
Stuck in the Stone Age: a wild man living in the heart of the Amazon got into the lens (video)

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Stuck in the Stone Age: a wild man living in the heart of the Amazon got into the lens (video)
Stuck in the Stone Age: a wild man living in the heart of the Amazon got into the lens (video)

Video: Uncontacted Amazon Tribe First ever aerial footage 2024, June

Video: Uncontacted Amazon Tribe First ever aerial footage 2024, June

It is almost impossible for us to imagine what it is like to be completely cut off from society. With one click, we can interact with people on the other side of the globe. But many people today remain completely isolated from the rest of the world.


Last year, new pictures were published of a man living alone in the jungle of the Brazilian state of Rondonia. His story is truly heartbreaking …

Amazon jungle

The Amazon rainforests occupy a vast area of ​​5, 500, 000 square kilometers. It is the world's largest rainforest. It accounts for half the area of ​​all tropical forests in the world. It covers almost the entire Amazon basin and is located on the territory of nine states.

The species diversity of these tropical forests has not yet been fully explored, but the well-known figures are amazing. So, 16 thousand species of trees alone are described that grow here, and the total plant species is 40 thousand. This is the largest variety of plants around the globe. Mammals, as well as amphibians living here, described more than 400 species, reptiles - 378, birds - 1294, fish -3000.

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But this is not all the inhabitants of the jungle. In Brazil, there is an organization called FUNAI - Fundação Nacional do Índio, which means the National Fund of the Indians. And according to his data, in the Amazon basin, 113 groups of indigenous peoples live in isolation from the outside world. Of these, only 27 have been captured so far.


Hermit man

Last year, new pictures appeared of a man living alone in the jungle for 22 years. He was first spotted in 1996, and filmed in 1998. In the press he is often called the “man of the hole” and the most lonely inhabitant of the planet.


Since the discovery of this man in 1996, the FUNAI organization has closely monitored him. It was possible to find out that, probably, he belonged to a small group of Indians (only 6 people), which was exterminated at the end of 1995 by local farmers, capturing ever new territories for their lands. No one was punished for this, and the only surviving Indian became a hermit in the jungle. Now he is supposedly about 55-60 years old.

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