
Yana Nedzvetskaya: biography and photos

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Yana Nedzvetskaya: biography and photos
Yana Nedzvetskaya: biography and photos

Video: Underwater fashion show Harmagedon by Jana Nedzvetskaya SS 2015 2024, June

Video: Underwater fashion show Harmagedon by Jana Nedzvetskaya SS 2015 2024, June

“Queen of Russian dress” - this is the name of fashion critics of the designer, founder and creative director of two popular brands - Lo and JN. She is also called the “Elemental Winner”. Yana Nedzvetskaya is a veteran of the Russian fashion industry. For almost 30 years, it has been helping women to look beautiful and fashionable, to feel more confident and, finally, to like themselves.


Yana Nedzvetskaya: biography

The famous fashion designer was born in 1958 in the northern city of Vorkuta in a family of employees. Parents were not wealthy, and did not like to pamper the girl and buy her new clothes, shoes, etc. That's why ten-year-old Yana began to sew dresses from her mother’s outdated dresses. Then, at the request of her friends, she began to create clothes for them. The mother of little Yana, having found rags left from her own dress in the closet, began to scold her daughter and forbid her to touch her things, however, the desire to sew was beyond all prohibitions, and mother had to give up. In addition, Yana, having matured a little, began to dress her, and sometimes her mother’s friends. Despite her busyness, the girl went to school quite well, especially she liked literature and the Russian language. However, after graduation, she enrolled not at the philological, but at the Institute of Civil Engineering (IISS) at the faculty “Construction of Nuclear Installations”. Agree, a strange choice for a girl engaged in cutting and sewing and loving poetry and prose.


The first serious steps in business

In 1988, Yana Nedzvetska, teaming up with friends, in parallel with her studies, founded a fashion cooperative. Sketches were invented by herself, she designed herself, but one of her friends had to sew. Yana was one of the first female cooperators in the country. After finishing construction, she decided to get a second higher education and entered the VGIK for a screenwriter. Later she continued her studies at the literary institute, and a couple of years later, in 1997, became a member of the Writers' Union of the Russian Federation. In the same year, Yana Nedzvetskaya, having won a grant from IREX, went on an internship in the United States (Oregon). A year later, her company was visited by Hilary Clinton, the wife of the then current president of the United States. Why exactly this workshop? It turns out that he was recognized as the most successful manufacturing enterprise in Russia, led by a woman. In a word, Yana Nedzvetskaya received recognition back in the late 90s of the last century. Many firms established at that time soon closed, but the Lo brand continues to flourish.


Literary activity

As already noted, designer Yana Nedzvetskaya was also fond of literary activity. She completed four courses in the specialty “Prose” of the Moscow Literary Institute. However, she soon made her debut as a poet and presented to the reader her collection of poems “Barefoot My Footprint” (1992) and “Moskovityanka” (1997). She is the author of songs in collaboration with composer A. Baturin and performer Alexei Buldakov. Yana Nedzvetskaya, whose photo is posted in the article, also writes in prose: stories, essays, articles for magazines. Today she is the founder and editor-in-chief of LO Magzin.

Brand “Lo”

1997 was a special year for Yana. Getting a grant, and as a result of this - a trip to the United States for an internship at Hanna Anderson, the release of a collection of poems "Moskovityanka", obtaining membership of the Writers' Union, and most importantly - creating your own brand "LO". Since then, the clothes of Yana Nedzvetskaya, so beloved by Russian women, began to go out, marked with the brand "LO". Many, of course, were interested in what these two letters mean: the initials of the author or the initial letters of the names of designers working in tandem? It turns out that the idea is that “LO” is the first two letters of the word LOVE (love). One of the displays of this brand, by the way, bore a symbolic name - "A woman who invented love."



Over the next three years, the clothes created by Yana were liked by an increasing number of women and girls, both in Russia and abroad. In 2010, one creates another brand, naming it JN (the first letters of her name and surname). For several years, Y. Nedzvetskaya twice a year takes part in Russian fashion weeks. Since 2012, she begins to amaze the world with her incredible creative ideas. Designer Yana Nedzvetskaya, whose collection of dresses in 2012 made everyone talk about her, challenged the fashion world. The thing is that she chose water to demonstrate her outfits. Yes Yes. Beauties-models dressed in airy dresses plunged, or rather, fell to the bottom of the pool with a stone. The effect was simply amazing. First, the video from the show “Harmagedon. Psalm 36:29 “hung on YouTube for a long time, almost unnoticed, but then they saw it, appreciated it and started turning it on Fashion TV itself. Of course, other designers soon picked up this idea, and water shows began to come into fashion.



In recent years, a demonstration of dresses by a famous designer is a real event. And to be honest, many of the audience do not come to look at the collection, but at the show. Curious what this time will come up with Yana Nedzvetskaya? Each time the show is accompanied by great music and original effects. He gives the viewer a lot of positive emotions. Even more interesting is her video and photo presentation, during which she brings to life her wildest creative fantasies. As a screenwriter, every time she tries to come up with something extraordinary that goes beyond the generally accepted. For example, Yana organized the “For the Clean World” show, during which girls, dressed in evening dresses, loaded garbage bags into the garbage truck. Quite noteworthy were the shows, entitled “Money, cards and two trunks”, “SanSet Street”, as well as “In bed with a model”, during which the best fashion models in the country, dressed in exquisite outfits from Yana Nedvezetskaya, posed “comfortably” sitting on a chic bed.


Fashion clothing store

Today, you can buy outfits from Yana Nedzvetskaya without leaving your home by placing an order on the Internet. Experienced specialists will select the right size, and if necessary will help in choosing the right model. Here you will find stylish, beautiful, and most importantly quality sewn clothes that will fit perfectly on you. In addition, ready-made kits can be purchased at Yana’s stores, which greatly facilitates the woman’s task when creating her ideal look. By the way, here you will be offered to diversify it with several additional details, including accessories. In a word, the unique Yana Nedzvetskaya will take care of your stunning appearance instead of you. Feedback on the methods of its work from grateful customers is more than eloquent. Women say that her advice, not only regarding the choice of the main elements of the wardrobe, but also hairstyles, makeup and accessories, helped them to take a fresh look at fashion and find the most suitable image for them, and this led to an improvement in the quality of their life.


Latest collection

In the new season, Yana, as always, proved to everyone that she masterfully owns color and knows how to find the most correct combinations. In addition, for each of the models she chooses a special fabric. As a result, each of her outfits represents the unity of texture, color and proportion. The new collection once again proved that minimalism is alien to Yana. Being an excellent connoisseur of male psychology, she believes that the image of the fair sex should be, first of all, interesting and multifaceted, consisting of many diverse details that will allow a loving man to admire his woman longer and gradually open up new touches of her image. And the more original they are, the longer a man will not be able to take his eyes off his beloved.

The new collection consists of exquisite dresses that enhance the status of its owner: instantly from ordinary girls you can turn into princesses. All models have a clean and precise cut, trimmed with lace, hand embroidered - this is the signature of the famous designer Yana Nedzvetskaya, who is increasingly called the “queen of the dress”, including the wedding one. Among the fans of her work are such Russian stars as Svetlana Masterkova, Elena Kukarskaya, Natalya Zemtsova, Elena Borshcheva, Ika, Nastya Kraynova and others.


Yana Nedzvetskaya believes that she owes much of her success to her team. Many of the employees have been working with her since 1988. She says with confidence that her company has the most powerful designers in the world who work with ultra-precise patterns. Thanks to this, all dresses sit on women just perfectly.