
Vuoksa - Lake of the Leningrad Region

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Vuoksa - Lake of the Leningrad Region
Vuoksa - Lake of the Leningrad Region

Video: Vuoksa lake, North nature, Islands, Karelia 2018 - Вуокса озеро, все красивейшие острова 2024, June

Video: Vuoksa lake, North nature, Islands, Karelia 2018 - Вуокса озеро, все красивейшие острова 2024, June

Vuoksa is a lake located on the Karelian Isthmus of the Leningrad Region, one hundred and thirty kilometers from St. Petersburg. It is located in a southwest direction from the city of Priozersk.

A bit of history

The reservoir was mentioned in the Novgorod annals, and then it was called Uzerva. The word comes from the Karelian Uuzijärvi. Translated as "new lake".

Until the 17th century, the population off the coast of Vuoksa was mainly of Karelian origin, later it was replaced by Finnish. Then a new name for the lake appeared - Uusiyarvi. It remained valid until the mid-20th century. Later, the pond received its modern name - Lake Vuoksa.

It is interesting that in these places in the 80s they shot the film "Aliens do not go here."


The total area of ​​the reservoir is 108 square meters. km, its sixth part falls on numerous islands.

Vuoksa is a lake of glacial origin. It was formed several thousand years ago. At that time, the glacier, retreating, left behind deep grooves on the shores of lakes and polished sections of granite, which were called "lamb foreheads."


The existing depth map of Vuoksa Lake shows that the maximum depression is 25 m, the average depth is five meters. The bottom is covered with a large layer of silt brown or gray and numerous stones. Perhaps because of this, the water here is rather dirty than clean. The coasts are winding, complex, with many capes, bays.

Food at the lake is due to river flow. The water level, depending on the season, ranges up to 80 cm, reaches its maximum value in May. A large influx of the reservoir is the river of the same name.

The lake is very beautiful and picturesque. It has always attracted the attention of tourists and fishermen. And for Petersburgers it has long become a favorite vacation spot.

Island islands

You can spend time not only on the shores of the reservoir, but also on other parts of its land. There are several hundred islands on the lake. The largest is Deer, it is also called Losin (until the beginning of the 20th century, the second option was official). It is located in the southern part, the length is about 5 km, width - 4 km.

On the island all year round only two people live in the building of the former camp site. There is also a marina for boats. In the warm season, tourists and fishermen rest on the banks of the Stag Island.


Most of the island is covered with forests of spruce and pine, the rest of the zone is reserved for agricultural land, mainly mowing. There are many roads, and you can get to it using the crossing.

Other large islands are Skalisty, Nikitinsky, Medvezhy, Hilly, Chudny, Uvod, Bolshoi Sredny and Svetly.

The most unusual is the Bullfinch, it has an interesting shape in the form of a rocky ridge with a dense forest. The island is several tens of meters wide, and several hundred in length.

Like on Deer, pines, spruce, birch, aspen, gray and black alder, maple and linden grow here.


Vuoksa - a lake, consisting of separate, but interconnected reaches. These are Priozersky, Sinevsky, Nekrasovsky and Krotovsky. The first is considered the shallowest, its maximum depth is only 5 m. The Nekrasovsky reach in the very center has a fifteen-meter depression. It is located between the islands of Bolshoi Sredny and Oleniy, stretches to the strait, where it separates the northern part of the latter from the mainland.


The next reach is Krotovsky. It occupies the largest part of the lake. Its borders are Svetly, Medvezhy, Oleniy Ostrov and others that do not have a name. In some places, its depth reaches 15–25 m, but basically it is no more than 5 m. A winding narrow hollow departs from the eastern shore, the bottom of which is 10 m from the surface.

The fourth reach is Sinevsky. It is located between the island of Oleniy, the Maryin Peninsula and the shores of the lake. Nearby is the village of Sinevo.

Vuoksa Lake: rest

The territory adjacent to the reservoir has long been popular among tourists. The nature in these places is very beautiful. Tall slender pines stand free and wide, almost without undergrowth, their feet are covered with moss and lichen, lingonberries and bearberry grow here. In the forest you can find many mushrooms.

Some vacationers prefer to live in tents, while others stay in hotels and recreation centers. On their territory there are playgrounds, attractions, football and volleyball fields.

In summer, you can go boating on the lake, and in winter, snowmobiling, skiing or skating. In bad weather, it is not worth taking walks in large reaches, it is better to choose a road between the islands.


Due to the large flow of tourists, the area of ​​the reservoir is very polluted, sometimes it is difficult to find a clean place.

Vuoksa - a lake with its attractions, one of them can be seen in the Gulf of Rybachy. These are Small Rocks - vertical cliffs of granite located near the water.