
Military units, Naro-Fominsk: list, description and reviews

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Military units, Naro-Fominsk: list, description and reviews
Military units, Naro-Fominsk: list, description and reviews

In recent years, the prestige of the army has grown significantly, but requirements for military personnel have also increased. How soldiers serve, what conditions are provided to them, how parents and other close people visit them - all of these questions are of interest to those who are just going to serve, and the parents of those who are already called up.


Naro-Fominsk: military units

In the Moscow region there are many areas where military units are located. Naro-Fominsk is one of them. Military units are deployed here, in which servicemen from all over the country are gathered. For the most part, these are military units of the famous Kantemirovskaya and Taman guards tank divisions.

In the city itself there are military units, where tankers, missile and paratroopers undergo training and service. In the village of Kalininets, motorized riflemen — the 2nd Guards Taman Division — are located, in the village of Selyatino, signalmen are stationed — the 1st Sevastopol command brigade.

Taman Guards Division

How to find military units in Naro-Fominsk? List of military units of the Taman division:

  • Military unit 23626 - Taman mechanized infantry division.

  • Military unit 31135 - 1st motorized rifle regiment.

  • Military unit 31134 - 15th motorized rifle regiment.

In order to write a letter, you must specify the part number, which must be clarified with the military man. The address must contain: 143370, pos. Kalininets, Narofominsky district of the Moscow region., Part number, last name, name of a soldier.

The Taman Division is deployed in the village of Kalininets, Naro-Fominsk District. Conventionally, it is divided into two parts. The first of them is called Taraskovo. The other is DOS, officer families live here. To get to the second, you need to drive deep into the village to the KECh stop. It is in this area that the apartment-operational part of the division is located.


How to get to the village of Kalininets

In the village Kalininets housed military units. Naro-Fominsk is 74 km from Moscow, Kalininets is 52 km away. Therefore, it is advisable to go to the village directly from Moscow by train or bus.

If you take an electric train from the Belorussky railway station in Moscow, you need to get to the Golitsyno station, from the southern side of which a bus and minibuses bite to Kalinets. Get to the stop Taraskovo or KECh.

If you go by electric train from the Kiev railway station in Moscow, then you need to take a ticket to the Selyatino railway station. A bus runs from the southern part of the station to Kalininets.

From Moscow to Kalininets can be reached by bus number 569. Landing is made from the metro station "South-West". He passes Taraskovo and rides to KECh.

By car, from Moscow to Kalininets can be reached by driving onto the M-3 highway via the MKAD, turn onto Kievskoye Shosse, drive to the Selyatino turn, turn right and drive 6 kilometers to Kalinets, where the checkpoint is located on the left.

The historical path of the Taman Division

The Taman division owes its birth to the 2nd Infantry Division, which received the title of “Guards” after the heroic battles for the city of Smolensk in 1941, with honor passed the military path of World War II, freeing cities and villages from Nazi occupation. For the breakthrough of the Blue Line of the Germans during the liberation of the Taman Peninsula, the division was called Taman. She ended her military career on the Zemland Peninsula, where her final battle took place in late April 1945.


Terms of Service

According to the living conditions of the service, the Taman Division is considered one of the best in Russia. Military personnel live in soldier's dormitories; 4-6 people are accommodated in the rooms. Each has a shower and a bathroom. There are also relaxation rooms, domestic and sports corners, a mini-cinema and a billiard room.

Two large dining rooms in which civilian personnel work. Much time is devoted to strengthening the physical fitness of soldiers, daily sports classes take 4 hours. There are two gyms, a pool. Shooting takes place at the Alabino training ground.


Tank Guards Kantemirovskaya Division

If the place of service of the soldier is Naro-Fominsk, the military units are tank troops, then this means that he is in the 4th separate guards tank Kantemirovskaya division. It is based in Naro-Fominsk. Here, servicemen take the oath and undergo training.

