
Willy Hshtoyan: biography and personal life

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Willy Hshtoyan: biography and personal life
Willy Hshtoyan: biography and personal life

Video: Willa Cather - Ron Hull Remembers 2024, June

Video: Willa Cather - Ron Hull Remembers 2024, June

The Soviet diplomat Willy Khshtoyan, whose biography should in fact be quite interesting, because for many years he held diplomatic posts in the USSR and managed to go round almost half the world during his service, nevertheless he is known to the country as the husband of Nadezhda Rumyantseva. Despite his advanced age, he still works, and this helps him to at least somehow dissipate from the sad thoughts of his beloved wife, who is no longer around and with whom he lived for more than 40 years.


Willy Hshtoyan: biography. Diplomat, an interesting man and husband of Nadezhda Rumyantseva

We could not find the exact date of birth of the Soviet diplomat. We can only say that he was born in 1929, which means that he is only a year older than his wife. Also, the place where Hshtoyan Willy Vartanovich was born was not noted anywhere, his biography, his birthday are not mentioned anywhere. Of course, this is a little strange, because at one time, and today too, he occupied a rather prominent position in the country.

His surname and patronymic indicate that Willy Vartanovich was born in an Armenian family. However, we do not know at all who his parents were. Perhaps these were people who fled from Western Armenia during the Turkish pogroms, perhaps his roots were from Tbilisi, because in the pre-revolutionary times the cream of the Armenian intelligentsia was concentrated in the capital of Georgia. Khshtoyans could also be from Baku. It was here that large industrialists of Armenian descent lived, many of whom left Baku after the revolution.

Willy Khshtoyan, a biography whose bibliography is only found in the archives of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has lived most of his life in Moscow. There is no information about the school where he received his primary education. But we know that he studied at the University of Economics and worked at the Vneshtorg of the USSR. It was during this period that he met at a party with his second wife - the famous Soviet film actress and TV presenter Nadezhda Rumyantseva. From that moment, Hshtoyan Willie was accepted in the acting fraternity. Since then, the diplomat’s biography has been closely associated with the acting. Having signed with Nadezhda, he moved to live in her apartment - in the house where Leonid Gaidai, Yumatov and others lived with them next door.


Personal life before Rumyantseva

Willy Khshtoyan, a biography whose personal life had already been married once before meeting with Nadezhda Rumyantseva and creating a family with her, in his first marriage he became the father of Karina's daughter. However, another is much more interesting. So who was Willy Hshtoyan married to? The biography is silent about the name of his first wife. In one of the interviews he gave to journalists after the death of Nadezhda, talking about his daughter, the diplomat also mentions the name of his first wife, her mother. Her name is Tatyana. Apparently, Willy's first wife was not an Armenian by nationality either. We also do not know under what circumstances his first marriage broke up. It is known that he married Tatyana in 1958-59. For some period, a young family lived in Malaysia, where in the summer of 1960, his daughter Karina was born. And in the 64th, he already divorced his first wife and was single when he met Nadezhda Rumyantseva. Since then, a new period has come in his life, which lasted as long as 42 years before she left him in another world.


Meeting with Hope

As Khshtoyan and Rumyantseva later admitted, when they met and even met, neither he nor she could imagine that they would have something serious. However, it turned out that this is fate! By 1964, both Willie and Nadezhda had already managed to be married and divorced once. The diplomat never told the press about the reasons for the divorce from his wife, but Nadia and her husband broke up because of a mismatch of views on life, and besides, she did not want to leave with her husband Vladimir to some provincial city where he was sent to work in the theater.

What did Willy Hstoyan like her? Biography, of course, with the exception of the fact of divorce, he was enviable. After all, an employee of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the country then, people in the diplomatic service were considered to be representatives of a completely different, privileged caste. While many did not even dream of seeing the countries of the socialist camp, diplomats cruised around the world. But we do not think that it was this opportunity that attracted Hope. Willy, by the time they met, had already visited many countries and was an interesting conversationalist, he could talk about such things, the existence of which most Soviet people did not even suspect. Nadia was fascinating with him, and he was interested with Nadia, cheerful, relaxed, with a sense of humor.



Once at a friend’s birthday party, Willy Khshtoyan, a young diplomat who served in the department of foreign trade, met the famous film artist Nadezhda Rumyantseva, who was known throughout the Union. After a busy day at the ministry, he really wanted to relax with his friends and had an interesting time. Nadia was the queen of this party. She generally knew how to create an aura of goodwill and fun around herself. She kept telling some funny stories and jokes, dancing with everyone in a row. However, the restrained Caucasian diplomat aroused special interest in her. He was not like the rest of the men with whom she had previously known. In a word, they were attracted to each other by something that was unusual for everyone.

