
Life in Austria: advantages and disadvantages, average duration, level

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Life in Austria: advantages and disadvantages, average duration, level
Life in Austria: advantages and disadvantages, average duration, level

Video: Moving to Austria: 7 Things to Know Before You Move to Austria 2024, June

Video: Moving to Austria: 7 Things to Know Before You Move to Austria 2024, June

The Republic of Austria is one of the most economically developed countries in Europe. She is the owner of a mild temperate climate and beautiful alpine landscapes.

Our compatriots consider Austria a country of prosperity, high culture, picturesque nature, wide opportunities for education and business organization. That is why many residents of Russia and the CIS countries seek to relocate to permanent residence in Austria. In addition, the standard of living here is really high. According to this indicator, Austria is on the list of 15 world leaders.


Austria does not need a special introduction. The magnificent landscapes of this country fell in love with Europeans back in the 18th century. The relief of the territory of Austria is mostly mountainous, and its area is 83 859 square meters. km

The state has common borders in the west with Switzerland and Liechtenstein, in the north with Slovakia and Germany, in the east with Hungary, and in the south with Slovenia and Germany.


If you look at the Republic of Austria on a map, then in its form it looks a bit like a pear. The entire territory of the country is divided into three different geographical regions. The largest of them are the Alps. Massifs are located on 62% of the total area. In the eastern part is the zone of the Middle Danube Lowland. The third largest geographic region of the country is the Bohemian Forest. It occupies 10% of the territory of Austria and is located in its northern part. The famous Danube flows there.


How many inhabitants in this country? Based on the fact that Austria occupies a very small area, and its population is small. This is only 8.5 million people. Of these, approximately 88% are indigenous to Austria. These are German-speaking Austrians. The rest of the country's population comes from other countries. The most numerous diasporas are Romanian, Hungarian and German. Slightly fewer immigrants come from Russia, Turkey and Serbia.

According to statistics, in Austria there is a negative dynamics of population growth. To fill this gap, the country accepts immigrants. In addition, Austria has a fairly high average life expectancy. She is 81 years old. And this is an additional tax burden on the working-age population. A similar fact also necessitates the admission of able-bodied immigrants.


A high standard of living in Austria is ensured by good industrial development, an intensive agricultural sector, an extensive transport system, and a decent level of tourism, services and trade.

The country's economy is characterized by a relatively low level of unemployment and inflation. In addition, the Austrian market is considered one of the most capacious in all of Europe. The main industries in the country are metallurgy and machine building, as well as woodworking, chemical, light and food processing.

Based on available indicators, in Austria there is intense economic growth. Its main prerequisite is an increase in production volumes with a qualitative improvement of all its factors. And this becomes possible with advanced training of employees, improvement of labor subjects, as well as organizational structures.

The predominant direction of the Austrian economy is the service sector. It accounts for almost 2/3 of the gross value added. About 30% of GVA is occupied by production. And only about 2% of the Austrian economic system is forestry and agriculture.

Most of the workers in the manufacturing sector work in industry and construction. The service sector in the Austrian economy is represented by sales, utilities, medicine and education.


The country is one of the most stable and successful representatives of the European Union in economic terms. For their further and steady development, the largest enterprises in Austria, as well as medium and small companies, are recruiting qualified specialists. Almost all sectors of the social and economic sphere are represented on the labor market. However, the most active of them are machine tool and machine building, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, as well as equipment manufacturing.


Currently, there is an active growth of forestry and textile, woodworking and other industries. Applicants for vacancies deserve special attention tourism, as well as innovative technologies, which, in particular, include the IT sphere.

Austria, like most modern developed countries, receives the largest part of its income thanks to the well-developed services sector. In the economy of this alpine country, this sector is about 65%. At the same time, industry is in second place, and agriculture is in third place.

A significant share of the labor market is vacancies related to tourism. This is work in ski resorts, as well as in the entertainment and shopping sectors, represented in large cities.

As of 2017, the most sought-after professions in Austria are:

  • Engineers with higher education in the field of metallurgy, energy and engineering.
  • Professionals with experience in the construction industry.
  • Junior medical staff.
  • Social workers caring for the elderly and sick, while having work experience and an appropriate certificate.
  • Ancillary workers for catering facilities and industrial enterprises.

Those who leave Russia for Austria are given the opportunity to find jobs in IT companies. Open to our compatriots and the tourism sector. Here they are waiting for the vacancies of a guide, instructor at a ski resort, a maid, a bartender or a waiter in a restaurant or hotel.

Linguistic aspect

A person who dreams of moving to Austria from Russia, before even looking for work in this country, should pay attention to one of the most important points. You can get a decent job here if you speak the official German language, which is the state language.


English is also required. It is actively used in the country as an international language. Only with such knowledge can the applicant become competitive. This is especially true for those who seek career growth and have serious ambitions.

Work without knowledge of the language

How to get a job in Austria without having learned English or German? You can find work in Austria without knowing the language. However, the proposed vacancies will only apply to low-skilled professions. Most often, this is a nanny or housekeeper in a Russian family. It is only worth keeping in mind that the level of salary in this case will approach the minimum.

