women's issues

Japanese women have a difficult life. I saw their way of life when I visited the country

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Japanese women have a difficult life. I saw their way of life when I visited the country
Japanese women have a difficult life. I saw their way of life when I visited the country

Video: Scarification | National Geographic 2024, June

Video: Scarification | National Geographic 2024, June

It would seem that in our time, women have achieved well, almost all rights. Already who just did not complain about feminists - they are always dissatisfied with everything, no, to find normal female happiness! But if you think about it, this is a very superficial point of view. In fact, women have every reason to be dissatisfied with life. Even in such a developed and industrial country as Japan.

It's hard to be a woman in the Land of the Rising Sun

Recently, famous American economists Betsy Stevenson and Justin Wolfers sounded the alarm. It turns out that despite ensuring political, economic and social rights and freedoms, women become less happy. These economists even managed to calculate the “female happiness index, ” and they are confident that it has declined markedly since the 1970s.

But maybe the whole point is that we simply do not understand our happiness? Indeed, even if we are dissatisfied with our work, family, figure, or other areas of life, then maybe we just need to compare ourselves with the average Japanese woman, and perhaps such a comparison will show us that life is not so bad!

I recently returned from Japan and saw that being a woman there is not easy. The beautiful half of humanity is still severely limited in their rights in this country, and a huge pile of household chores has been levied on women.


Far to equality

Despite its wealth, developed industry and the rise of new technologies, Japan has not yet made much progress in terms of equality between men and women. The traditional roles of husband as breadwinner and wife as housewife continue to have a strong impact on the lives of the people there.

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I will probably outline here the reasons why being a woman in Japan is not so easy:

  • women cannot make a career because they are expected to be responsible for homework and raising children;

  • women are often discriminated against in hiring, and moreover, compared with men, they have much less opportunities for promotion and further training;

  • most housewives are busy at home, and men do not help them at all - because they need to relax after work;

  • very often husbands leave the house to have fun, leaving their wives to cook and wash the dishes;

  • if a woman gets a job, she is required to wear high heels;

  • getting university education is much more difficult for Japanese women than for men.