
This is a find: the guy found in the garage of his grandfather "Moskvich-408" in its original form

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This is a find: the guy found in the garage of his grandfather "Moskvich-408" in its original form
This is a find: the guy found in the garage of his grandfather "Moskvich-408" in its original form

The garage, which had not opened for twenty years, kept all this time in itself a surprise. This is an export car Moskvich-408. At the moment, the car is about fifty years old, it was made in order to be sold abroad, but it was delayed in Omsk. This is a rarity, the mileage of which is negligible, compared with its age, the purchase of a new owner cost only ten thousand rubles.

Time Machine

After another blow with a crowbar, the gates finally succumbed. And behind them … It feels like you are participating in the filming of a post-apocalyptic film. A centimeter layer of dust covers the old car, which has already grown strongly into the ground.


But it immediately became clear that the condition of the car was almost perfect, especially when you consider that Moskvich was 52 years old. The last twenty-five years, the car stood motionless, and while it was on the move, it ran only 18 thousand kilometers.


This is a very rare car - a model that should have been sent for export. She has four headlights and a gear lever on the steering wheel. Moskvich has a one-piece front sofa.

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Even with a quick inspection, it was clear that all of its parts are original, even the radio.


The new owner had to dig out a car, which in twenty-five years literally fell into the cellar. But Denis enthusiastically set to work. And this is due not only to the unusual car, but also to the fact that she has known the man since childhood.

Pleasant memories

At one time, the garage was built by Denis's grandfather, but in 1993 he died, and from that moment the garage was empty. For this reason, they were temporarily allowed to use a neighbor who was the owner of a rare car. But he did not use the machine, as he had no rights and did not feel the need for it.

Little Denis often visited this garage and played in the car. But then the garage was bought out, and the boy grew up and stopped going there.


Two decades passed, Denis became very large. And recently, he accidentally walked past his grandfather's garage, he could not resist and shone into the slot inside the room. Imagine his surprise when he discovered a familiar car there!

The man recognized the owner's number in the cooperative garage and, after a successful transaction, became the lucky owner of a rare old car. Cars have not been taken out of the garage since 1995.