
Vladimir Palikhata: photo, biography, family, raider status

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Vladimir Palikhata: photo, biography, family, raider status
Vladimir Palikhata: photo, biography, family, raider status

The dizzying career of Vladimir Palikhata leaves no one indifferent. Who is he? How does he succeed?

Interesting and curious: the ex-head of the Rosenergomash industrial concern Palihata voted for Ksenia Sobchak in the 2018 presidential election. He actively supports her policy and acts as her sponsor.


Vladimir Mironovich Palikhata is widely known as the founder of the Legacy Capital investment group. He is also the head of the Legacy Square Capital investment fund, and since 2012 - the president of the Chess Federation of Moscow.

It is clearly different from others.


Future entrepreneur Vladimir Mironovich Palikhata was born in Ukraine. September 23, 1967 in the village of Zolotniki, Terebovlyansky district, Ternopil region, a boy Volodya was born, a future public figure and philanthropist.


After serving in the army from 1985 to 1987, Vladimir entered the Borschevsky Electrotechnical College, studied the specialty "Electromechanic". In this institution later received a bachelor's degree. In 1991, having received a diploma, he moved to Moscow. He dreamed of conquering, earning, becoming rich and successful.

Palihata entered the Moscow State Academy of Business Administration. He studied the organization’s competitiveness management at the Faculty of Management. At this university, he acquired a master's degree.

For further practice and the implementation of his achievements, Palikhata chose electrical engineering enterprises, because he graduated from the corresponding technical school and worked initially in this sector.

He managed to do just incredible things. He brilliantly brought together the assets of the largest Russian and Ukrainian manufacturers of industrial products, headed the largest electrical engineering concern in our country, and later received 75% of his shares in his property.

From Ukraine, Kherson CJSC EKEM, Novokakhovsky Electromechanical Plant, production organizations Etal and Elektromashina entered the united company.

The talented manager Vladimir Palikhata decided to transfer his entire experience to scientific work, leaving a trace of himself in history. In 2011, he became a candidate of economic sciences, defending a dissertation on the topic "Management of the balanced development of innovation and investment cycles in enterprises of power engineering". He prepared his work on the basis of the Rosenergomash enterprise.

A family

"Simple Ukrainian guy" Volodymyr Palikhata is a supporter of patriarchal views on lifestyle, but personal prefers not to advertise.

According to the businessman, for him family is the main investment. He believes that investing resources in the younger generation in his family is the best that a person can do. Vladimir Palikhata and his wife have three children. All his free time, which he does not have so much, he tries to spend with them.

Almost nothing is known about the details of the businessman’s personal life, but from an interview with him one can conclude that the wife of Vladimir Mironovich Palikhata loves and knows how to cook. According to the businessman, he loves home meals, feasts, noisy songs. To create culinary masterpieces, a personal chef is assigned to help the spouse - a person who deserves high trust from Vladimir.

Love for tasty and healthy food prompted Palihat to buy a restaurant at the Central House of Writers. According to the businessman, it is a great pleasure to feed people and understand that they get satisfaction from this, that they like quality food.

It is known that Vladimir has a brother, Ivan Mironovich Palikhat, who owns (or owned) 10% of the company OAO Giprokhim.

All by myself!


Palihata began from scratch, no one stood behind him. His parents are from the village. How can they help? Vladimir is a vivid example of a man who created his own business and made himself famous without any patronage. Tenacity, tenacity, the ability to use the situation to one’s own advantage are his main professional qualities. Our hero is talented and intelligent, visionary and wise.

The biography of Vladimir Palikhata is amazing and full of all kinds of events. His life is constant balancing on a rope and walking along the tip of a knife. But he likes it, without it he can no longer live, this is his style. Maybe he should write a book, like the British billionaire Richard Branson, whose amazing story of the realization of the "great dream of man" and advice to novice entrepreneurs are thundering around the world? Memoirs from Vladimir Palikhata are likely to be very popular and will be of great commercial benefit.

