
Residence permit in the Czech Republic: how to get a residence permit for Russians

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Residence permit in the Czech Republic: how to get a residence permit for Russians
Residence permit in the Czech Republic: how to get a residence permit for Russians

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The Czech Republic is an economically stable state located almost in the center of Europe. The favorable geographical position allows the Czech Republic to conduct active trade with EU members and attract foreign investment. This, in turn, leads to an increase in incomes and increases their social security. All this makes this state very attractive for emigrants from Russia who dream of living in Europe, but with difficulty representing a radical change in climate and adaptation among people with a different mentality. After all, the Czechs seem to our compatriots the closest and most understandable people among whom it will be very comfortable to live. But is it really so? And how difficult is it to obtain a residence permit in the Czech Republic? Today we will answer all your questions regarding this current topic.


A few words about the Czech Republic

What do we know about this country, which looks so beautiful on advertising posters in travel agencies? Almost nothing. Surprisingly, most Russians think of moving to the Czech Republic after a regular tourist trip. And this is not surprising, because travelers are presented with the most beautiful corners of the Czech Republic, neat streets of cities and friendly faces of local residents who are confident in the future. Naturally, after such paintings every second tourist begins to dream of moving to the Czech Republic. But do not rush, think a little about the place where you are striving to leave.

It so happened historically that the Czech Republic was almost a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire for almost three hundred years. However, the Czechs did their best to preserve their nation and, worth noting, succeeded in this. Today, more than ninety percent of the country's inhabitants are Czechs and only six percent of the population are gypsies who came from the former Soviet republics and Poland. It is also worth knowing that in this state the highest population density among all European countries. This means that obtaining a residence permit (residence permit) in the Czech Republic will be very difficult, and even more difficult to become a full citizen of the state.

The difficulties of living in the Czech Republic

We will definitely tell you how to get a residence permit in the Czech Republic, but do not forget that when you adapt to new living conditions, you will have to face a number of difficulties.

First of all, your integration will be hindered by the language barrier. Despite the fact that the Czech language belongs to the Slavic group, it is considered one of the most inaccessible to study. Even those who have been living in the country for more than five years cannot boast of a competent speech without an accent. In the Czech Republic, English is not useful to you, because only a small part of intelligent youth speak it. But the local older population chooses German as an alternative language. It speaks quite well a lot of Czechs.

Obtaining a residence permit for Russians in the Czech Republic is not a very simple procedure, but it does not take too much time. But a job search can drag on for months. The fact is that there are no high salaries in the country, and therefore there is no big gap between the lowest and highest wages. Czechs usually hold on to their jobs and rarely change activities. And this is understandable, because in the new position they will not receive a lot of money. Therefore, foreigners get only the most prestigious job that still needs to be found.

If everything we told you did not make you change your mind and refuse to move to this small country, then in the following sections of the article we will tell you how to get a residence permit in the Czech Republic.


Residence permit: who is entitled to it

Under the legislation, a residence permit in the Czech Republic can be obtained for various reasons. Without this document, you can stay in the country for no more than three months according to the affixed Schengen visa. In order to continue to live in the Czech Republic and be able to obtain a residence permit, you need to fall into the following categories:

  • student studying at a Czech university;

  • an entrepreneur who has registered a company in the country.

Also, many seek to become the holder of the coveted blue EU card, having a contract in their hands confirming employment, while others are trying to get a residence permit in the Czech Republic through the purchase of real estate.

Authorities issuing documents regulating residence in the country

In order to obtain a residence permit in the Czech Republic, you must contact the local police station. It is these bodies that are involved in the reception and consideration of documents from foreigners.

If after checking the application it is satisfied, then the foreigner receives a long-term visa, which gives the right to live in the Czech Republic for three months. During this time, it is necessary to submit your biometric data in the same police department, and only after that a residence permit in the Czech Republic is issued.

Keep in mind that when changing any data specified in this card, you must immediately inform the relevant authorities. Typically, a residence permit upon initial registration is issued for a period of one year. In the future, a residence permit can be extended for two or ten years. After five years living in the territory of the state, any foreigner can apply for citizenship. But we will not touch on this topic in the article.


