
Victoria Yushkevich: biography, personal life and photos

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Victoria Yushkevich: biography, personal life and photos
Victoria Yushkevich: biography, personal life and photos

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From the biography of Victoria Yushkevich, her parents and primary education are not known. Victoria was born at the beginning of 1989, on a frosty day on January 27 in one of the maternity hospitals of St. Petersburg. Parents of the girl strictly adhered to a healthy lifestyle (HLS). Victoria has repeatedly thanked them for the inculcated habit of proper nutrition, a regimen of physical training and prolonged sleep, which positively affected the girl’s ideal external data.

Victoria Yushkevich graduated from the State University with a degree in journalism.


After graduation, the girl got a job on domestic television. Victoria Yushkevich notes her most major project as a collaboration with the Russia 2 TV channel. After some time, realizing all the possibilities of the Internet, Victoria decides to create her own channel on YouTube.



A channel called HotPsychologies was registered at the end of March 2011. In one of the interviews, Victoria Yushkevich reported that the main goal of the channel is to produce unique and useful content dedicated to the beautiful body and psychology of relations between a man and a woman, while touching on fairly explicit topics of sexology.

The high popularity of the Victoria project, pushed the girl to enter Moscow University, to receive a second higher education, to the faculty of psychology. The second step on the way to the heights of Victoria Yushkevich was cooperation with the creative association Karamba TV.

At the same time, an acquaintance with the TV presenter and blogger Denis Semenikhin happened. Young people organized several joint projects and became close. So the guys began to build relationships.