
The wife of Grigory Leps Anna Shaplykova: biography and photos

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The wife of Grigory Leps Anna Shaplykova: biography and photos
The wife of Grigory Leps Anna Shaplykova: biography and photos

In many ways, great people are made by their chosen ones. This can be attributed to the married couple of Grigory Leps and Anna Shaplykova. Grigory Leps, despite the popularity and constant attention from women, was lonely for a long time. Being married once and having already an adult daughter, he was in no hurry to marry a second time. And now, a cozy family happiness found him.

Dating history

This name is "happiness" Anna Shaplykova. The story of their acquaintance is very comical and romantic at the same time. At the first meeting, Leps introduced himself and … made a marriage proposal. Of course, he was refused. Anna Shaplykova, a young girl, a dancer from Laima Vaikule ballet, could not even imagine that her future husband was in front of her. At the time of their acquaintance, Leps was 38, Anne - 29. Their acquaintance occurred at the birthday of her husband Lyma. It is worth noting that Leps did not see Anna that day for the first time; several months ago, he drew attention to her. And then he said that this girl would become his wife. The man said - the man did. Anna Shaplykova at the moment of meeting only laughed off, inquiring about the presence of a Moscow residence permit. And then Leps did not have her. And there is no registration, there is no wedding - so Anna Shaplykova joked. The ballerina then really was interested in registering for a visa to tour Europe. After all, she herself was a citizen of Ukraine.


Anna Shaplykova: biography

The biography of the dancer began in Ukraine. It is from there that she comes from. Anna Shaplykova was born on May 13, 1972 in the Dnipropetrovsk region, in the city of Nikopol. Her career as an artist began after graduating from the Crimean School of Culture, where she graduated from the choreography department. She worked as a dancer in the ballet of Laima Vaikule. Grigory Leps and Anna Shaplykova did not immediately become a couple. After meeting their paths diverged, Anna went on tour to another city, and her heart at that time was not free.


How was Leps able to conquer Anna?

Like a real man, Leps did not think of retreating from his own. He did not stop caring for Anna, although he was not intrusive. He gave flowers, gifts, was always there, but Anna had a man, and she paid no attention to Leps. When circumstances developed that the girl was alone and agreed to drink tea with the famous artist, their love story began. Since then, the couple have been together for 15 years.


Housekeeping and housekeeping, characteristic of Anna as Taurus according to the horoscope, helped to create home comfort. For Leps, the ideal of a woman and wife is Anna Shaplykova. Leps's date of birth is July 16, 1962. He is according to the horoscope Cancer, and for Cancer, the priority is family and children. Perhaps their horoscopes so well developed, and turned out to be a strong family. They became husband and wife only a year after the birth of their first daughter. There is a family legend that Anna thought whether their relations with Gregory should be legalized, because they already lived together. She asked the icon of Blessed Patrona to give her a sign. And the next day she found out that she was expecting a baby.


In total, the famous four have three children. The eldest daughter, Eva, was born in 2002, the middle daughter, Nicole, was born five years later, in 2007. And the third child, Ivan, was born in 2010. Grigory Leps dreamed of a son, because in addition to two joint daughters with Anna, he has another adult daughter from his first marriage. Gregory calls his son Vano at home. Now he is still quite small and needs mother's care more. But Leps is looking forward to talking to him heart to heart. The couple has no disagreement in raising children. Although they live in abundance, they do not want to indulge in money and surplus children.


How Anna became a housewife

Finishing an artist's career is a difficult step for someone. An entirely different matter is Anna Shaplykova. Her biography after meeting with Leps changed a lot when she chose the role of a housewife and guardian of the family hearth. No one forced her or forced her to leave the stage. There were no serious disputes and disagreements on this issue; everything turned out by itself. Yes, and age forced to make a choice. When they began to live together, Anna was almost 30. According to Anna, after 30, you must either start teaching, or completely leave the stage. And it turned out that Anna was expecting a baby. For her, it was a determining factor to devote herself to her husband and child, her family. It is in her character and in her life values. What could be more important than family? Nothing. This is probably why Leps chose her, because he always dreamed of a quiet family comfort, which Anna Shaplykova was able to arrange.


Relationship with husband and children

Anna is quite happy in marriage. Although for some it is not at all happiness. After all, spouses see each other not so often. Leps has a heavy touring schedule and is rarely at home. But Anna is a wise and loving wife. She accepted Gregory as he is. And Leps without music would no longer be Leps. Therefore, Anna perfectly copes with the role of a caring mother for three charming children, with the role of wife and mistress of the house. And Leps is the main earner in the family, who earns a living, coziness and comfort of households. Here is their formula for happiness. The time when Leps is at home, he devotes to the children, and this time is enough for them. Relations between Anna and Grigory with children are very good.


Leps on stage and at home are two completely different people. On the stage - a hurricane of emotions, at home - complete peace and tranquility. All this Anna could create for him. But this does not mean at all that Grigory Leps and Anna Shaplykova simply exist with each other, and there is no love. Decisions on important defining points Leps takes, consulting only with his wife. For him, she is a reliable rear and support.