
Life in Georgia: Pros and Cons. Is it worth it to move to Georgia

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Life in Georgia: Pros and Cons. Is it worth it to move to Georgia
Life in Georgia: Pros and Cons. Is it worth it to move to Georgia

Video: Moving to Georgia | Pros and Cons of Living in Georgia | 15 Things to Know Before Moving to Georgia 2024, June

Video: Moving to Georgia | Pros and Cons of Living in Georgia | 15 Things to Know Before Moving to Georgia 2024, June

In April 1991, the Republic of Georgia became a sovereign state; it withdrew from the USSR. The history of this country for more than one century has been inextricably linked with the Russian Empire. Georgia became its part in 1783. Many events have passed since that time, positive and negative. What is the country like today, what is life like in Georgia through the eyes of Georgians and emigrated people?

Let's get to know closer: climatic conditions


Georgia is a small and very colorful country. The climate is comfortable and mild. In the eastern part - subtropical, in the western - Mediterranean. It is worth noting that there is no sharp separation between them. The mountains of the Caucasus protect the country from cold winds from the north. January temperature averages +5 degrees; in summer, the air warms up to +24 degrees. Precipitation is quite a lot, from 1000 to 2500 millimeters per year. In a word, life in Georgia is first and foremost comfortable.


However, the environmental situation has recently begun to raise some concerns. Forests were threatened with death (despite the fact that their age is estimated at centuries). At present, restoration of their appearance is a task that is in the foreground for the Ministry of Ecology of Georgia.

The country has cold and transparent mountain rivers, clean air, and environmentally friendly products. No wonder it has many centenarians, and wishes related to Caucasian longevity are somehow associated with Georgia.

Life span issue

Life expectancy in Georgia is 74.5 years. In accordance with this indicator, the country is 92nd out of 193 in the world. Georgian men live on average 70.2 years, women - 78.8 years. Obviously, such a life expectancy cannot be called very long. However, many individual centenarians live in the country. They have long celebrated 100 years. Usually such people stop in the mountainous regions of Georgia.

The standard of living in Georgia and the country's position in the ranking of international importance


In terms of GDP, the state takes 113th place in the world (there are 187 countries in total). For every resident, there is 9630 dollars of GDP. Currently, more than 365, 000 residents live below the official poverty line. This is slightly less than 1/10 of the total population. The cost of living for one family of four people per month is $ 127 (this is 290 GEL). Of course, it is difficult to call it high. It is important to note that the average income of an average family is about $ 176 (this is 400 lari) per month. The possibilities of making serious purchases, acquiring real estate or traveling to various resorts abroad are practically absent.

GDP per capita


What is life like in Georgia? According to information from the IMF for 2018, Georgia took an average position relative to the post-Soviet territories, judging by the level of GDP per person. One of the key problems of a modern country is mass unemployment. It is extremely difficult to find a job here, and it is almost impossible to find a good job. For young people living in the country, unemployment has become a real scourge. Its maximum level can be observed in relation to youth, whose age is from 25 to 35 years. The fact is that this category of the population has not received proper education. That is why it is almost impossible to take a worthy position in the labor market.

This forces promising young people to change their life in Georgia to live in other countries where there is work. In recent years, labor migration from this country has reached its peak. A significant part of the youth left for the Russian Federation. Since mid-2018, the official unemployment rate has begun to decline. However, at the end of 2018, more than 25% of the working age population continued to be unemployed. Those who are registered in the employment structure are paid about 20 GEL per month. Such payments are made every month for six months.

What is the state doing to improve the situation?


As it turned out, life in Georgia has its drawbacks. To overcome them, to date, bonus programs have been created and are gradually being introduced at the state level in the country, which are designed to stimulate the Georgian employer to employ those university graduates who do not have work experience.

Currently, the most demanded in the labor market are agricultural specialists and programmers. The situation in the economy, of course, does not please, but in the village it can be attributed to the stalemate. Previously, Georgian youth sought to obtain the sought-after profession of an economist or lawyer. Labor activity in the field of agriculture is not considered as such. That is why the shortage of personnel in this area who have received the appropriate qualifications is simply disastrous.

Statistical information indicates a high level of shadow economy. Salaries officially receive no more than 1/3 of the population. For the rest, there is work without registration. Then the salary is issued “in envelopes”. And then when it comes to big cities. It should be noted that in the Georgian province the circumstances are generally discouraging.


Should I move to Georgia? As it turned out, there are some problems with employment. The level of wages in the country today is significantly behind the average relative to the region. And if jobs begin to appear in a gradual way, then revenues are still not growing. A high level of competition in the labor market is associated with its low pay. Incomes of the population can grow only when the entrepreneur is simply forced to raise them. And Georgian businessmen currently have a wide selection of personnel. By the way, foreign specialists, who are considered to be in demand in certain economic spheres, have the right to rely on a fully rated salary.