The main thing is to take the initiative in your own hands

By the end of the evening, they were fascinated by each other, but Nadezhda took the initiative to develop further relations in her own hands. Firstly, when she saw that Willy was going to leave, she informed everyone that she was also leaving the party, and then asked the diplomat if he was going to accompany her. Of course, Khshtoyan was glad to accompany the beautiful actress, however, her directness at first surprised him. And when he out of habit was going to stop the taxi, she offered to walk to her house. It was freezing outside, and she lived in the vicinity of the Aeroport metro station. But they had the opportunity to get to know each other better during a long walk.

Beginning of a serious relationship

By the end of the first day of acquaintance, when the couple reached the porch of the actress’s house, again at the initiative of Nadezhda they exchanged phone numbers. Of course, she called first. For some time Nadya called him in the evenings, and they chatted for a long time on the phone about anything or everything. And once on New Year's Eve, the actress called Willie and asked him about how he was going to celebrate the holiday. He had no special plans. The daughter was in Tanya’s house, and, therefore, he will spend the night with his parents at the plentiful Armenian table. However, Nadezhda offered him another scenario for the celebration of the New Year: to go with her to the Artist’s House and cheerfully mark him in the cast of actors. That's how Willy Hshtoyan met 1964. His biography (see photo in the article) seemed to go in a completely different direction. After all, everyone who knew Hope could not have thought that she was ready to leave the stage for a long time for her husband. Everything was just that, but let's not get ahead of ourselves …


Living together

After New Year's Eve held together, they began to live not spill water. She invited him to her apartment. He introduced Nadia to her parents, and they very much loved her, open, friendly, sincere and warm. Good relations were also established with little Karina. They first met at the theater. The girl gave Nadezhda flowers, and she embracing her, led her backstage to show all kinds of miracles. Karina was delighted with her. They talked a lot, and Willy was pleased that his new wife (despite the fact that they were not officially painted, Willy considered Nadia his legal wife and represented her to everyone in this way) gets along with her daughter. For three years they lived as cohabitants, relaxed together, went to cinema and restaurants, took Karina to children's performances, etc.


Introduction to Armenian culture

When Willy went on business trips, Nadezhda was waiting for him, and on the day of her return, she prepared delicious Armenian dishes for her beloved. For a short time communicating with Willy's mom, she tried to learn the tricks of Armenian cuisine from her. And soon many of her dishes were no worse than those of the Armenians themselves. She especially prepared Armenian dolma with grape leaves and even made garlic-matsoniya sauce for her. In addition, she tried to memorize some Armenian words and even whole expressions, and then surprised her beloved with her knowledge in his native language. There were times when Nadya went on a business trip to appear in some picture somewhere in the provincial town of Mother Russia. And then Willy had to get bored in their Moscow apartment. He often called her in the evenings and complained of loneliness.


After three years of marriage, the couple signed. This time, the initiator was Willy Hshtoyan. His biography in 1967 was replenished with another important event - his repeated marriage to the famous actress Nadezhda Rumyantseva, known throughout the Soviet Union. Before that, he was silent and did not offer her to marry him, and she said that the seal in her passport was nothing compared to their love. So what happened? That year, Willy received the position of sales representative in Egypt. He no longer imagined his life without Nadia and announced in the Foreign Ministry that he would go there with her, which officials from the ministry demanded to provide a stamp in the passport. Arriving home, he told Nadia that they must submit documents to the registry office and that they would soon go to Egypt for a long time. And in a narrow circle of the closest, a wedding ceremony took place. As a result, Nadezhda Rumyantseva was marked in the column “spouse”, and Willy Vartanovich Khshtoyan was marked “spouse”. His biography, his personal life went in a new direction.


Life abroad

For as many as 10 years, the couple settled in Cairo. Here they led an eventful life, attended social events, receptions, etc. Nadia, in order not to face her, studied English. She translated the sales and, together with her teacher, learned several of her favorite jokes. She had a sense of tact and style, and her diplomatic spouse did not have to blush for her wife. In the summer, Karina flew to visit them. Billy Khshtoyan felt like an absolutely happy person. However, he did not suspect that his wife, for complete happiness, needed her own child, whom she never gave birth to.

After return

After returning to Moscow, everyone began to go about their own business. However, Willy was against Nadia disappearing on the set for a long time and would return to the career of the actress. She became the host of the children's program “Alarm Clock”, and also voiced many of the series that all the Soviet people loved to watch in the late 80s. After the collapse of the USSR, Willy, although he continued to work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, also did some business. Once, bandits attacked their house. The couple struggled with them for a long time. Nadia did not leave her husband in trouble and clung to one of the bandits. Here is such a fragile woman! After that, they decided to move to live in the village, and right under the side of Putin’s suburban residence. Once, when Willy was on a business trip, Nadia became ill, and she fell on concrete, hit her head. The husband who returned from the trip insisted that she be admitted to the hospital and undergo a thorough examination. A hematoma appeared in my head. After the treatment was carried out, Nadia returned to her beloved home, but became very cold, and she had to go to the hospital again. Soon, Nadezhda Rumyantseva died of pneumonia, leaving her beloved spouse alone. So where is Willy Hstoyan doing now?