the culture

The revival of morality: features, principles and ideas

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The revival of morality: features, principles and ideas
The revival of morality: features, principles and ideas

Video: Natural Law Theory: Crash Course Philosophy #34 2024, June

Video: Natural Law Theory: Crash Course Philosophy #34 2024, June

There is much talk about the revival of spiritual, cultural values, morality, and not only in recent decades. The revival of morality is a topic that always pops up when a state of crisis develops in a country or global changes occur. For example, the need to revive spirituality, culture, morality in Russia was spoken about at the junction of the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. They remembered about this during the Pugachevsky riot and other popular unrest. The tendency to discuss the loss of morality and culture in society is characteristic not only of Russian public figures, but also of those living in other countries. For example, the leaders of the French Revolution spoke and wrote a lot about the loss of a moral core, the loss of morality and being in licentiousness. And the most impressive example of the spiritual revival of the culture of the nation, the acquisition of a moral core, is probably the life story of the Messiah, that is, Christ.

Paradoxically, the argument that the country needs a revival of morality, culture and other human values, as a rule, is combined with some bloody events. Of course, the execution of Jesus is the clearest example of this relationship. If you do not turn to religion, then any of the revolutions, popular unrest and riots, terrorist activity, outbursts of crime and so on can be a historical example of a mutual combination.

What is morality?

The term “morality” is often perceived as a synonym for such concepts as “morality” and “ethics”. Meanwhile, this is a completely independent concept, moreover, it is one of the components of morality.

According to the definition, morality is the totality of certain internal qualities of an individual or society as a whole. The list of these qualities directly depends on the historical features of the development of a nation, its cultural and spiritual values, customs, traditions, accepted lifestyle, predominant occupation and other things.


In general, moral qualities are what an individual or society is guided by when making any important decisions. That is, morality dictates behavior and actions. That is what determines what a person does daily. For example, leisure activities. The choice of entertainment is always due precisely to morality. The method of spending holidays and weekends is also determined by a set of appropriate qualities.

Can morality be different?

The moral renaissance of Russia, the principles of which were partially set forth in the president’s speech in 2006, is considered by many citizens to be a necessity. The president’s speech was called “On State Support for Traditional Folk Culture in Russia” and was published in the press.

The greatest value of the theses formulated by the president is that the morality, traditions and culture of our country are not monolithic. A large number of people of various faiths, occupations, and customs live in Russia. Accordingly, their cultural and moral values ​​are different. Ethical standards, requirements for appearance and behavior are not the same.


But, despite the differences, the Russians are characterized by a set of common moral, moral and cultural values. It was about the need for their preservation and revival that the president spoke.

Does government support moral concerns?

The revival of cultural and moral values ​​is part of the domestic policy of the Russian government. This is a fairly vast area, which includes education, restrictions on certain advertising, the organization of city holidays, festivals, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and religious celebrations, even the improvement of courtyards and streets.

That is, the revival of culture, spirituality, moral and moral qualities is inextricably linked with the way of life and, of course, its quality. Thus, for moral issues, social policy, education, the organization of places of leisure and entertainment, and much more are important. Society is an organism in which everything is interconnected. It is impossible to expect highly moral acts from people who do not feel confident in the future, who are afraid to let their children go for a walk, or who do not have a job with an official salary and much more. You can not arouse interest in the spirituality and culture of the native country among people who count every penny and are not always full.

Accordingly, without the direct participation of the authorities, there can be no question of a revival of morality. At the same time, not only the line outlined by the government of the country, but also the direct actions of the authorities on the ground are important. Of course, an important moment in the policy aimed at reviving the culture of the nation is the cooperation of secular officials with the clergy, leaders of religious and public organizations.

What hinders the revival process?

When television or the press talk about trying to discredit the idea of ​​a revival of morality in our country, they usually lose sight of simple factors. That is, highlighting the rather controversial statements that the very idea of ​​the revival of traditions, spirituality and moral qualities will inevitably lead not to the development of people's self-awareness, patriotism and other things, but to racism, they do not say what directly interferes with this process.

It is possible to discredit the idea of ​​the revival of moral qualities in people at philosophical and political disputes, or it is possible with direct actions. For example, forcibly promoting a healthy lifestyle in provincial cities. Any violence against the will of a person causes opposition on his part. Thus, local authorities do not seek moral growth among citizens, but its even greater decline. But at the same time, in “paper reports” everything looks great.

Example of discrediting an idea with excessive enthusiasm

A striking example of such a planting of a healthy lifestyle, which inevitably should lead to a revival of spiritual and moral values ​​in society, is the dominance of bicycles. Moreover, while in Moscow bicycles are quite organically integrated into the general urban environment, in the province the situation is completely opposite. Cycling is actively advertised by the local media, periodically showing stories with officials, thus getting to work.


