
South America: waterfalls (names and photos)

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South America: waterfalls (names and photos)
South America: waterfalls (names and photos)

Video: Kaieteur Falls The World's Largest Single Drop Waterfall 2024, July

Video: Kaieteur Falls The World's Largest Single Drop Waterfall 2024, July

South America is the mainland of nature’s greatest wonders. Here are unique geographical features such as the Amazon river, the deepest in the world, and the eponymous lowland, which occupies the largest area, the longest mountain range on land - the Andes, the highest Angel Falls …

Natural attractions, due to which South America is known in many respects, are waterfalls. The wettest continent is rich in rivers. And the presence of mountain ranges and plateaus with steep rocky slopes creates many obstacles in their path, causing waterfalls. They are a grand spectacle: streams of falling water, puffs of steam, wet rocks, rainbow, roar and roar of the stream …

The largest waterfalls in South America

The most famous waterfalls are Angel and Iguazu. If the first is the highest in the world, then the second is among the most beautiful.

The unique South American waterfall Angel on the Churun ​​River in Venezuela has been known since 1933, when the pilot James Angel spotted it, flying over the jungle. Four years later, he organized the first expedition to Auyan-Tepui - a plateau with steep walls, from which a waterfall falls. The epic with a crashed plane and an eleven-day passage through the jungle brought Angel fame worldwide. And the waterfall was named after him in Spanish transcription.


The highest waterfall in South America - Angel - is located in a remote area, so its height could only be established in 1949. This was done by the expedition of the National Geographic Society of the United States. The total height is considered equal to 1054 m, and the highest continuous flight of water - 877 m.

Since 1994, Canaima National Park and Angel Falls in South America have been a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Currently, the ubiquitous tourists have reached the impassable jungle of Venezuela. Here they organize excursions to Angel on airplanes, helicopters and waterways. Despite the difficulties of the route, the routes are very popular, because there are many who wish to see one of the natural wonders. South America, waterfalls and unforgettable views await them.

Iguazu - big water

Iguazu Falls in South America is actually a whole system of waterfalls. They are located on the river of the same name, flowing along the Brazilian plateau, on the border of Argentina and Brazil.

It’s hard even to imagine all the greatness of Iguazu! Almost 300 separate streams are overthrown from a height of about 80 m, and their width is more than 3 km! The rumble of the waterfall is heard at a great distance, clubs of fog rise above it at any time of the day. And in clear weather you can easily see a full rainbow, and the moon too.


The word "iguasu" in the language of the Guarani Indians means "big water." And this is true, because almost 5 thousand cubic meters of water flows every second through the waterfall. Iguazu is the largest waterfall in South America.


By the way, on the river of the same name there are several more places where water jumps from the ledge of the channel. The largest waterfall is Nakundai Falls. Its height is almost 40 m.

Other Brazil Waterfalls

On the Parana River was a unique waterfall in South America - Guaira (Seti Kedas). He was the most powerful in the world - water consumption was three times greater than that of Niagara! At a not so high altitude (34 m), it attracted many tourists, but it was flooded during the construction of the most powerful hydroelectric power station in the world - Itaipu, and the rocks from which it was overthrown were blown up.

Now, along with Iguazu, the Karakol waterfall is very popular. It is located close to habitable places and is equipped for tourists. You can admire the waterfall from a height of 131 m from the tower with an observation deck or climb the top of the hill by cable car. You can also go down to its foot along the metal stairs of almost a thousand steps, but there is no elevator for lifting.

San rafael

In Ecuador, the most famous is the San Rafael Falls on the Quijos River. This is a double cascade with a total height of 150 m. There is a waterfall in the Andes at the foot of the volcano Reventador among the dense tropical forests. Tourists are forced to admire it from a sufficiently large distance, from a specially constructed observation deck. This is done for security reasons, as there were cases of death of daredevils who tried to get to the monumental flow of water. And it’s easier to capture the entire waterfall from a distance, and noise and roar are heard at a distance of a dozen kilometers. The constantly hanging fog from the spray of water breaking on stones settles on everything around, making the path and slopes slippery and very dangerous.


The waterfall itself is in danger of extinction. Twenty kilometers upstream on the Quihos River, the construction of a hydroelectric dam has begun.

The wonders of nature that South America could lose are waterfalls that are destroyed by human activities.

Waterfalls peru

The Peruvian Hokta is often recognized as the third highest in the world (771 m) after Angel and Tugela in South Africa. But this statement is debatable. The Stefan Zimmendorf waterfall opened in 2002. The amount of falling water varies depending on the season.


At the foot of the waterfall are rainforests with many rare animals. All of them are part of the nature reserve, a journey through which is allowed to be made only accompanied by an experienced guide.

Another Peruvian waterfall is Umbilla (Umbilla). It is located in the Amazon. The National Geographic Institute of Peru reports that its height is 895.5 m. The source of the river is in a cave. Umbilla consists of four to five ledges. More precisely, it is difficult to establish due to the inaccessibility of the area.

The waterfall is shallow, dries in the dry season. Located in the impassable forest of the eastern slopes of the Andes, Umbilla can only be examined with the help of a guide from the locals.

Tekendama waiting for tourists

In Colombia, on the Bogota River, there is the Tekendama Waterfall (Open Door). Located within an hour's reach of the capital, only 20 km downstream, it is very popular with tourists.

Locals believe that the Great Spirit once cut a rock in order to save people from the flood.

The 137-meter waterfall attracted so many people that a castle was built next to it for the then president of the country, which later turned into a hotel. Eighteen of his rooms were never empty, because it was considered very prestigious to relax near a beautiful full-flowing waterfall.

Unfortunately, civilization has reached these places, which manifested itself in pollution and shallowing of the river. As a result, the flow of tourists has dried up. And only in recent years was it forbidden to discharge sewage into Bogotá and the river was cleaned. Local authorities hope to increase profits from tourism, because such an interesting object, which is also located very close to the capital, is worthy of attention, like other waterfalls in South America (see photo in the article).


In the meantime, Tekendama has gloomy fame due to the fact that it is often chosen as a place of settling accounts with life by desperate people.

Guyana Waterfalls

Kayetur Waterfall, considered one of the most beautiful natural sites in the world, is located in the jungle of Guyana. The Mazaruni River brings down more than 650 cubic meters of water every second from a height of 226 meters. It is simply amazing that such a powerful waterfall remained unknown to Europeans until 1870, when it was discovered by the English geologist Charles Brown.

The remoteness and inaccessibility of Kayetur became the reason for its low popularity among tourists. But the majestic views of the grandiose waterfall are impressive even in the photo. In 1929, the Cayetur National Park was organized here.

The second famous Guyana Falls is Orinduik, located on one of the Amazon tributaries - the Iring River. This is a cascade of waterfalls with a total height of about 25 m. A picturesque multi-level stream of water with a width of 150 m flows among red jasper rocks and piles of stones.

Tourists are attracted not only by the beauty of the landscapes of Orinduik, but also by the opportunity to swim in its warm waters. The waterfall is not so magnificent and menacing as Cayetur, but much more hospitable. The jets falling from low ledges produce the effect of a relaxing massage, and the river itself can easily be wade.

Thousands of tourists visit the waterfall, so runways for small passenger aircraft have been built on both banks of the river.