Documents for obtaining a residence permit

When applying to a police station in order to obtain a residence permit in the Czech Republic, our compatriot or any other foreign citizen should have the following package of papers with him:

  • international passport;

  • two photographs of the established sample;

  • a certificate confirming that the applicant is not convicted and is not currently under investigation;

  • documents revealing the place of residence in the country (this is especially true when applying for a residence permit in the Czech Republic when buying real estate);

  • bank statement from the applicant’s account (each applicant must have at least two hundred eighty thousand rubles in the account).

Depending on the category to which the person applying for a residence permit belongs, the police may require a number of additional documents confirming their involvement in a particular declared group.

Residence permit: business in the Czech Republic

Many Russians take advantage of the fact that entrepreneurs who have opened their own business in the Czech Republic can freely obtain a residence permit. This procedure does not take more than two months and is the most convenient legal way of all possible to live in peace in the country.

The general rules for this category are pretty blurry:

  • a foreign citizen must provide an extract from the register where his company will be listed, registered in the Czech Republic;

  • not violate the law and pay taxes to the state treasury;

  • a new firm should be useful to the country's economy.

However, in reality, according to the Russians who have already received a residence permit, everything is much simpler.

At the moment in the Czech Republic there are a lot of companies that help foreign citizens to correctly and quickly register a new company. Keep in mind that this procedure takes about a month, and do not trust those organizations that promise to do everything in a couple of weeks. It is simply not possible.

Most firms opened in this way work only on paper, but they cannot be eliminated. Otherwise, the owner immediately loses the right to extend the residence permit in the Czech Republic. Do not forget to hand over the annual balance and receive mail arriving at the address of your organization. Otherwise, you will be interested in the relevant authorities, and as a result of the check, a fictitious company may be liquidated.

Keep in mind that under Czech law the first three years your company can take a zero balance. In the future, you will have to show small income. Income tax is thirty-five percent of the amount, but thanks to some organizations, taxes can be significantly reduced. Many foreigners pay no more than two hundred euros per year. It is in this amount that a residence permit in the country costs them.


Where can I get an extract from the registry?

An extract in the Czech Republic is issued by a district court. After the request is made, you will be given a paper in your hands, which will indicate the date of registration of the company, legal address and form, as well as the subject of activity. Please note that in the Czech Republic any business activity must be licensed. This must be remembered when filling out the necessary package of documents.


Official employment

Of course, they do not go to the Czech Republic for a long ruble, but official employment guarantees a foreign citizen a residence permit during the entire period of work.

If you are an excellent specialist and have an offer from Czech companies, then you can take this opportunity and live legally for several years in the Czech Republic. Two types of contract fall into this category:

  • The first is executed with specialists in any field, regardless of qualifications. Having an agreement with the Czech authorities, you can live and work in the country for at least two years. In the future, you have the opportunity to extend your stay in the Czech Republic.

  • The second contract is executed only with highly qualified specialists who plan to work in scarce posts. In this case, the salary of foreigners must exceed the Czech average salary, and the labor contract is concluded only for one year.

The Czech authorities issue a residence permit to anyone who concludes one of these contracts. In the event of a change of place of work, a foreign citizen must immediately report this to the police. Keep in mind that after the termination or expiration of the employment contract, the extension of the residence permit will no longer be possible.


Education in the Czech Republic

Students have the right to reside in the country throughout the entire period of study. They can enter absolutely any Czech university, this does not matter when applying for a residence permit.

When submitting a petition, it is necessary to submit papers from a higher educational institution confirming receipt, and documents showing the applicant's solvency. If the student has not yet reached the age of majority, then he will need additional parental consent. Without it, you will not receive a residence permit in the Czech Republic.

Residence permit and real estate in the Czech Republic: myths and reality

Our compatriots often mistakenly believe that buying property in the country will help them obtain a residence permit. However, it is not. Despite the fact that in many countries of the European Union, anyone who buys housing becomes the first applicant for the coveted card, in the Czech Republic they are only talking about this.

Therefore, even having an apartment in Prague, you will have to look for a reason to collect a package of documents for legal residence in the country. But when considering these papers, the Czech authorities always emphasize the fact where the applicant is registered. And the presence of own housing in this case is a huge plus.

If you still can not attribute yourself to any category of foreigners who have the right to apply for a residence permit, then calmly draw up a multi-Schengen immediately for one year. They cannot refuse a homeowner in the Czech Republic.
