
Field yacht: description, application

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Field yacht: description, application
Field yacht: description, application

Video: FEKO for Marine EMC Applications 2024, July

Video: FEKO for Marine EMC Applications 2024, July

There is a grass whose smell resembles mustard or radish. In the people it is called by different names: klopovnik, love grass, sometimes clover or money bucket. There are other names, but now this annual grass is most often called field yarrow. It grows in temperate climates. Such a herbaceous plant can be found in meadows, near roads, it grows in gardens. He is often confused with a shepherd’s bag.


Field yarrow - grass from the cabbage family. Most often, it is found in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, where it is known as a medicinal plant. They also call buckwheat, a broom and a penny. Its aerial part is also used for food purposes.


Field yarns belong to annual plants. Its height is from 20 to 80 cm. The stems are straight, sometimes branched. They are arrow-shaped, oblong leaves. Those that grow at the root of the plant resemble an oval in their shape. Flowering begins in May and lasts until the beginning of autumn. At this time, the yarrow stands, decorated with small white inflorescences, and at the end of August the fruits ripen in their place. They have the appearance of a rounded pod. The fruit resembles a coin, hence the name of the field yarut - money and penny.

Beneficial features

There are many unremarkable plants, the virtues of which people sometimes do not remember at all. People see them all the time, so they don’t assume that such a simple plant can bring so much benefit. But the healing properties of the field yurt have been known since ancient times when it was used in the treatment of various diseases.


Such widespread popularity of the plant is due to its valuable composition. It contains biologically active substances that are useful for the human body. The leaves have vitamin C, fiber, protein and fats. The seeds contain lecithin, fatty oils, glycosides, also vitamin C and much more.

Field yacht: application

Despite a large bouquet of useful substances, sweet clover is used infrequently. It is lost sight of, as people prefer the more famous and popular medicinal herbs. For medicinal purposes, the people use the green part and seeds. Unfortunately, official medicine does not use this plant.

The field yurt plant is used for prevention and for the treatment of various diseases, which is highly appreciated by the people. It is known as a diuretic, anti-fever, and antihistamine. Melilot is able to stimulate potency, accelerate the process of menstruation, it acts as a disinfectant in the treatment of purulent wounds and ulcers. Traditional healers recommend using a field yurt to treat scarlet fever, jaundice, angina pectoris and gonorrhea.


This medicinal plant is part of therapeutic agents that are prescribed as an adjunct during the treatment of uterine cancer and inflammation of the female organs. Fresh juice of a yarok can remove warts, and the ground part is a part of drugs that contribute to the removal of toxic substances from the body.

Despite all the useful properties of the field yarns, treatment with drugs based on them, prepared at home, can be started only after consultation with the doctor. The following describes the recipes that you can cook yourself.


There are many recipes that include a field yurt. One of them is the infusion. You can cook it this way: take one and a half tablespoons of the plant in dry form and pour boiling water over it. Let it brew for 4-5 hours, while the dishes should be covered. Then you need to strain. During treatment, you should drink two teaspoons of the infusion every four hours five times a day. Such a tool is used by women to treat infertility, as well as impotence.

The next recipe is a tincture to improve cardiac activity and to increase male libido. Equally taken seeds, leaves and flowers of the yarok, pour in a ratio of 1:10 with alcohol or strong vodka. Leave in a dark place for six months, while shaking periodically. Then strain. You need to take every day for 30 minutes before eating a teaspoon. The course of such treatment is 4 months.


For the treatment of sexual dysfunctions, a healing infusion of six teaspoons of yarut herb and a glass of boiling water is prepared. Such a mixture is infused for four hours. An infusion is taken for medicinal purposes, 1 teaspoon every three hours several times a day. During the complex treatment of cervical cancer, an infusion is made according to this recipe: one tablespoon of dried grass, field yarns for one glass of boiling water, infused for one hour. Strained infusion to drink in three doses during the day. This solution is allowed to do douching.

An ointment for the rapid healing of various kinds of ulcers and purulent wounds is a slurry from pounded seeds of yarok.

Harvesting and domestic use

The field yacht, the photo of which can be seen in our review, has an aroma similar to that of radish and mustard. In addition to such a specific smell, the plant has a sharp and pleasant taste that can stimulate appetite. In some villages, mistresses add young plants to soups and main dishes as spices.

Only young leaflets that taste like a cultivated radish are suitable for food. Moneybook is an excellent honey plant, with its help you can get early honey bribes. In order to have such a spicy plant, you need to properly prepare it. It is better to collect grass when it is still young, at the very beginning of spring. The fruits are harvested after ripening, in late August. The grass is laid out in a thin layer under awnings, preferably away from direct sunlight, or in well-ventilated attics. Finished raw materials can be crushed into powder or simply packed in cardboard boxes. Store the plant is allowed no more than a year. Medicinal raw materials can be prepared by freezing.