
A woman walked her dog and accidentally discovered an intruder in the coat of a pet

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A woman walked her dog and accidentally discovered an intruder in the coat of a pet
A woman walked her dog and accidentally discovered an intruder in the coat of a pet

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A dog can bring home much larger "parasites" than fleas. Really clear confirmation of this is the story of one Australian woman who contains 3 dogs with thick hair. She managed to find real cubs of possum on her pets. This finding caused a lively discussion among users of social networks.


Uninvited guest

The dog is a true friend to man. Not surprisingly, many take serious care of these smart animals. One woman from Australia often boasted to the online community of the excellent hair of her pets.


Once she really surprised the regulars of the network by publishing photos of the animal that she found in the hair of her dog, nicknamed Kato. As it turned out, a small possum lived on this large dog. This animal was a female and was still a baby.

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The woman's surprise was hard to describe in words. At the same time, Kato himself, like the second dog, did not pay absolutely any attention to the intruder. It is not known how long a small possum would have been in this position if the Australian had not noticed him. However, she had no idea where the animal from the wild could come from the hair of her dog.


The woman immediately went to the veterinarian, who examined the dog and possum. Subsequently, the woman’s civil husband had to look for an organization that is engaged in the return of animals to their natural habitat.

Second meeting

The next day, the Australian again walked with her pets along the same route. However, she was still very impressed by the incident yesterday. All the more was her surprise when she again discovered the same small creature in the coat of her dog Kato.

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This time, the “male parasite” turned out to be a “parasite”. He was a little more annoying to Kato, as he was poking around in his hair and constantly trying to move from one place to another.

No less surprising was the veterinarian, who for the second day in a row had to examine not only the same dog, but also the possum. In the future, the baby was sent to the same place as the first possum.


Unfortunately, it is not possible to find the mother of the kids. Moreover, the woman does not know exactly where they climbed her dogs. At the same time, the nursery said that their employees will do everything to raise their babies and return to their natural habitat.