Bicycle rental outlets grow like mushrooms after rain, renting this vehicle in the center of a provincial town is much easier than finding a parking space. Meanwhile, there are no lanes for cyclists. There are no signaling devices on the bikes themselves. Of how many walking pedestrians were frightened by supporters of the “healthy lifestyle”, how many elderly people have jumped in pressure, or their heart is sick, of course, is unknown.

Thus, the main discrediting of the revival of morality is not at all due to the efforts of opponents of these ideas, but because of the actions of local officials.

Are these ideas close to everyone?

Not all people are close to and understand the idea of ​​moral rebirth. What is it - the opposition of spirituality, the desire to indulge in profligacy and commit immoral acts? Not at all. As a rule, thinking people believe that the very idea of ​​reviving national values ​​is regressive. Since our country in the current period of time is literally actively “building capitalism” according to the Western model, cultural and moral values ​​that are not traditional for it will inevitably penetrate into society.


The clearest example of this is historically alien holidays to Russians - Halloween, Valentine's Day and others. For activists, the idea of ​​a national rebirth is criticized and the mass celebration of Christmas in December, with the whole Western world and in accordance with traditions. The dominance of Santa Claus and other Christmas characters of the West is discussed in the media quite seriously. In recent years, an interesting trend has begun to be traced, according to many, illustrating the successful revival of morality. In the media, the image of Santa is almost absent, but the words "Great Ustyug" and "Santa Claus" begin to sound in November.

Should Western values ​​be abandoned?

Denial of Western cultural and moral values ​​is not a guarantee of the revival of their own. If you argue down-to-earth and simply, it’s rather strange to have pancakes on the street, and not hamburgers or hot dogs.

Opponents of the ideas of rebirth rely on the fact that their embodiment will not leave people any choice. And there is a reasonable grain in such fears. The enthusiasm of the proponents of any particular views often includes the denial of everything that does not correspond to them.

Do these ideas preclude choice?

The revival of traditional morality is often understood as a return to certain values ​​that are now massively absent. Of course, we are not talking about wearing bast shoes or kokoshniks, but when choosing between cola and kvass, kvass will have to be preferred. Of course, the process of reviving national identity, moral and moral qualities of the people is much more complicated than the choice between drinks, but such an example most clearly demonstrates its essence.


Thus, the ideas of the revival of morality in Russia do not imply depriving a person of the choice of spiritual, cultural values ​​or anything else. It's just that people remember what country they were born in, know and love their own culture, and not just blindly adopt everything that comes from the West.

Is there something to revive?

The appearance of any idea has a basis, a premise. They are also present in any process taking place within society. Thus, the question of whether a revival of morality is needed arises when it is truly required.

The fall of the moral standard is characterized by a lack of internal moral qualities or their substitution. It is the substitution observed in recent decades in Russian society. In fact, there is only one value in the country - consumption in all its forms and variations. People literally consume everything - from food to the results of artists. And the artists, in turn, consume the audience, complementing their creativity with the sale of T-shirts, badges, crowdfunding fees and more.

The measure of consumption is money, or rather, its quantity. People spend more than they earn, which leads to the search for additional sources of income and immersion in debt. As a result of such a whirlwind in life, morality simply does not have time, many do not just think about any values ​​that are not related to material aspects, they do not even remember.

Are there clear programs for such a revival?

Programs dedicated to the need to revive the culture of Russians, moral and spiritual values ​​in people appear with enviable constancy before every election. Their names are so consonant that for many ordinary people merge into one. There are similar programs related to moral issues, and various public organizations.

Such projects exist and are being implemented in schools and other educational institutions, although not in all. The Ministry of Education does not have an official compulsory program regarding moral issues.

What is written in the programs of public organizations?

Such programs, as a rule, are the pivotal element around which people come together. However, not all of them are distinguished by loyalty, tolerance and adequacy.


As a rule, the moral revival program of any of the public organizations consists of the following points:

  • stop using the media to promote violence, debauchery and perversion;
  • use moral censorship that thwarts attempts at learning to destroy families and licentiousness;
  • prohibit by law the release and distribution of erotic and pornographic products;
  • stimulate the production of spiritually healing artwork.

As a rule, there are a lot of theses, but all of them are sustained in a similar vein. Some public figures are also very radical in their views, calling for prohibitions on abortion, the return of criminal liability for homosexuality and other things.

What is the position of the church?

Paradoxical as it may seem, representatives of the clergy show much greater tolerance than many public organizations.

The Church supports the idea of ​​the need to revive spirituality, morality and moral qualities in people, but does not call for radical measures. The clergy believes that everything is in the hands of the Lord, and man only needs to help find the way to the temple, and God will save his soul.

This is probably the most reasonable attitude to issues related to the moral and spiritual formation of the nation in modern times. For example, in the “decaying” and completely “morally corrupt” West the believers are much more numerous than in modern Russia. There are shelters and schools, hospitals at the monasteries. Almost every parish has opened the doors of Sunday schools, which do not lack students.