
The life of a white rhino. The maximum weight of a white rhino

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The life of a white rhino. The maximum weight of a white rhino
The life of a white rhino. The maximum weight of a white rhino

Video: These Two Rhinos Are The Last Of Their Kind | Seven Worlds, One Planet | BBC Earth 2024, July

Video: These Two Rhinos Are The Last Of Their Kind | Seven Worlds, One Planet | BBC Earth 2024, July

Rhinos are an amazing and fearsome animal. Various legends and myths have long been formed about these giants, and all kinds of mystical abilities are attributed to the horn itself. Such increased attention to the animal is not surprising, because the white rhino is the second largest of all land. Unfortunately, its unusual characteristics have led to the fact that this species is currently very small.

Population reduction


Due to the increased interest in this creature, people began to catch it. But even over the years, human curiosity has not died away, and hunting for this beast continues to this day. Rhino meat is edible. That is why their number is constantly decreasing. Previously, there were many different subspecies of this animal, but today there are only five. The largest among them is the white rhino, and it is listed in the Red Book. Today this exotic animal is protected by law. At the moment, the livestock is approximately 10 thousand individuals. This indicator indicates that the protection program is slowly operating.

Animal name

Surprisingly, in fact, this animal does not have a white color, although it bears such a name. In fact, the skin color of the beast is predominantly gray, like that of the black rhino. But at the very beginning there was a confusion with the name of the animal, and instead of “wide” the colonists translated this word as “white”, since the sound in English is a bit similar. A smaller rhino, they began to call "black."

Animal character


Seeing a rhino for the first time, you can be scared, because it is very large. The length of his body averages four meters. If measured at the withers, then its height reaches two meters. The maximum weight of a white rhino is five tons. Such dimensions are very impressive, and not in vain, because this is a ferocious beast. The most aggressive are the males, who often arrange fights. The fight of this animal is cruel. Sometimes a loser dies from the blows of a restless enemy who is not going to end the battle. It is dangerous for other inhabitants of the savannah to catch the eye of an angry animal, since the weight of a white rhino eliminates the chance of remaining intact, and its impact can be fatal for a beast that fell under a hot hand. It is also very easy to tease.



More often the white rhino has a dark gray color. His face is stretched down due to two horns that are present on his nose. The front horn is unusually long and can grow up to one and a half meters. The record that was recorded is 158 cm. The second process is usually much smaller, and sometimes it can be completely invisible. Zoologists suggest that the first horn is designed to clear the path in the bush, for more convenient feeding. The maximum weight of the white rhino was noted in the old specimen; therefore, animals with an average weight of 2.5 tons are more common. Modern indicators recorded another highest figure for an adult. The maximum weight of the white rhino in kilograms was 3, 850. The body composition of this beast is very massive, and the skin is too dense and has almost no hairline. The neck of the animal is very short. The rhino has low three-toed legs. Fingers end with hooves. Usually these animals roam slowly. But despite the max. the weight of a white rhino, it is capable of speeds up to 45 km / h. Of course, he could not run this far.



White rhino often lives in small groups. These herds usually include several females, their babies and adolescents, who are already able to eat without the help of their mother. Sometimes old males may join this group, who do not bother, but simply roam nearby. If a perennial rhino makes attempts at copulation, it is expelled, and sometimes it can be killed. Even the maximum weight of a white rhino will not save him from angry females. During hot days, animals try to hide in the shade. With the arrival of the evening, the herd goes to pasture. At a time when the weather pleases with a moderate temperature, rhinos feed almost without ceasing. Their diet includes grass. Since ticks often start on these animals, they need to go to reservoirs, where turtles await them, saving animals from this scourge. In its life, rhino mainly uses the sense of smell. The remaining senses are not so important for this mammal. It is interesting that with the right wind, a person can approach this beast by 35 meters. Despite its ferocity, the white species of rhinos is most often afraid of a person and, as soon as it finds him nearby, tries to escape. At the same time, its speed will be about 30 km / h.