
Patrick Swayze's wife spoke about her husband's last words. She will remember them forever

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Patrick Swayze's wife spoke about her husband's last words. She will remember them forever
Patrick Swayze's wife spoke about her husband's last words. She will remember them forever

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It has been 10 years since that sad September day of 2009, when one of the best actors of our time, Patrick Swayze, passed away. But now his wife, that is already a widow, Lisa Niemi recalls the last words of her beloved husband, which he said before his death.

Cool guy from the eighties

Patrick Swayze left us too early just over ten years ago. He was only 57 years old.

The actor was remembered as one of the cutest smoothies of the 80s and 90s. They remember him as the protagonist of classic and unforgettable films - “Dirty Dancing” and “Ghost”, which rightfully went down in the history of cinema. But, probably, not many people know that he was also a real romantic and the actor’s big personal love story was no less interesting than any of his Hollywood films. With his only wife, Lisa Niemi, he lived 34 years until his death on September 14, 2009.

Lisa was always with him, especially during his illness and in the last days before his death.

They met before the deafening glory of Swayze when they were teenagers. At that time, Niemi was taking dance lessons from Patrick's mother. They got married in 1975, four years before the actor made his debut on movie screens.


“I was 14 years old when I first saw him, ” Niemi said. “Patrick was tanned, with a snow-white smile and a womanizer's reputation.”

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Their love story was like “Dirty Dancing, ” only in real life.


“The first time we danced together at a school party, ” Niemi recalls in the documentary. “We went on stage … I looked into his eyes, and time seemed to stop.” For her, these memories are still alive.

Sex symbol - a truly faithful husband

The couple stayed together after the incredible success of Swayze in Hollywood. He was a sex symbol for women around the world, and People magazine called him "The Sexiest Man in the World." Despite such success, Patrick remained faithful to his wife.


After 30 years of marriage, the couple found out about Patrick’s terrible illness. But, despite not very good forecasts, the couple did not give up. Swayze continued to act in film. And his wife was on his side, agreeing with his every move.


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“This is the worst thing in the world that has happened to us in a lifetime, ” Niemi said. - You spend every day fighting for the life of this person. I know that my husband fought every day. ”