were provided to the services of military personnel. In each of these tents, there are 2 stove bourgeois stoves.


Inside there are bunk beds. Every week, soldiers are taken to the bathhouse. Judging by the reviews of eyewitnesses, at the Tarskoye landfill, telephone communications are well established. An important advantage of the area is the availability of electricity. Judging by the reviews, feeding at the training ground, compared to the kitchen in the military unit, is somewhat better. Food is prepared by the "coming" civilians. Soldiers are often served fresh fish. The only drawback of Tarski is poor water.