
Vladislav Dvorzhetsky: biography, personal life, filmography, photo. The cause of death of Dvorzhetsky Vladislav Vatslavovich

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Vladislav Dvorzhetsky: biography, personal life, filmography, photo. The cause of death of Dvorzhetsky Vladislav Vatslavovich
Vladislav Dvorzhetsky: biography, personal life, filmography, photo. The cause of death of Dvorzhetsky Vladislav Vatslavovich

Pilot Burton in Solaris and Alexander Ilyin in Sannikov Land, captain Nemo in the television movie of the same name and battalion commander Nikitin in No Return, Count in Return of St. Luke and White Guard Khludov in Bulgakov’s Run … Yes, not all roles brought him satisfaction. But he continued to play anyway. Vehemently. With great enthusiasm and desire to create a Masterpiece. This is all about him, about one of the best actors in Soviet cinema. So, Vladislav Dvorzhetsky, one of the representatives of the Dvorzhetsky clan.


On April 26, 1939, a boy was born in the acting family, who was named Vladislav. His parents were people who had first-hand knowledge of art. Dad - the famous Soviet actor Vaclav Yanovich Dvorzhetsky, while studying at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute, at the same time he graduated from a theater studio at the Polish Theater. His mother was the ballerina Taisiya Vladimirovna Ray (Dvorzhetskaya), she studied at the Vaganova Leningrad Choreographic School. This is what a wonderful family the future hero of films of the Soviet Union Vladislav Dvorzhetsky grew up in.

Fate of parents

Mom and dad Vladislav met in Omsk in 1937. It was there that Vaclav Dvorzhetsky was serving his exile after serving eight years for "counter-revolutionary activities." After some time, their son was born - Vladislav Dvorzhetsky. The family was strong and friendly. But three years after the birth of the baby, his father was arrested a second time. He was again sent to prison. At that time, while he was behind bars, he became acquainted with a civilian employee, as a result of which his daughter Tatyana was born.

Mama Vladika from this incident received a huge and rather painful blow. She could not forget and forgive her husband’s betrayal. She waited in 1946, when the term ended, and filed for divorce. She suffered very much from the betrayal of her beloved husband, but she found strength in herself and did not forbid the boy to meet with dad.


At the very beginning of the fifties, the father created a third family with actress Riva Levita. Vladislav Dvorzhetsky, whose photo later appeared on the pages of glossy publications, just celebrated his eleventh birthday. He was able to make friends in a new stepmother.

Where to go, where to go?

Pope Vladik and his third wife leave for Saratov in 1955. There they begin to work in the city drama theater. With them leaves on the banks of the Volga and Vladislav Dvorzhetsky. But their quiet family life lasted a very short time. Once, without saying a word to any of the adults, Vladik disappeared somewhere. With this act, he badly patted the nerves of his father and stepmother, who were very worried and worried about the boy, because they were sure that he was offended for something. But some time passes, and they receive a message. Young Dvorzhetsky Vladislav Vatslavovich wrote a letter to them, in which he said that he was now in Omsk, where he entered the local military medical school.

It was with great pleasure that he attended a training course, devoting all his free time to amateur performances. It is Vladik who becomes the ideological inspirer in the school, the main organizer and the best participant in most of the productions that students come up with. In his diaries of that period of his life, he has a lot of peculiar compositions devoted to the life of future medical workers.

Army and family

Vladislav Dvorzhetsky, a biography whose personal life has always been interested in admirers of his talent from the moment he gained popularity, graduates from a medical school, and in the summer of 1959 he was drafted into the Soviet Army for a service that took place in Sakhalin (this is the Far East). He was a regiment senior paramedic. The service occupied almost all of his time, and if there was a free minute, Dvorzhetsky used it to develop amateur productions so that his colleagues would not be bored during the holidays.


