
Mysterious nearby: an incredible Japanese Okiku doll with hair growing

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Mysterious nearby: an incredible Japanese Okiku doll with hair growing
Mysterious nearby: an incredible Japanese Okiku doll with hair growing

Video: Most HAUNTED Doll in Japan: Hair NEVER STOPS GROWING 2024, June

Video: Most HAUNTED Doll in Japan: Hair NEVER STOPS GROWING 2024, June

Most people agree that the world is full of mysterious stories. A considerable number of them are associated with dolls. Some people consider them excellent toys for children, while others are sure that “artificial people” are quite creepy. Dolls simply scare them. It is likely that this attitude is due to the fact that in human life there have been situations similar to the story of Okiku - a Japanese porcelain doll, the secret of which no one can still solve. The most incredible thing is that an old and rather shabby toy really grows hair.


How it all started

The history of the mysterious porcelain doll began a long time ago, about 100 years ago. In 1918, a seventeen-year-old boy named Eikichi Suzuki from Hokkaido, while visiting a marine exhibition in Sapporo, acquired an unusual toy for his two-year-old sister. It was a rather large porcelain doll with a height of a little over 40 cm, dressed in a traditional Japanese kimono. She had beautiful almond-shaped black eyes and completely black hair, trimmed under a square, or rather, in the traditional Japanese "okappa" style.

The baby liked the gift so much that she practically did not part with the doll. Moreover, she even called her by her name - Okiku. The girl everywhere carried the toy with her and even took her to bed at night.


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Family tragedy

As often happens in old stories, the happiness of the family was short-lived. A year later, at the age of three, the baby became quite ill. She was struck by the flu that was rampant in the area. The child’s body was not strong enough to fight the disease, and it was not possible to save the child.

Grieving for her baby, the parents took her favorite toy and placed it in a small family altar, decorated it and began to pray daily for their beloved daughter to find peace and happiness in heaven. But everything turned out quite unexpectedly.


She's back

After some time, the heartbroken parents began to notice that the doll’s hair, trimmed at the level of the lower jaw, is growing back a little. Soon, the hairstyle of the toy became significantly longer, and the ends of the hair looked a little untidy. Heartbroken parents decided that the soul of their little Okiku returned to the doll. They began loyally caring for the doll and praying even harder. This went on for almost 20 years.

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Island legend

In 1938, the family decided to leave Hokkaido and move to Sakhalin. At the family council, it was decided not to take the doll with you, because something could happen to her during long trips. Instead, the parents went to the monks of Mannenji Temple in Iwamizawa and asked them to keep the doll. This would allow the girl’s spirit to stay on Hokkaido, where she was born.

Parents told the temple ministers that this doll is unusual and requires special care. The ministers were not afraid, but accepted the porcelain Okika into the temple. She was given a special wooden box, similar to a home altar, and placed in a conspicuous place. A mysterious toy is still in the temple, and her hair is constantly growing. It is interesting that once a temple attendant trimmed Okiku. He explained his action by the fact that at night he dreamed of a girl and asked for it herself. But over time, the hair of the industry again, and now the doll is regularly cut, leaving her knee-length strands.
