
Reserves of the Komi Republic: description, history and interesting facts

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Reserves of the Komi Republic: description, history and interesting facts
Reserves of the Komi Republic: description, history and interesting facts

Video: RUSSIAN REPUBLICS Explained (Geography Now!) 2024, July

Video: RUSSIAN REPUBLICS Explained (Geography Now!) 2024, July

Everyone who comes to the Komi Republic for the first time is fascinated by the northern beauty of these places. Thanks to the once wise decision, 15% of the territory of this region is under the protection of the state, as a result of which it has preserved virgin nature, which civilization has not touched.


Reserves of the Komi Republic are the pride not only of local residents, but also of the country as a whole, since 70% of these places consist of taiga. In the era of industrialization, the destruction of forests was the norm, but their restoration was a long and costly affair. Thanks to this region, the country has preserved the unique flora and fauna characteristic of the north-eastern European part of Russia.

History of the region

The Komi Republic was formed in 1921, although the lands themselves belonged to the Moscow principality from the 15th century. This region is rich in natural attractions. Here are located:

  • 78 000 lakes originate from such great rivers as the Volga, Ob, Pechora and Northern Dvina;

  • mountains covered with forests;

  • ecosystem preserved tundra;

  • unique in its beauty natural formations Torre Porre Is and Manpupuner.

But the main attraction is the virgin forests, which many scientists rightfully call the lungs of Europe, because there is no larger territory untouched by people in this part of the world.


Once upon a time, such peoples as Mansi, Khanty and Komi lived in these places. Here their ancient sites and temples are still preserved. Also, this area is known to all archaeologists of the world thanks to the settlement found in the upper Pechora, which belonged to people of the Upper Paleolithic period. Before this find, scientists did not even suggest that the tribes could live so far in the north, the climate is so harsh, especially in winter.

Even today, the main problem of the protected area is the lack of roads, and in 1931, when the boundaries of the protected area were determined, mail, salary and provisions were delivered by transfer and boats, and in winter by ski.


Living conditions in Komi can be called harsh. There are only a few large cities, such as Syktyvkar, Vorkuta, Usinsk, Ukhta and Pechora, which make up 5 urban districts, including 15 municipal districts. The average winter temperature here is -17 ⁰С, although a temperature drop to -57 degrees is recorded.

Reserves of the Komi Republic are united in a single network called “Virgin Forests of the Territory”. It includes the national park "Yugyd va" and the Pechoro-Ilychsky reserve. Their land can be divided into 3 zones:

  • territories of medium-high elevations, which include mountain ranges of the Urals;

  • the region from the slopes of High Parma in the west to the foot of the Ural ridge;

  • the lowland reserve part belongs to the Timan-Pechora province.

Since 1985, this entire territory was included in the category “Biosphere Reserves of the Komi Republic”. The list of UNESCO, which includes only a few such zones on the planet, united these lands, called the heritage of all mankind, and they are now under the protection of this international organization.

Pechora-Ilychsky reserve

It was created on May 4, 1930 on the territory between two rivers - the Pechora and Ilych, its right tributary. Initially, the land occupied 1, 135, 000 hectares. Rivers have become their natural border in the west and south. In the north, the reserve borders on the Kozhima river, and in the east - with the Tyumen region.

It was extremely difficult to monitor the state of the forest and its borders at that time, since there were no roads, air transport, or radio stations. Much later, helicopters and An-2 aircraft began to be used here, on which you can fly around such a large territory in 4 hours.

Only with the organization in 1978 of the five forest districts between which these lands were divided, their protection, borders and scientific study, did the territory take on the form that exists today.

The uniqueness that the Republic of Komi represents in Europe (the Pechora-Ilych Reserve in particular) is that it is the only place that has preserved old-age virgin forests. Representatives of the flora and fauna of Siberian and European species grow and live in them. Some of them are part of the international Red Book.


It was in this reserve that the world's first moose farm was opened, contributing to an increase in the number of these animals and their distribution.

National Park "Yugyd va"

This park was founded in 1994, and it is located in the extreme north-eastern European part of Russia. It is here that unique archaeological finds are located, such as the Ust-Podcheremsky ancient site, Podcheremsky treasure and others.

Above the park rises the highest peak of the Urals - People’s Mountain (1895 m).


Reserves and national parks of Komi (republics) are also not deprived of water, among which the lakes Torgovoe, Okunevo and Long are considered the most picturesque. Among the rivers are well known for their clear waters and the abundance of fish Kozhim, Big Son and others. They are inhabited by 23 species of fish, for example, salmon, peled, teal and goldfish.

“Yugyd wa” became a part of the association “Virgin Komi Forests” and is also under the protection of UNESCO. Walking along its territory, you can meet the hare, the reindeer, the flying squirrel, ermine, wolf, fox, elk, white fox and other numerous inhabitants.

190 species of birds nest in the national park, 19 of which are rare and are listed in the Red Book of the region. These are osprey, golden eagle, gyrfalcon, peregrine falcon and others.

Flora Komi

According to the latest data published in 1980, the reserves of the Komi Republic are home to more than 1000 species of plants, among which 11 are endangered and rare, such as slipper venere, Helm minaret, Ural ostracis, which has survived only here in the amount of 400 specimens. In the rest of Europe, this plant has long disappeared.

Forests are represented by pine forests, shrubs, such as wild rose, and in wetlands sphagnum weeds are adjacent to blueberries and rosemary.

In fact, the reserves of the Komi Republic have not been fully studied, and the plants are not fully classified. This suggests a huge scale and that scientists have a lot of work ahead. In order to facilitate their work, the Chernamsky Reserve (Komi Republic) was organized, the main task of which is to improve the composition and quality of forest stands, as well as their conservation. Here the collection and storage of seeds of the most rare or endangered species is organized.