
Do you enjoy the sunrises and sunsets? The reasons why the sky changes color during these phenomena

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Do you enjoy the sunrises and sunsets? The reasons why the sky changes color during these phenomena
Do you enjoy the sunrises and sunsets? The reasons why the sky changes color during these phenomena

Video: Why is the Sky Blue? | Don't Memorise 2024, June

Video: Why is the Sky Blue? | Don't Memorise 2024, June

Have you ever watched the sunrise and sunset? The spectacle is truly bewitching. The picture of the birth of the star varies depending on weather conditions, the presence of clouds or fog. The sky turns bright red, pink and purple. In the same way, completing its daily journey, the sun is hiding behind the horizon, and again the clouds seem to glow with fire. If you are interested in the reasons why the sky changes color during these phenomena, read this article further.

Why are sunsets different in color?

In nature, there is such an effect as a "blazing" sunset or dawn. What is the prerequisite for such a color of the sky? And this is due to the fact that in the atmosphere there is dust in suspension, particles of which are larger than air molecules. In this case, the refracted rays turn the sunset or dawn into a red glow. A disappointing conclusion follows from this: the air is not as clean as it seems to us.


But the glow is not always due to a polluted atmosphere. In nature, harmless phenomena arise that accompany the scarlet dawn. For example, suspended particles of salt and water vapor create a sunset of bright red light over the surface of the sea. Such a phenomenon can be observed from the shore.

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The effect of erupting volcanoes

Dust and ashes in the air after the eruption of volcanoes are carried by the wind. For a long time in areas remote from the site of the eruption of the volcano, one can observe incredibly beautiful red-orange sunsets. Examples of this phenomenon are picturesque sunsets in the northern hemisphere of the earth after the eruption of El0 Chichon volcanoes in 1982 and Pinatubo in 1991.

In the first days after a volcanic eruption, the atmosphere is so full of dust and pollutants that even red light does not break through this dust curtain. In this case, it seems that the solar disk disappears before reaching the horizon.


Features of the dawn and sunset

From the school bench, we know that the light that enters the planet’s atmosphere is white, that is, it actually contains all the shades. Air molecules break light into waves of different lengths. This is confirmed by a rainbow after rain, when rays of different lengths are refracted in water droplets.

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The colors we see at sunrise or sunset depend on the path of light and the sensitivity of our eyes. A certain optical effect of illumination by the sun's rays of the earth's surface and the sky is created.


In the afternoon, when the sun is high in the sky, its rays pass a "short path" to the earth. They do not have time to dissipate, so they are very bright and blinding. The sky at this moment we see blue. In the evening, the sun's rays need to travel a "long way", because they fall to the ground at an angle, and not sheer. Short waves of the blue spectrum are scattered, so we do not see them. But we can clearly see the shades of the red spectrum, which has a maximum wavelength. Only long waves are able to "break through", not dissipating in the earth's atmosphere, when the sun falls from the zenith to the horizon.

During sunset and sunrise, you can observe the sky in all colors of the rainbow - not at the same time, of course. Possible purple, yellow, orange, even green tint. It all depends on the weather, clean air and the angle of the planet.