
Victoria Makarskaya: biography, photos and interesting facts from life

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Victoria Makarskaya: biography, photos and interesting facts from life
Victoria Makarskaya: biography, photos and interesting facts from life

Victoria Makarskaya is a successful actress, loving spouse and caring mother. Want to know how she built her career and personal life? You will find all the necessary information about her person in the article.


Victoria Makarskaya: biography

Our heroine was born on May 22, 1973 in Vitebsk. Her maiden name is Morozova. What family was brought up by Victoria Makarska? Parents had nothing to do with the movie and the scene. Father was a military man.

Victoria's childhood passed in the classified Baltic garrisons. Therefore, her circle of communication was limited. From an early age, the girl showed creative abilities. Baby arranged home concerts.

From the age of 15, Vika became a soloist with the Belarusian orchestra. Parents were proud of the merits of their daughter. And she dreamed of continuing her musical career in the Russian capital.



At the end of high school, Victoria Makarskaya, as planned, went to Moscow. The girl took a taxi and went to the Bolshoi Theater. It was there that she wanted to work. But that day the office in which the personnel department was located was closed. Vika had to return to the Belorussky station. She sat on a bench and cried softly. And then an unfamiliar man approached her. He turned out to be English. In broken Russian, this gentleman suggested Makarskaya to become the soloist of his group. Oddly enough, but the blonde immediately believed him. And not in vain. Thanks to this producer, she became a professional singer.

New Horizons

Victoria Makarskaya was not going to stop there. The girl understood that one could not do without higher education. Vika began to intensively prepare for admission to GITIS. Her choice fell on the directing department. Our heroine successfully passed the exams and was enrolled in a course to one of the best specialists.

Love story

Victoria Makarskaya (photo above) pushed personal life into the background. She spent almost all of her time on promoting her singing career and studying at GITIS.

In 1999, the creators of the musical Metro offered her cooperation. At that time, the girl was in the last year of the directing department. She needed practice. And Vika agreed to take on the project.


On samples to the musical "Metro" blonde met with a young actor Anton Makarsky. Young people at first sight liked each other. The guy began to beautifully look after Vika. He gave her huge bouquets and lovely trinkets. Lovers walked around the night city and made plans for the future. Soon they began to live together.


Victoria Makarska, whose biography we are considering today, was popular with the opposite sex. But it’s impossible to call her windy. In an interview with print media, the singer repeatedly said that Anton was her first true love.

Victoria's friends did not approve of her choice. Some did not take the guy seriously, while others openly mocked him. The only one from Vicki's circle who supported Anton was director Boris Krasnov. He saw in Makarsky natural talent and huge creative potential.

A year after meeting, the lovers went through a wedding ceremony. It was their mutual desire. They swore to God in eternal fidelity to each other. The couple played a real wedding only after 3 years. The celebration was attended by colleagues Vicky and Anton, as well as their relatives. Envious people and lying friends, it was decided not to invite.



In 2002, our heroine had problems with her voice. She had to leave the stage. But she quickly found herself a new job. Vika became the producer of her own husband. Anton was just glad about it.

Victoria Makarskaya: children

What does a married couple need to be completely happy? Of course, children. Anton and Vicki Makarsky had serious problems with this. They were legally married for 13 years. The singer and actor dreamed of children. The couple was regularly examined by the best Moscow specialists. Vika and Anton traveled to holy places. They made donations and made one wish for two - about an early replenishment in the family. So passed year after year. And once God heard their prayers. A real miracle happened.

In early 2012, it became known about the pregnancy of Victoria. Fans of the famous couple literally jumped to the ceiling with happiness. Anton and Vika did not cease to thank the gentlemen for such a wonderful gift. Although the word "miracle" is more suitable here. Indeed, not every woman manages to get pregnant for the first time at 38.

To save his wife from dirty gossip and prying eyes, Anton Makarsky took his wife to Israel. In this country, the spouses already had their own real estate. Throughout pregnancy, Vika lived in comfortable conditions. She visited the beach, which is a 10-minute walk from their apartment. Future parents turned to one of the best perinatal centers.

On September 9, 2012, the firstborn of Vicki and Anton was born. The girl weighed exactly 3 kg. As for growth, it is not customary to measure it in Israel. Newly made parents could not stop looking at their long-awaited child. The girl was called a beautiful Russian name - Maria.

Anton Makarsky canceled filming and tours in Russia in order to spend more time with his wife and daughter. He bathed and swaddled the baby. Vika looked at him and realized that it was hard to imagine a better father for a child.

Soon, the young parents returned to Moscow. Anton made money for his family. And Vika devoted herself to caring for the baby and home.


In November 2014, at a concert in honor of his 39th birthday, the actor announced the imminent replenishment in their family. Victoria carried her second child under the heart.

Anton again took his wife to Israel and recorded in the same clinic. Ultrasound was performed at the time indicated by the specialists. Makarsky learned that they will have a boy.

May 31, 2015 Vika gave birth to a son, whose weight was 3 kg 400 g. The boy was named Ivan. During childbirth, Anton was next to his wife. He was the first to take the baby in his arms. Now Victoria and Anton have double happiness - a cute little son and a sweet daughter.