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Everything Men Need to Know About Ugly Women

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Everything Men Need to Know About Ugly Women
Everything Men Need to Know About Ugly Women

Video: 5 reasons why guys date ugly girls 2024, July

Video: 5 reasons why guys date ugly girls 2024, July

Most people of both sexes find a couple. Men fall in love with a stunning beauty en masse, create a competitive field around her, and the only question is which of them she will give her favor. Those who are less fortunate with appearance have to fight for their own happiness. Over the years, a certain paradox appears: the "ugly women" have a family in perfect order, but the beauties, it happens, have to be tight.

Men often make a choice in favor of women with imperfect appearance quite consciously. They consider them to be kinder, or rather, more reliable, and ascribe to them many other virtues, often fictitious.

This, of course, is not about cases where there are signs of obvious ugliness: this is a huge tragedy. A story about the advantages and disadvantages of choosing a life partner, defined as a "gray mouse." In fact, this concept contains a number of insidious errors.


Why are they afraid of beauties?

It's simple. Men are afraid of betrayal and competition. It seems that a beautiful woman will take advantage of the opportunities that nature has provided to her right and left. It would be difficult for a man to resist such temptations. It seems that the whole world lies at your feet, and only the lazy will not bend down to pick up these sweet fruits.


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Well, it happens that way, but basically the craving for quick joys and material benefits is peculiar mainly to stupid beauties. A wise woman understands that youth is a means of ensuring long-term (preferably for life) happiness, and it should be disposed of reasonably.

Another point is the probable "bitchiness". This word refers to the desire and ability to achieve their goal under any circumstances using all possible methods, including those not welcomed by society. If the bitch is truly smart, she is called a single-minded woman. However, it should be remembered that not only beauties possess this quality.

How character is tempered

Easy achievement of results does not contribute to the development of will. For a woman who does not differ in beauty, everything is more difficult than for beauties, and therefore, in the process of constant efforts her character is tempered, of course, if a worthy goal is set

To a girl from a very young age, her father said: “Where are you going to be an actress and singer? Look at you! Your place is behind a typewriter in some office! ” The daughter did not listen to him and acted in her own way. Yes, her name is Barbra Streisand.


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Unfortunately, not all success stories go so happily. It happens that a feeling of constant resentment at others for injustice badly affects the character.

Myths about ugly

If a man thinks that a rustic appearance clearly indicates a lack of ambition, then he is seriously mistaken. There is no connection between appearance, self-esteem and the pursuit of happiness. On the other hand, another extreme is widespread in public consciousness. All ugly women are indiscriminately attributed to such virtues as modesty, kindness, loyalty, housekeeping and intelligence. In fact, this opinion greatly simplifies the situation and is erroneous.


The opportunity to “go to the left”, available to a pretty lady at any moment she desires, becomes habitual, and the role of a restraining factor is love for the chosen one, conscience and moral ideas instilled in education. For a plain woman, attention from a man is a rare chance to experience an extraordinary adventure. And the likelihood that she will succumb to the temptation is much higher.

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It is difficult to be constantly angry with a woman. Have you ever watched a cashier openly rude to customers? And how many beauties among such a lot? And in the family, she will behave differently?

About intelligence in general, a special conversation. There is a famous joke: beautiful to the right, smart to the left! Is it torn apart? And the ability to housekeeping depends on appearance little.

However, everything happens in life, including cases of complete confirmation of prevailing stereotypes.

Ability to monitor your appearance

The aphorism of Coco Chanel is known, the meaning of which is that in her youth a woman has an appearance by nature, and after forty years - the one she deserved. It should be remembered that at twenty-five years, life does not end. The charm of youth goes away, and it is replaced by a "made" appearance. And it's not just about cosmetic procedures or some kind of plastic surgery. The formed habit of being always neat, smart, take care of yourself, not overeat, and abide by the regime gives its results. This is called self-discipline.

Having met after many years of separation, girlfriends who were more beautiful in their youth, sometimes are surprised to note that the former "ugly girl" looks better than them.



Madame Chanel has an aphorism on this subject: “Fashion was invented for women who do not know how to dress.” Beauties are generally simpler - anything looks good on them. It’s easier for them to follow the trends of the season, but they can generally wear what they like. A mediocre appearance stimulates imagination, the desire to look bright and attractive, and therefore, with certain abilities, the taste develops. An ugly woman knows how to emphasize her virtues, but they are always there, they only need to be found in herself. Then she will not get lost in the crowd and will not be like anyone else. Someone may be surprised, but men appreciate it.


Autumn of life …

The beauty is experiencing her wilting painfully. She has something to lose. Fans and admirers are becoming less and less, the manifestations of male attention are running out, and all other signs of past success are melting before our eyes. A woman who has never enjoyed privileges due to her appearance takes these inevitable phenomena calmly. As a result, critical age is overcome much easier, which affects the family environment. Spouses who have lived together for many years experience feelings that differ from violent young passions. And it cannot be argued that they have fewer joys.