
Presenter Yuri Vyazemsky: biography, personal life, photo

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Presenter Yuri Vyazemsky: biography, personal life, photo
Presenter Yuri Vyazemsky: biography, personal life, photo

The hero of this article is a famous cultural, educational and literary figure - Yuri Vyazemsky. Biography; a wife who is also his companion; professional activity; family - all of this can be found below.

Children and teenagers

Yuri Vyazemsky was born on a summer day on June 5, 1951 in Leningrad. His father was a famous physiologist, doctor of medical sciences Pavel Simonov. And mother Olga Vyazemskaya was a teacher of a foreign language. Yuri Pavlovich has a younger sister. This is a famous theater and film actress Evgenia Simonova.


At the age of seven, he had to leave his parents and sister for two years, who moved to live in Moscow. Father then got a place in the Main Clinical Hospital. Burdenko. Yuri remained in the care of his grandparents. The reason for this was serious health problems. The boy had a disease, the nature of which is still unclear even now. The symptomatology of the disease was expressed in a sudden loss of consciousness with complete preservation of motor functions. Either the disease itself receded, or the treatment helped, but after two years the attacks stopped. Then Yuri moved to his parents in the capital.

Even in Leningrad, Yuri Vyazemsky began studying at the music school in the violin class, which, due to a change of residence, ended up in Moscow. From childhood, Yuri felt a craving for the humanities, while the exact sciences, even as part of the school curriculum, were not easy for him. At the end of school, he could not immediately decide on a future profession. He wanted to become both an opera singer and a linguist. He knew English very well. As a child, he himself asked his mother to help him learn a language, as a result of which the initial program was mastered in six months. The young man graduated from high school in an English special school.

Long deliberation led to the fact that Yuri decided to become a journalist. In 1968, he entered MGIMO, the faculty of international journalism. Five years later, becoming a certified specialist, he was hired by the International Life magazine. He also was actively engaged in translations for various international organizations.

Early marriage

One of the most significant figures of modern Russian literature is precisely Yuri Vyazemsky. Biography, wife, children - all this interests many connoisseurs of his work.

His first muse and first wife was a classmate, with whom he had been in love since the ninth grade. Young people got married when they were 19 years old.

In this marriage, Yuri Pavlovich had two daughters: the eldest Anastasia and the youngest Ksenia. Unfortunately, at some point, the couple realized that feelings for each other had cooled, and parted. Now both daughters of Y. Vyazemsky themselves have acquired families. The eldest Nastya has three children, she lives in Switzerland. The youngest Ksenia has long been living in London. She has a son George and daughter Olga.


The actors are arguing!

When Yuri Pavlovich’s sister Evgeny Simonova began to shine on the stage and appear in the movies, one of his friends argued with Vyazemsky that he did not have acting talent and could not enter the Shchukin school. The stubborn and purposeful young man wanted to prove to his comrade that he was able to become a student at a theater school and successfully enlisted in the famous "Pike." The dispute was a dispute, but six months later, Yuri Vyazemsky realized that the acting profession was not his calling at all, and left the school. But there he made friends with whom he has been communicating for many years. This is Leonid Yarmolnik, and Yuri Vasiliev, and Stas Zhdanko.

First literary experience

Yuri Pavlovich sent his creative abilities to literature, and decided to take his mother's maiden name as a pseudonym. It was at that time that Yuri Simonov became Yuri Vyazemsky. Among his early literary works, the most striking are the novels “The Guns Brought” and “The Jester”. According to the latter, a film of the same name was shot in 1988, which was a great success with the audience.

Not only works of art come out from under his pen. In 1989, one of the most significant works in the field of philosophical literature was published, under the title “On the Origin of Spirituality”. Yuri Vyazemsky wrote it together with his father Pavel Simonov.


A television

1989 was marked for Yuri Pavlovich another important event. This is a television debut. He became the host of the youth program "Image", which is a literary quiz. During the period of political tension (in 1991), the program was closed. It was then that the idea of ​​creating an intellectual and educational program "Clever and Clever" was born, which to this day gives talented young men and women the opportunity to change their lives forever. There are no analogues of this program in any country in the world. The winners of "Clever men and smart girls" get the right to become students of MGIMO, which, without the means and connections, to achieve in our difficult time is almost impossible even if you have the mind. The program has become the winner of the prestigious “Teffi” award three times.