Very popular and seasonal work. As part of it, you can find a job in the ski resorts as service personnel or in agriculture during the harvest period of fruits and grapes. However, it should be borne in mind that in this case, the employer must adhere to the quota principle. That is, first of all, to recruit citizens of the European Union. At the same time, the share of foreigners should be 9% of the total number of employees.

Cities for employment

The largest number of vacancies are placed by enterprises located in the capital of Austria - Vienna. Here, by the way, almost a quarter of the country's urban residents live.

Decent work is sure to be found in Baden and Innsbruck, Salzburg and Graz. In resort towns, workers for the hotel industry are most often needed. In Innsbruck and Salzburg, as a rule, Russian-speaking managers, administrators, maids and other staff are needed.


In the resort town of Tirol, craftsmen serving wooden houses are almost constantly required. For our fellow citizens in Graz there are vacancies for construction and repair. Also in all Austrian cities they are looking for teachers and nannies for children from Russian-speaking families.

It should be borne in mind that finding work in Austria is not easy. However, having a desire to implement this is quite realistic. After all, you can even start small, and then move towards your goal. Anyone who has the industriousness and necessary knowledge, and is also confident in his abilities, is quite capable of realizing himself in this country financially and careerly.


Employment is a question that any adult Austrian or immigrant who seeks to obtain citizenship in this country faces. Anyone who has already found the right job for themselves may not be particularly worried. The basic rights and obligations of the employer, as well as the employee, are fixed in the Labor Code. This document is no different from those adopted in other countries. It provides, for example, the same 40-hour work week, public holidays and weekends.

What is the average salary in Austria? Compared to neighboring countries, it is quite high here. In terms of remuneration in the European Union, the average salary in Austria is among the top ten leaders. In 2017, this indicator was equal to 2, 215 euros after taxes.

What money can be received in Austria minimally? There is no similar level of wages in the country. The rates of material remuneration for labor are fixed in collective agreements, and are also set for individual industries by government decisions. But on average, wages (euros per month) by profession are from (amounts are indicated in euros):

  • 3000 for doctors;
  • 2500 for architects;
  • 2300-2500 for civil engineers;
  • 2000-2200 for bank employees and managers;
  • 1200-1300 for secretaries, bartenders, cooks and waiters.


In order to better understand what it is like, life in Austria, it is necessary to consider the system of obtaining knowledge. In general, it is built on the principle familiar to Russians, and includes two levels:

  • primary, which children go through during the first four years of school;
  • primary, or secondary school, in which training takes place for 5 or 8 years.

Preschool institutions in Austria have nothing to do with the country's education system. They are equated with the level of nannies.


You can get higher education in Austria in:

  • Universities
  • colleges;
  • practical higher specialized schools.

Preschool education in the country is very similar to Russian. When the child reaches the age of 3 years, parents can send him to a public or private kindergarten. Here in the older groups, the kids are prepared for school, but they are not taught either writing or reading. For private institutions, their program may include language learning, music classes and dancing. All preschool institutions are paid. Children of foreigners can attend special institutions where they study German in a playful way.

From the age of six, each child starts schooling. Primary educational institutions in Austria are both public and private. And all of them are divided into three types:

  • classic
  • folk;
  • for children who need a special program.

At school, children are taught two foreign languages. After graduating from the first four classes, a ten-year-old child continues to study. Parents will need to make a choice where to send their child. This can be an ordinary five-year school or general secondary, where a child will have to spend 8 years at a school desk.

In Austria there are also Russian schools based on the general educational system. Non-citizens of the country should pay about $ 100 per year for their studies.

In the system of Austrian education, academic secondary schools are represented by gymnasiums, among which:

  • ordinary;
  • focusing on science;
  • preparing for providing home life.

After graduating from any of these gymnasiums, the student is given the opportunity to receive specialized education in one of the higher secondary schools for 4 years. During this period, the young man is preparing to enter the university of his chosen profile. An applicant in Austria can only be one who holds a certificate of complete secondary education.


Education at universities in Austria is free. But this applies only to those higher schools that are run by the Ministry of Science and Sports of the country. Teaching is also free at Public Universities. Foreign citizens do not need to pay tuition fees only when they are holders of scholarships or grants issued by one of the American or European funds created to support students.

The medicine

The well-developed healthcare system of the country also testifies to the high standard of living in Austria. All working citizens receive special insurance. It allows you to get the necessary medical care. Based on the clauses of the contract with the insurance company, the primary care of the patient is the doctor-therapist. If necessary, he directs the patient to narrow-profile specialists. In addition, there are many doctors and private clinics in the country that treat people who have not concluded contracts with insurance companies.


About the remarkable work of the country's health system is the average life expectancy in Austria. So, if in the 80s of the 20th century it was 70 years old, then by the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century. reached the mark of 81 years.

Experienced Austrian doctors, using modern medical equipment, are always ready to provide qualified care to patients.