
Julia Belyanchikova: biography, career, family

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Julia Belyanchikova: biography, career, family
Julia Belyanchikova: biography, career, family

The television program with the life-affirming title "Health" appeared on Soviet television in 1960, nine years before the doctor Yulia Belyanchikova (1940-2011) became the leading one. For a young woman, like most children born on the eve of World War II, television was something of a fantasy — a new type of media only entered the homes of Soviet people.


I will be a doctor

Even as a student at the medical institute, the girl could not imagine that she would be a “screen counselor” for several generations of residents of the Soviet Union. It's hard to believe, but the intelligent, sophisticated, elegant Julia did not like and was even afraid to speak in public. They say that Julia Belyanchikova (Voronkova) was distinguished not only by professionalism, but, first of all, by her intelligence.

So were her parents - residents of Balashikha near Moscow: mother Maria Ivanovna, a doctor, and father Vasily Vasilyevich, an engineer. At the ideological time that had sunk into oblivion, while sitting at the Voronkovs' tea, my mother’s colleagues discussed medical discoveries and modern methods of treatment.

Little Julia liked to listen to ardent professional conversations. The girl’s plans came down to one thing: “Grow up - I will become a doctor!” Maria Ivanovna knew about her daughter's cherished dream, but knew even more about how difficult the “medical share” was.

Missing mathematician!

When the moment of choosing a profession arrived, the parent insisted that Julia choose a different path, for example, the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. At school, my daughter was friends with mathematics, pleased teachers with achievements.

At the mechmath, the girl lasted twelve months and took a rebellious step: she passed the exams at the First Moscow Order of Lenin, the I.M. Medical Institute Sechenov (currently - Medical Academy). She mastered the specialty “medical business”.


That glorious student left behind. Ahead of Yulia Belyanchikova, like thousands of young graduates of universities, technical schools and schools in the USSR, there was a distribution for work. The beginning of the work biography of the young doctor is closely connected with the Central Institute of Blood Transfusion (Hematological Research Center). Fruitful time: a new team, participation in scientific forums …

For the first time in Ostankino

In August 1969, the XII International Congress on Blood Transfusion was held in Moscow. The first independent, and not joint (in hematology and transfusiology) event. Organizational work involved future holders of a Ph.D. degree, including graduate student Belyanchikova. Julia spoke English and acted as a translator at the conference.

The assembly filmed central television. Employees of the Health program noted: a young woman’s speech (by this time the heroine had married, became a mother) was delivered, the doctor kept herself in the frame at ease. The qualities inherent in leading! There was an offer to try strength in a new field.

“I won’t succeed!” - said Belyanchikova. Yulia Vasilievna went to Ostankino in order to see what the new television tower looks like, which is from the inside. Samples were crumpled. The lens aimed at the young doctor caused great excitement, the answers to the questions came out confused. Is failure inevitable?

There can be no failure

Finally, it came to blood donation. On this subject, an employee of the Institute of Hematology was ready to talk endlessly. Movement under the motto "Give blood - save life!" will grow stronger, expand, - Belyanchikova assured ardently. Julia Vasilievna heard: “You suit us!” But she agreed when she was asked: “Are you a Komsomol member? Member of the CPSU? Do not let me down!"


So at the All-Union Radio and Television Broadcasting Station named after the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution ”(the original name of the Ostankino TV tower) a new employee appeared. By this time, the Health program had passed the stage of announcing reading news and medical reports.

The audience knew the first presenter - a journalist, author, screenwriter, reporter Alla Melik-Pashayev. Now it was for many years to “become related” with Belyanchikova. Julia Vasilievna, in fact, was the personal doctor of millions.

New level

Tons of lives (they called the host) to the coveted address “To the program“ Health ”, Yury Vasilyevna Belyanchikova, were sent tons of envelopes with burning messages (the stream was taken apart by four physicians involved!). The people waited for each program in the hope of hearing the necessary information, including in the section “Answers to letters from viewers”. With the help of Yulechka (as elderly people often called doctors among themselves), everyone found a way out.

How to recognize a heart attack? What is a stroke? What other dangerous ailments are there? Can a mere mortal save a person by witnessing a disaster? Belyanchikova in an understandable, accessible to every language tirelessly educated the audience. In the burning section “Mustard plaster” (published since 1961), satire was used - bad habits were ridiculed (addiction to tobacco, drunkenness, a tendency to eat fatty foods, etc.).

Who better than a person with a medical education, experienced and sensitive, will explain to people: they “forge” many sores with their own hands because of ignorance, laziness, indulgence in minute weaknesses? "Health" has reached a new level.


In the studio, during the interview, famous doctors and scientists talked about the achievements of domestic science. The country, with bated breath, followed the progress of complex operations, reports from which regularly appeared on the air.