Palihata did not trade in natural resources, like most oligarchs. He chose a complex industry - electrical engineering, which in Russia did not have the slightest hint of competitiveness, compared with progressive, technically sophisticated equipment and technology. One phrase "domestic engineering" caused a bitter smile for most Russians. But Palihata relied on this industry. Started with her. And then he acted, basing his decisions on the conjuncture.

How it all began, or the dashing nineties

This era in the history of our country is far from mixed. Indecisive compatriots swallowed a whirlpool of poverty, while the more resourceful spun the cycle of business activity. From 1991 to 1993, Vladimir worked as a forwarding manager, holding a leadership position in a trade and purchasing cooperative. He gained experience and ability to communicate with people. Having earned some money, in 1993 he left to trade on the exchange as an independent trader. Was he lucky there? Maybe yes. Since 1997, he began to engage in real business, leaving investment activities.

Only the one who was just born did not hear about Legacy Capital. The investment group was created by Vladimir Palikhata in 2001. Her task was to “reanimate” the problematic and undervalued assets of the countries of Europe and the CIS and their subsequent management. Vladimir had both experience and accumulated funds for the successful start of the project, as well as for the formation of the Legacy Square Capital LP fund in 2015.

The Palihata Foundation invested about a quarter of a million dollars in “emergency assets”. According to the organization’s representative, it’s precisely the time that any company stays in a debt hole and engaged in lenders with creditors is ideal in order to “intervene” in its affairs, solve its problems and achieve its goals.

The company has been successfully operating for 15 years. The total investment amounted to about $ 200 million. Palihata with his like-minded people implemented about 15 projects not only in Russia and Ukraine, but also in Europe. Among them, for example, Iskitim-Cement, Moscow department store, and Kontaktor OJSC are the leading Ulyanovsk enterprises.


Priority Legacy management considered enterprises with a high share of tangible assets, which allowed to minimize risks and ensure a stable financial flow. In particular, this is real estate, retail, industry, petrochemical production in the CIS.


The famous brainchild of Vladimir is the single Rosenergomash concern, of which he is president. It was created as a result of asset consolidation. In particular, the Kontaktor enterprise, the Ukrainian factories Yuzhelektromash - New Kakhovka and Elektromashina - Kharkiv became part of the concern. True, Kontaktor was soon bought out (they say, at a very competitive price) by the French Legrand group of companies. The transaction was conducted through Vetron NV, a major shareholder in an industrial organization.

Today, the work of the Palikhata structure of Vladimir Mironovich is quieting down a bit. His activity at Rosenergomash, if not stopped, is gradually coming to naught.


Chess king

They say that Palihata controls dozens of enterprises, the owner of which, of course, is not he, but dummies. Each time his schemes are unique. In the photo, Vladimir Palikhata always looks fresh, fit, confident, ready for battle and victory.

His trump card is the mind. He loves to play chess, which helps him in his work. It seems that he perfectly knows how to calculate moves, possessing a very perspicacious thinking. Here is another interesting fact from his personal life: Vladimir Palikhata, on the basis of a love of chess, made friends with the first president of Kalmykia, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov. He also loves this wonderful game.



It is known that for some time Vladimir was engaged in the coffee business. They say his activities were illegal. He organized the underground production of Nescafe coffee. For such illegal activities, Vladimir Palikhata spent about a year in jail. His coffee business flourished until 2000. It so happened that the plant was discovered by law enforcement. About 700 thousand empty cans with the marking "Nescafe" and a lid for them were found in its workshops. The investigators found that the profit from the sale of each can of fake coffee was $ 1.5. Palihata signed all the documents of this organization, held a key position, but was released from the pre-trial detention center under an amnesty. Since then, he has not signed a single document. They say that in the Palihat pre-trial detention center Vladimir Mironovich did not like very much.

Russian Robin Hood

In 2006, Vladimir received British citizenship (the media have such data), began to create a positive image for himself, wanting to become a secular, respected person. He perfectly understood that one should be well characterized by behavior and deeds.