Before choosing a military specialty, psychologists conduct a conversation with the military personnel to determine their suitability. They train fighters on the principle of interchangeability. The tank driver can replace the shooter or vice versa. The conditions for the service are good. Soldiers live in blocks of 4-8 places, each block has two showers. There are equipped rooms for theoretical studies.

Physical training is carried out 4 hours a day, for military training - 25 hours a week. In the dining room, civilian personnel work, the soldiers serve themselves. There are washing machines for washing, the powder is purchased at its own expense.

The historical path of the Kantemirov division

Today, the place of deployment of this military unit is Naro-Fominsk. The military unit is a tank division, the name of which is known throughout the country as the Guards Tank Kantemirov Division. It appeared in 1942, it was then that the 17th Panzer Corps was formed - its ancestor, which in 1943 was given the name "Kantemirovsky" in honor of the village. Upon his release, the tankers distinguished themselves by incredible valor and courage.

Kantemirov tankers participated in the battle of Kursk, liberated the territory of many cities of the USSR, Krakow, Dresden, and Prague. After the war, the reorganized division was located in Naro-Fominsk, where it is today. Division employees actively participated in the settlement of ethnic conflicts in South Ossetia, the Republic of Chechnya, and Kosovo.


Numbers of military units of the Kantemirov division

On the territory of the city there are three military units of this division:

  • Military unit 19612 - military unit in Naro-Fominsk. Tank Guards Kantemirovskaya division.

  • Military unit 31985 - 12th tank regiment of the Kantemirovskaya division.

  • Military unit 32010 - 13th tank regiment of the Kantemirovskaya division.

You can write a letter to a soldier, send a package knowing the location address and part number. If the place of service of the serviceman is Naro-Fominsk (military units), the addresses of any unit are known. The address is written as follows: 143300, the city of Naro-Fominsk, Moscow Region, part number, last name and first name of the soldier.

Rocketeers in Naro-Fominsk

The military unit of the air defense is located in the town of Naro-Fominsk - 202 missile brigade. It is based on the territory of the Kantemirov division. Unit number - military unit 43034.

The brigade is one of the few units that spend several months of the year in training exercises in almost full force. At the Kapustin Yar training ground, missile training launches are being carried out for given targets defined by the exercise plan. From this we can conclude that almost every soldier makes one to two combat launches per year.

The living conditions of the soldiers are very good. They live in the barracks of the “cubic” accommodation option. The room accommodates 6-8 people, equipped recreational facilities, household rooms, dining rooms, where the soldier is served by civilian personnel. Training classes, simulators are equipped.


Marines in Naro-Fominsk

On the territory of the city are landing military units. Naro-Fominsk became the place of deployment of two landing units:

  • Military unit 71298 - of the 107th separate guards anti-aircraft missile and artillery division.

  • Military unit 93723 - 1182th Guards Artillery Regiment of the Airborne Forces.

There is little information about them. But it should be said that the conditions of service of the soldiers are good. Clean blocks for living, in one room there are 12 paratroopers. Equipped household rooms, lounges and classrooms. Most of the time paratroopers spend in training.


1st Sevastopol Management Brigade

Many parents of soldiers want to visit military units. Naro-Fominsk is located not far from Moscow, and it will not be difficult to get there, but this team is at a sufficient distance from the city. It is necessary to clarify the part number and the exact location of the deployment, that is, in which village it is located.

The part number of the 1st command brigade is military unit 55338. The location of the 1st Sevastopol command brigade is the village of Selyatino, Naro-Fominsk district. This unit is part of the communications troops. Address for letters: 143346, p. Selyatino-1, Naro-Fominsky district, Moscow region, part number, surname and name of the fighter.

You can get on the train from the Kiev or Kursk station in Moscow to the Selyatino station. Next, get to the part by taxi.

A bus leaves Moscow from the Yugo-Zapadnaya Station metro station to the village of Kalininets, and then with a transfer, take a bus to Selyatino.