After demobilization, he decides to stay there. He starts working as the head of a local pharmacy and marries. In this marriage, his eldest child is born - son Alexander (b. 1962). Unfortunately, the newlyweds were not able to save the family, and two years later they divorced.


Dvorzhetsky Vladislav Vatslavovich returns to his mother in Omsk. Now he is sure that he just needs to go to medical school. But this goal could not be realized, because the reception of documents has already been completed. Mom, trying to help her beloved son (so that he does not lose a whole year), offers him another option for the development of events: documents can be submitted to the studio at the Omsk Youth Theater, which only recently opened its doors to everyone. In the group of students, Dvorzhetsky becomes a leader, because he is older than the rest of the guys - yesterday's schoolchildren, and more experienced than them. Dvorzhetsky Vladislav, an actor beloved by several generations of Soviet spectators, studied with pleasure and interest, eagerly comprehending all the wisdom of the actor’s skill.

Pope Vladislav in 1960 gives birth to a son Eugene (the same Eugene Dvorzhetsky, who will continue the acting dynasty, he played many interesting roles in the movie).

New family and career

In the mid-sixties, Vladislav Dvorzhetsky (the growth of the actor was also interested in his fans) was approved in the troupe of the Omsk Regional Drama Theater with his second wife Svetlana. Acquaintance with this girl took place during her studies. Soon their daughter Lidochka was born.


The sixties are coming to an end. Theater career is not very well formed. The main roles bypass the actor. He gets only episodic roles. More and more often in the head of Dvorzhetsky appears the idea that he needs to move to another theater. But it was simply impossible to go. To change the place of work, one of the conditions was the invitation of some director. I would have to wait a very long time. But then a happy accident intervened in the fate of Dvorzhetsky.

Bulgakov "Running"

1968 year. At Mosfilm, preparations are underway for the filming of Every Night at Eleven. An assistant director arrives in Omsk to search for texture actors at the request of Samson Samsonov himself. Natalya Koreneva (assistant) was shown exactly him, so interesting and unusual: a handsome, tall man who had amazing eyes and a surprisingly high forehead. Koreneva took several of his photographs. Vladislav Dvorzhetsky, whose biography soon changed very much, gave pictures, completely not hoping for a positive response from the director.

By the way, the actor was absolutely right: he did not get into this film. However, several months pass, and the photographs accidentally fall into the hands of directors who are just starting to shoot the film "Running." When they carefully examined the actor in the pictures, they realized that they needed him.


Vladislav Dvorzhetsky, whose filmography was now beginning to fill up with wonderful roles, always remembered the waiting time with invariable warmth and awe. When they sent him a telegram inviting him to film screenings, he immediately grabbed the volume of Mikhail Bulgakov to refresh the memory of the work. They thought for a long time with his wife what role they would be offered. It was the wife who guessed, because she suggested that it would be Khludov. But Dvorzhetsky very modestly assessed his strength, so he did not even hope to translate this character on the screen. And the directors immediately warned Vladislav that they would look at him a little.

Indeed, the aspiring actor tried on other roles. And finally, Dvorzhetsky was invited to the shooting for the second time, where it turns out that he was approved precisely for the role of Khludov. He was very worried, because the work began with a very complicated scene in the train compartment. As a result, he did an excellent job with his debut role.

A cinematic career, moreover, in the role of an enemy, like that of Vladislav, almost at the same time began with his father - Vaclav Yanovich. It was a very famous and beloved by millions of viewers picture of Vladimir Basov "Shield and Sword."

New roles

Filming in the debut picture was just completed, and Dvorzhetsky Vladislav Vatslavovich, whose filmography began to rapidly replenish, was already invited to shoot another tape. This is detective "The Return of St. Luke." And it’s also necessary to star in Mosfilm. Once again he will play a negative character. This will be a thief-recidivist Karabanov, whose nickname is Graf. True, at first it was decided that he would be played by Georgy Zhzhenov. The leadership of Mosfilm opposed. It considered Zhzhenov extremely positive, therefore, simply did not allow him to play the role of a bandit. A proposal was made to give this role to one of the young, novice actors. At the Dvorzhetsky film career was just beginning, he was still little known. So it was approved. To create a stronger effect, the actor did not make up. For baldness, the members of the film crew called him Skull, which Dvorzhetsky, however, was not offended.