Real estate in Georgia


The price of one square meter in the new buildings of Tbilisi is about 650 dollars. This is a sleeping area. In the city center, the same meter will cost about 2 times more expensive. It is possible to rent a one-room apartment on the outskirts of the capital of the country, but this will make it easier to pocket $ 200. If we talk about the center, then this amount should be doubled. The price of one square in the resort of Batumi is 2955 dollars. The rent for housing in this city is significantly higher than in Kutaisi or Tbilisi. The price of a square in the ski resorts is approximately equal to the capital, that is 750-1600 dollars. Today it is cost-effective to buy real estate in Georgia precisely in coastal cities, among which are Poti or Kobuleti. Mountain resorts (Bakuriani, Gudauri) are also famous for their popularity.

In past years, there has been a significant drop in real estate prices. However, in 2016, there was a tendency to rise in price, albeit at a gradual pace. Therefore, if no cataclysms happen in Georgia, in future periods prices will increase significantly, especially in the coastal territories of the country.

Commodity prices


What are the prices in Georgia? To begin with, it should be mentioned that there is no difference in the cost of marketable products and services in different regions. True, in the coastal territories, according to tradition, it is somewhat higher.

Prices in Georgia for vegetables and fruits are approximately the same (for reference: 1 US dollar equals 2.69 GEL):

  • 1 kg of apricots - 1.5 GEL;
  • 1 kg of peaches - 1 lari;
  • 1 kg of figs - 1.6 lari;
  • one watermelon - 0.5 GEL;
  • one melon - 1 lari;
  • 1 kg of new potatoes - 1 lari;
  • 1 kg of cucumbers - 1.3 GEL;
  • 1 kg of tomatoes - 1.5 GEL.

The cost of some food:

  • pita - 1 lari;
  • a liter of milk - 1.4 lari;
  • 1 kg of suluguni cheese - about 9 lari;
  • a loaf of bread - 0.5 lari.

And if you dine in a restaurant?

Food in restaurants in Georgia can not be called extremely expensive. A three-course lunch will cost about 20–35 GEL. Of course, there are also elite restaurants. The food of national Georgian cuisine is quite widely represented there. Naturally, the price for lunch in them is much higher. In Georgia, a fairly well-developed network of catering structures. They are somewhat similar to Soviet canteens. However, such establishments have a more intrusive service. They have the opportunity to dine inexpensively and efficiently.

Russians in Georgia

Russians move to Georgia willingly, but rarely. Currently, ethnic Russians compactly live in the largest cities in the country. In the village this is not more than one percent of the inhabitants, and in the highland regions there are no Russians at all. In the capital, the percentage of ethnic Russians is 10, in Batumi - more than 6. Half of Russians live in Tbilisi.

The only state language of the country is Georgian. It is on it that all the documents are taught, teaching in educational institutions (secondary, higher). Russian is used as the language of international communication. If suddenly Georgians are addressed in this language, then many of them with great pleasure make the transition, demonstrating a rather rich vocabulary. However, it is worth considering the significant difference in the ownership of those living in cities and in rural areas. So, citizens often speak Russian fluently, sometimes even without an accent. The inhabitants of the highlands and rural areas understand only the general essence of the above. However, they often themselves are not able to express a thought.

The advantages and disadvantages of living in the country

Do you want to go to Georgia for permanent residence? The pros and cons of life in this country are about the same amount. Consider the main ones. The following points should be attributed to advantages:

  • comfortable climate for life;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • the opportunity to develop their business due to the fact that the country is in dire need of investment.

Among the shortcomings, we note the following:

  • low wages;
  • high taxation;
  • high unemployment rates;
  • Education in schools and higher educational institutions only in Georgian.
  • negative attitude towards the Russians.

Is it easy to become a citizen?


How to get Georgian citizenship? After the introduction of a visa-free regime with the EU, an increasing number of foreigners want to obtain citizenship of this country. So, in Georgia, discussions began to tighten procedures related to the issuance of a Georgian passport. It is worth noting that in a small but proud country, uniform citizenship is assumed. In other words, a person who intends to become a citizen of Georgia undertakes to first issue a refusal of his native citizenship.

In accordance with the law of the country, everyone is able to obtain Georgian citizenship. There are no legal restrictions regarding changes in citizenship.

How to get Georgian citizenship? Consider the basic requirements. In order to obtain a passport of a citizen of a country, it is necessary to comply with certain standards provided by law. For example, an identity document of Georgia may have one who:

  • He has been living on the territory of the country for the past five years. It is worth adding that for this you need to obtain permanent residence or obtain a residence permit.
  • He knows Georgian at a conversational level.
  • He is well versed in the history of this country.
  • Possesses knowledge related to laws.
  • Has a source of income (exclusively official).
  • Has real estate in Georgia.
  • Owns stocks or shares in an enterprise located in Georgia.

The law of the country stipulates that the applicant must pass an exam in the Georgian language.