Since then, the biography of Vladimir Palikhata was replenished not only with operations with business assets. He easily allocated funds for projects in the field of health and sports, did not deprive attention and money on projects for the development and health of children.

In particular, its Rosenergomash concern officially sponsors the Russian National Olympic Committee. Significant amounts from the philanthropist receive and the Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics, and the Academy of Sports Vladislav Tretyak. He also funded a children's rehabilitation program in the Republic of Kalmykia.

Russian cinema has also repeatedly received financial support from him, for example, the annual Nika Award regularly receives financial gifts from the Palikhata Fund.

Conflict with the law

The first time Vladimir Palikhata came into conflict with the law in 2000, when he was accused of fraud with coffee. For some time he was in custody. The case was closed quickly.

In 2010, they demanded a bribe of $ 15 million from Vladimir Palikhaty. The detectives detained little-known Sergey Kerimov. A series of investigations stretched, which led to the offices of the TFR, the prosecutor's office and other important departments.

Raiders today

Raiders were lucky in the 1990s. They caught the wave in time and made money on "special situations", restructuring, and the crisis of enterprises. Today they spend seized capital for peaceful purposes, creating funds or engaging in investment activities.

"Cheap" invaders of the beginning of the 21st century and are not suited for those who "worked" in the nineties. Is capturing an enterprise with a turnover of 10 million rubles a raiding? Today, someone is robbing, committing fraud with apartments, someone appropriating small offices.

Real raiders are intellectuals. They are smart, they do everything quietly, imperceptibly, gracefully, as in detective stories and novels. How does Palikhata Vladimir Mironovich work? A raider is too crude a definition for him. He does nothing directly and does not shine anywhere. His whole life looks very dignified.


Sell ​​Moscow

This was one of the projects in which Palihata took part and did not hide it. The most luxurious store of Soviet times, the third after TsUM and GUM, ingloriously "wilted" after perestroika.

Since 2003, raider attempts on the department store began. In 2015, our hero (according to some people) sold it. Optima Development has become a buyer of the company. Apparently, the state of Vladimir Palikhata after this transaction increased significantly, because, according to experts, the cost of the department store amounted to about $ 60 million.

Who shod whom

The company "Centrobuv" began to experience difficulties with re-lending - banks with state participation failed to do this, because the company has already received a series of claims from creditors. Palihata bought out the company's debts, providing it with liquidity. Rumor has it that for this financial assistance he received a controlling stake in Centrobuvi, although this has not been proven. Palikhata’s entry into the shareholders was not considered by the shareholders of the company.

The ubiquitous media reports that all Centrobuv accounts have been transferred to Binbank, and raider Vladimir Palikhata has gained full access to operational management. As a result of these manipulations, he managed to save about 300 stores that were transferred to FashionShoes. By restarting the project, external debt, which is currently $ 140 million, and part of the internal (in the amount of about 1.6 billion rubles) will be partially repaid.

They say that Palihata plans to build a new business empire as a legal entity.

Periodicals come in handy


The biography of Vladimir Palikhata as a publisher began in 2017, when he acquired a license to issue the Russian version of Inc. magazine The businessman also owns Our Heritage magazine, published under the eponymous charity foundation, founded in 2012.

Rumor has it that he also wants to buy Forbes magazine and has sent an offer to buy the publication to the head of the Russian version of Alexander Fedotov. The appraisers are still silent about the amount of the transaction for the acquisition of the magazine, since it is necessary to conduct an audit of the financial condition of the publication. The media report that Vladimir was refused, despite the fact that he is ready to pay a bonus in addition to the amount mentioned. Its size is about 30 million rubles, but the state of Vladimir Mironovich Palikhata will easily allow you to say goodbye to such money if the project is really promising and worthwhile.

Knowing about his ability to achieve his goals, we can safely say that Palihata just will not give up. Perhaps a huge publishing house of the business press will soon appear under the leadership of Vladimir. Inc. Magazine focused on small business, Forbes audience - large businessmen. This is a great alliance.