The first two in the filmography of the Dvorzhetsky picture were released simultaneously in 1971. And then, millions of Soviet television viewers became fans of the talent of this actor.

"Sannikov Land" and others

Another great movie work by Vladislav Dvorzhetsky was the small role of the pilot Burton in the film “Solaris”. To star in Tarkovsky was a huge and, as it once seemed, pipe dream. And yet it came true. To work with the great director, he even refused an invitation to Anton Chekhov’s movie screening of “My Life, ” where, incidentally, his father was invited.

Yes, everything seemed to work out with the movie. But his Moscow life turned out to be completely unsettled: there was no money, no registration. He wandered around friends, which is why he could not afford to transport his wife and daughter to the capital. The actor really did not want to return to work in a theater in Omsk. Gradually, his family union disintegrates, and Vladislav Vatslovich is completely immersed in cinematic work.

Now his life was in constant traveling. All the time he flew somewhere on airplanes, rode trains, slept in various hotels. He had to play travelers and bandits, doctors and pilots, journalists and pundits, fascist and white guard officers. Some directors used only his unusual appearance. In some films, Dvorzhetsky himself found a solution to the question of how to escape from one-sidedness, to reveal the spiritual face of the hero. After all, he understood that there was a lot of potential in him, and sometimes they wanted very little from him on the set.


The spring of 1972 brought Dvorzhetsky work on a new painting - “Sannikov Land”. His character is the organizer of the campaign to an inaccessible place on the planet, political exile Alexander Ilyin. Vladislav was spiritualized, he was sure that this role would be one of the best in his career. But everything went wrong. In the process of filming, the actor disagrees so much about how to play the character with the directors that even after the scandal he is even going to stop working (in the company of Oleg Dal). By some miracle, they remain on the set and finish work on the film, which was subsequently very highly appreciated by the audience.

Another picture that added to the actor’s popularity is the adventure film Captain Nemo. The main role was played by Dvorzhetsky. He shared the set with Mikhail Kononov, Marianna Vertinskaya, Vladimir Talashko.

With great interest, the audience also met the role of St. Anthony (the play "Miracle"), which the actor played in 1976. In parallel with the play, he worked on the main role in the television movie (filming from the capital was transferred to Yalta). Under the new year of 1977, he falls into the Livadia hospital, where doctors inform him of two heart attacks suffered in the past month. This was a direct result of the frantic rhythm of the work in which the actor existed.

last love

It was hard for him from another failure in his personal life. There was a divorce. The son Dmitry remained with his father. And Dvorzhetsky was worried about the eldest offspring, because he now lived with him. The actor did not have his apartment, he now constantly disappeared in film expeditions, so I had to take my eldest son to a boarding school.


After another attack, the doctors saved the life of the actor, and in February 1977 Vladislav Dvorzhetsky returned to Moscow. His personal life began to gradually improve, because his beloved woman was waiting for him in the capital. They met just six months before the actor’s illness. And on this New Year, she and Sasha (the son of Dvorzhetsky) were waiting for him. Vladislav asked to inform about the disease and the hospital. And she flew in, not thinking about whether they would let her in, whether she could get to him. The main thing is to be near your beloved. It was the new darling who constantly reassured him, convincing that everything would be fine, everything would surely work out.

Together they were a whole year and a half. Only a year and a half … Finally, the apartment appeared, about which Vladislav had dreamed for so long. Equipped the home with the whole family. Mom and son Sasha drove there. His daughter Lydia also lived in this apartment, but already after Dvorzhetsky died.