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"For the harvest and procreation": what is the rite "Zhanіtsba komіna" attracts people from all over the world to Belarus

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"For the harvest and procreation": what is the rite "Zhanіtsba komіna" attracts people from all over the world to Belarus
"For the harvest and procreation": what is the rite "Zhanіtsba komіna" attracts people from all over the world to Belarus

The village of Pogost, located in the Zhitkovichi district of Belarus, is truly unique. This is a real land of miracles, where local old-timers, who still believe in otherworldly forces, keep ancient traditions and customs.

She became famous all over the world after being in the top ten best places for holding winter holidays, and the rating was compiled by the American broadcaster CNN.

The beginning of a new life

A huge number of ceremonies are held in the famous village of Belarus, and one of the most interesting events takes place in the fall. “Zhanitsba komina, ” which means “Marriage of the chimney”, symbolizes the beginning of the new year, when the whole harvest was harvested and the cold came.


Who will the chimney marry? There is no clear answer to this question, old-timers answer differently. Some believe that on the hut, while others - on the stove.

From heavy field work to household chores

With the arrival of heat, when it was getting dark late, the hut was not lit, the stoves were not heated, and food was cooked at the stake. But in the fall, residents were occupied only with the house. It was a graceful period of rest from hard work in the field. And all the more joyful they honored the ancient lamp, lighting a fire in a hut after a long break - a kind of family hearth.


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After the rite, symbolizing the end of agricultural work and the beginning of vyachorak (gatherings), everyone switched to a home lifestyle.

How is the holiday going?

Residents of the village choose in which house will be held "Zhanіtsba Komіna." Previously, they gathered at the most prosperous person who could treat several dozen people.

In the center of the hut they hang a chimney - a short pipe with a grate made of iron. The hosts and guests decorate it with bright ribbons, floral wreaths and tree branches, and then hold hands and lead a round dance.


Then the village gatherings begin, which can not do without setting fire to the torch under the chimney. This is a very sacred moment, demonstrating the respect of those gathered to the elements of fire. In short, this is the rite of first lighting of light in the fall.

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In ancient times, the old people showered the chimney with sunflower seeds or grain, and young people gathered seeds, trying to pick the largest number so that luck would not pass by.

Unmarried girls considered how much was collected: if it’s even, then the wedding is just around the corner, and if it’s odd, they will have to go around without a groom for another year.


Sometimes the scenario of the holiday changes, and it depends on the geography of its holding. In the Stolin and Lelchitsky districts, the rite is called the “Bagach”, because it is believed that the time after the harvest is the best: the inhabitants will not remain hungry, and therefore they have fun.

"Now is not the age"

78-year-old K. A. Panchenya, the creator of the folklore and ethnographic ensemble Mizhrechcha, has been collecting old songs and sayings since his youth. She knows a lot about Zhanitsba Komina, and is worried that modern youth do not pray for the harvest as before.

“Not that age now, unfortunately. People have hotbeds, they use fertilizers, and therefore do not consider it necessary to turn to perfumes. They are interested in something completely different, ”the old woman complains.

She recalls how the villagers used to cry when they sang songs and dance. They cheered for everything with their souls, and no one thought about money or glory.

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Immersion in history

But Pyotr Tsalko, the head of the branch of the Vetka Museum of the Old Believers and Belarusian traditions in Gomel, does not agree with Panchen. He says that modern youth is actively taking part in the holidays that are held on the territory of the Gomel Palace and Park Ensemble.

“Marrying a chimney” is not a seasonal event. Reconstruction of the rite is carried out monthly, collecting a motley audience. Here, foreign students and local residents and tourists from Russia, who came specially to plunge into the depths of time, have fun.


This is a very warm and sincere event where guests become full participants in the sacred action. They get acquainted with the traditions that our ancestors cherished and conveyed to descendants.

Truth of the life

All announcements of future events are published in the Belarusian media and social networks of the museum. His workers first collect material in the villages, and then serve in an authentic way. They only transfer information already to the urban space, acting as a kind of "translator" between the village and the metropolis.

Museum workers see with their own eyes how the village festivals are being held, and take on sincere emotions from the inhabitants. They know for sure that the truth of life will not exist if you watch the rites on the Internet or listen to them in audio recordings.

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Fun party

Just like in the village of Pogost, in the museum the festive event is divided into 2 parts. First, the chimney is solemnly taken out, decorated and candles are lit. And then the guests start dancing. They are taught to dance folk dances, involving in a big round dance, which becomes the culmination of the rite.

And then everyone is waiting at a large table where you can try uncomplicated rustic dishes: pancakes, lard, various cereals, baked apples, beet kvass. Those who want to sing songs to the harmonica and listen to ancient legends.

Unprotected Cultural Heritage

Petr Tsalko regrets in an interview with the media that many traditions of Belarus have the status of the country's intangible cultural heritage, but are not protected by UNESCO. And only in November-December 2019 will it become known whether some folk rites will be included in the World Heritage List.


The head of the branch of the Vetka Museum believes that the cultural heritage is the main asset from the past and it must be protected. And he proposes to include in the list of UNESCO sites all the events that take place annually in Pogost.

If readers are interested, Tsalko recommends watching the film “Daughter of Pripyat”, directed by Igor Byshnev. This is a documentary tape telling about the life of Polesie. It shows the entire ritual year of the village.

And the main character is the already well-known Panchenya, which talks about pre-Christian traditions.

Rite or party?

Petr Tsalko believes that, despite all efforts, “Zhanіtsba komina” will not be preserved in its original form. Folklorists do what they can, but they cannot change the situation. The fact is that a few centuries ago, fire was considered sacred. He was treated with special respect and love, because he was given to people with great difficulty.


Now, when everyone in the house has electricity, few people believe in the fire element, but before that they burned a torch with hope and faith. Young people ceased to perceive the rite as a magical action, treating it simply as a fun game.

Pragmatic girls and boys consider what is happening a party with elements of theatricalization, not betting that this is the start of a new life.

Folklore Expeditions

Old-timers know that a holy holiday is an awakening of the life forces of both the Universe and man, it is a continuation of his kind.

Previously, knowledge about ritual actions was passed down from generation to generation, but now this practice is almost forgotten. And only during folklore expeditions, ethnographers collect unique creative material, which serves as the basis for local holidays.
