
Journalist Olesya Ryabtseva: biography, personal life

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Journalist Olesya Ryabtseva: biography, personal life
Journalist Olesya Ryabtseva: biography, personal life

The journalist Olesya Ryabtseva became extremely popular and recognizable after her not quite standard broadcasts on the legendary Echo of Moscow radio. But this fame is very ambiguous.

Rapid take-off

She was credited with an affair with the master of opposition journalism Alexei Venediktov, who, by the way, is more than 20 years older than the young shark pen. Olesya Ryabtseva herself refuted such rumors in every way and claimed that Venediktov was for her only a leader, a colleague, an unshakable authority in the profession and an example to follow. At the same time, the girl stated that he had nothing to do with her personal life. But many around stubbornly did not believe in such excuses, since it was really difficult to find a different explanation for the rapid career growth of a novice journalist.

Just a lover or a carefully thought-out instrument of reformation?

In the writing environment, there were people who, given the enormous age difference between Olesya and Venediktov, did not believe in rumors about their romance. They explain the demonstrative patronage of the chief editor of Echo of Moscow to the arrogant and arrogant journalist very simply - Olesya Ryabtseva for a long time was just a well-thought-out project by Venediktov, designed to gradually, but at the same time, radically update the radio station’s broadcast.


Analysts said that the person holding the post of chief editor for more than 20 years, like no one else understood the need for changes that could ensure the survival of the radio in the current political situation. In his interviews, Venediktov often stated that many would like to see the broadcast of his radio station either completely oppositional or totally loyal to the authorities. But the editor-in-chief never intended to take any particular position, and it was in this for many years that the peculiar skate of the broadcasts of the Ekho Moskvy radio station consisted. Olesya Ryabtseva, with her provocations, was supposed to stir up old journalists and refute the opinion that many of them just sat in their so-called comfort zone.

Ryabtseva Olesya: biography

According to official data, the future journalist was born in Volgograd, in 1991. Olesya Ryabtseva's parents had their own small business, and when their daughter was 5 years old, they decided to move to Moscow.

In her blog on the Echo of Moscow website, Olesya wrote that she graduated from high school quite well, with only two fours. For a very long time, she could not decide on the choice of her future profession, since she initially defined herself as a “techie” and only before the school graduation she felt herself a humanist. The girl entered the RSUH, the faculty of journalism.

Advantageous ties with the opposition, the introduction of the "Echo of Moscow"

During her studies, she worked at the university’s press center, where she had the opportunity to meet with opposition figures and journalists such as Yashin, Aleshkovsky, Lyaskin and Shepelin.

After completing the second year, Olesya Ryabtseva managed to get a referral for an internship conducted by a notorious radio station. As she herself admits, she managed to get this direction is not easy: I had to literally "bite it with my teeth."


Many who remember her at that time say that she gave the impression of a modest student with glasses who silently and very carefully watched everything happening around.

Ryabtseva Olesya, whose biography changed dramatically after joining Echo, soon changed herself beyond recognition - the shy woman became a brazen and scandalous careerist who does not tolerate any objections.

Work at headquarters and appointment as assistant chief editor

After the girl got to the radio station, she did everything possible so that the boss noticed her. She came to Venediktov’s office and announced that she wanted to do interesting work. The editor-in-chief replied that there is an opportunity to work in a public headquarters that oversees the election of the Moscow mayor.


Olesya Ryabtseva realized that this was her chance. She became an assistant to Venediktov and completely took upon herself all the organizational work required by the headquarters. She managed to effectively organize communication with the media and successfully engaged in planning the schedule of Venediktov himself. Olesya did everything herself, without unnecessary reminders, and Alexey Alekseevich did not have to worry about anything. Of course, he appreciated the efforts of the young student.

At first, she was offered the position of guest producer, then she began to fully engage in the production of individual programs and conduct special projects. Soon, the main assistant to Venediktov - Ekaterina Kobzeva, was supposed to fly away for an internship in America, and Olesya was offered to try her hand instead of Katya. Thus, Ryabtseva became the first assistant to the chief editor. At the same time, she oversaw several of her projects and broadcast on the radio.

Conflicts, scandals, quarrels and provocations …

This girl was often enough accused of lack of professionalism, or rather, they believed that her level of training was clearly not enough for the career that she sought to make. She was reproached for poor command of the Russian literary language, and Ryabtseva's statements were considered illiterate, amateurish.


The fact that sometimes, she could allow herself to express herself on the air “a little” obscene, led critics into a rage. It seemed that the combination of “Echo of Moscow” - Oles Ryabtsev was simply impossible and inappropriate: the submission of texts was very pretentious and often was on the verge of direct insults.

During the work of Olesya with "Echo of Moscow" many of his luminaries said goodbye. Vladimir Solovyov and Viktor Shenderovich refused to take part in the broadcasts precisely because of the inappropriate behavior of Ryabtseva and her statements. For some time, Olesya, along with Mitya Aleshkovsky, led the program “Need Help”, dedicated to charity. Having worked a little together, the co-hosts had some complaints against each other. The conflict came to Venediktov, and the winner in the dispute was, of course, Ryabtseva, who began to lead the program alone.


Disappointed in the activities of the opposition, Olesya allowed herself very harsh and insulting reviews towards Navalny. Other opposition members also often received unflattering reviews from a young journalist who boldly called them all just an amorphous mass. Venediktov constantly listened to complaints of victims of acute girlish language and their request to “calm her down” a little.

Espionage charges

After a meeting with the American ambassador, which was attended by an ambitious journalist, another scandal erupted. Ryabtseva Olesya, being an assistant to Venediktov, not only planned his schedule and meeting schedules, but also accompanied her boss to many of them. She had access to all kinds of government meetings, attended breakfasts at TASS (between ministers and chief editors of various publications), and even sometimes could attend government meetings.

Once, after meeting with the US ambassador, Ryabtseva posted a text on the Echo of Moscow site, which many called illiterate. The essence of the post was that Olesya, describing the meeting with John Tefft, wrote how she told him about the general mood in Moscow, the position of the opposition and how he answered her with a joke that trying to improve the state of the country, politicians only aggravate him. A similar post caused a flurry of negative reviews, since the word “told” caused many to not understand why Ryabtseva was present at a meeting of this level. Commentators showered Olesya with sharp remarks that as a journalist, she should “ask” ambassadors, and not “tell” them. The accusations reached the point that Ryabtseva was called a spy, who openly and without fear gives out all the secrets to the American ambassador.

Scandalous filming

After a fast career on Ekho Moskvy, a lot of scandals and a showdown, a statement was made that the journalist was leaving the radio station. Olesya Ryabtseva on NTV herself confirmed this information.


She made a splash, starring in the transmission of this channel, which was released under the name "Queen of Scandal." The girl shared her opinion about the opposition, which she had the opportunity to learn from the inside. Many politicians inherited her language very strongly, for example, Kasyanov was called a coward, who was afraid to come to her live broadcast. Navalny received the status of “shot down pilot” and “political impotent”, who is incapable of anything without his retinue. She calls Khodorkovsky "a scary man" and a "great manipulator." She recalled a young journalist and Ksenia Sobchak, whom, incidentally, she refused to meet in person and give an interview, although Sobchak repeatedly tried to organize such a meeting.

Olesya Ryabtseva on NTV also commented on her former colleagues, with whom she had to work on Ekho Moskvy, very impartially, having awarded them with obscene epithets. This time Venediktov was forced to apologize to the staff of the radio station for such unpleasant statements by his young protégé, but they say that the editor-in-chief himself did everything he could to shoot Olesya in this project.