
Victor Vasiliev, biography, personal life

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Victor Vasiliev, biography, personal life
Victor Vasiliev, biography, personal life

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Video: Fedor Vasiliev artist 2024, June

Viktor Vasiliev is a famous Russian showman, whom most recognize because of his continued participation in Planet KVN and Comedy Club, which has gained special fame in recent years. Today he hosts many television shows and is very popular.

Biography of Viktor Vasiliev

Victor Vasiliev was born in St. Petersburg in 1975, on January 19, in a happy and friendly family in which love, understanding and respect always reigned. Until now, Viktor is trying to protect these important things in his family as well.


Parents of Viktor Vasilyev in the biography play an important role. It is to them that the popular TV presenter owes everything that he now has. They gave him a good upbringing and raised him as a real and noble man. His mother and father were a wealthy family at the time, since they were running their own business. It consisted of transporting furniture and large equipment. Victor's family was far from creative. From early childhood, he wanted to become a football player, like many boys at his age. Victor loved sports, in particular football, so he devoted much time to his physical health. He often practiced, constantly played football with peers. So he got to the professional club of young football players. The coach praised him more than once and informed his parents that their son could become a great football player. Parents, by virtue of their employment, could not pay due attention to their son’s enthusiasm, and Victor did not manage on his own. He never managed to build a career as a football player.

Life of Viktor Vasiliev

Today, he is one of the most successful television presenters in Russian show business. He can also often be seen in the main roles of films, the creative biography of Viktor Vasiliev is not limited to the presenter, he is also a good actor, which cannot be overlooked.

It is believed that his wife Anna Snatkina brought such popularity to Victor. Perhaps this is partly true, but to a greater extent he worked with his own efforts to become recognizable and successful today. In his youth, after graduation, Viktor Vasiliev entered the university, where he became interested in creativity, including taking part in KVNah. Then he revealed himself as a talented speaker, a good actor, and at the same time he had some kind of charisma, which really bribed the viewer.

Viktor Vasilyev biography, personal life

This talented man is in demand among the beautiful half of humanity. He is a tall, handsome, prominent, chic man who is constantly in sight. He does not hide the fact that his personal life has always been full of adventure.


The yellow press has repeatedly attributed to him novels with many Russian actresses and singers. However, his belief that he would find the only one with whom he could build a family did not fade to the last. And once Viktor Vasilyev’s personal biography turned into a public one when he admitted that he had an affair with the famous Russian actress Anna Snatkina.


Victor admits that he sincerely wanted for the first time in his life that this woman was always with him. So that they, like his parents, have faithful, mutual, eternal love. And so it happened. Their beautiful romance grew into a family, although before that they had been eyeing each other for a long time.