
Life path of Alexander Naumenko: biography, creative path and interesting facts

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Life path of Alexander Naumenko: biography, creative path and interesting facts
Life path of Alexander Naumenko: biography, creative path and interesting facts

Video: Ильенков. Фильм Александра Рожкова 2024, July

Video: Ильенков. Фильм Александра Рожкова 2024, July

Naumenko Alexander Anatolyevich passed a large life school. From a boy from the village of Vorozhba in the Sumy region, who sang along to himself while playing the button accordion, he turned into a star of world magnitude, which is subject to the entire bass repertoire.


Pages of life of Alexander Naumenko

In the small town of Vorozhba, which stands on the steep banks of the Vir River, in 1956, a boy, Sasha, was born in the family of a teacher at a music school. From childhood, music was played in the house when the father took the button accordion and his mother, a Cossack woman, who had a good voice and hearing, sang along with him.

The kid was glad to sing along to his parents. And when he grew up, his parents took Alexander Naumenko to the first grade of the music school, and the child, following the example of his father, chose a button accordion. It was probably funny to look at the little boy with a large tool in his hands, because of which he was barely visible in the first year. His mother’s half-brother, Nikolai Dobrynin, whom we will discuss below, also went to music school, only the musician did not work out of him, although he was seriously engaged in playing the piano. In the meantime, we continue the story of Alexander Naumenko.

Between Taganrog and Rostov

When the school was finished, the young man was admitted to the music school at the conductor-choral department. Then to the Rostov Conservatory, where he began to practice vocals. Alexandra Naumenko was led by fate.

The young man daily traveled from Taganrog to Rostov either by bus or by train. The road took two hours one way. He had to get up early, and when he returned, the young man almost immediately went to the pop orchestra to work part-time. The repertoire of Alexander Naumenko at that time consisted of the songs of Muslim Magomayev. The aspiring singer had rather vague ideas about opera, but he felt that he needed to develop.

And so he found out that the teacher came from the capital, Hugo Ionatanovich Tits, who arranges auditions and searches for talents in the province. Showing persistence, Naumenko appeared before the teacher to find out what he is. The recommendation inspired: he received advice to enter the Moscow Conservatory. Without hesitation, Alexander went to Moscow. He hoped and worried, but the competition was so huge that he was not accepted. Full of disappointment, he returned to Taganrog and decided to give up empty dreams.

At the factory

Alexandra Naumenko threw life at a tannery. He became a fatman. The plant produced various types of leather intended for the manufacture of shoes. Alexander walked between huge barrels of fat and opened and closed taps in them, filling vats with skin with fats, in which it was softened. The factory was undergoing reconstruction, the territory was being improved, and the pain of regrets and sorrows gradually receded into the background.

Quite unexpectedly, a letter came to Alexander Naumenko, who had lost all illusions. He was called to study at the conservatory. The signature was painfully familiar: G. I. Tits.

At the conservatory

In the class of Hugo Ionatanovich Naumenko, Alexander studied seriously. He practiced correct breathing, the ability to base sound on the diaphragm, or, in other words, comprehended all the subtleties of the profession.


At 29, he graduated from the conservatory and entered graduate school. His teacher was a professor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR Nina Lvovna Dorliak, who at that time was already 77 years old. This intelligent lady, whose mother in her youth was a maid of honor at court, and later an opera singer and teacher, instilled in her students not only knowledge, but also exquisite manners, the ability to stay in public, the ability to listen to the best professionals.

These two teachers fully formed the singer’s worldview, and he believes that he owes it to them all. In parallel with graduate school studies, there was an internship at the Bolshoi Theater. During his studies, the singer in 1984 took part in the All-Union vocal competition. He deservedly received the prize "For Artistry."


The following year in Hertogenbons brought him the first prize and the prize "For the best performance of chamber music." So gradually opened the way to the stages of theaters of the world.

Work and study

When training was completed in 1988, Alexander Naumenko began working at the Moscow Philharmonic. But he began to take lessons from the famous German singer Hans Hotter, who was considered one of the best performers of Wagner, and then in Austria - from the teacher Norman Shetler.

The professional level of Alexander Anatolyevich was constantly increasing. Working since 1991 at the Bolshoi Theater, Alexander Naumenko did not leave concert activity. His work with the chamber repertoire caused some complaints. However, E. Svetlanov believed in him and gave him the role of Ivan the Terrible in the opera The Pskovite. So the opera singer Alexander Naumenko appeared.

On the stage of the Bolshoi

A. A. Naumenko played all the main bass parts from the theater’s repertoire: Tsar Dodon in The Golden Cockerel, Prince Vyazemsky in The Oprichnik, Tchaikovsky, Leporello in The Stone Guest, Gremin in Eugene Onegin, Frost in The Snow Maiden, Salieri in Mozart and Salieri, Banco in Macbeth.


Once he had to learn a game in German in twenty days in order to take part in the play “The Flying Dutchman” (R. Wagner). The singer brilliantly performed the part of Daland.

With great responsibility the singer relates to disc recordings, achieving the perfect sound.