
Snake-necked turtles: characteristics, description of species, range

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Snake-necked turtles: characteristics, description of species, range
Snake-necked turtles: characteristics, description of species, range

Video: Interesting facts about snake necked turtle by weird square 2024, July

Video: Interesting facts about snake necked turtle by weird square 2024, July

Creations of nature are sometimes amazing. Those who want to learn new things about their neighbors on the planet will probably be interested in our article on the representatives of the family of snake-necked turtles. These amazing animals differ from their fellow soldiers, and some of them have a truly bizarre appearance.

Family characterization and range

Snake-necked turtles, photos of which are posted in our article, belong to different genera of the same family. All of them are united by the special structure of the neck and shell. In case of danger, these turtles do not pull their heads in, as their relatives in the order, belonging to many other families, do, and bend their long neck, folding it under the front edge of the panir. Thus, if you look at the animal in full view, you can see its head and long neck, similar to a snake.


The family is divided into three subfamilies: Chelodininae, Chelidinae and Hydromedusinae. Representatives of the first live in Australia, and the second and third - in South America.

The family includes about 50 species, united in 15 genera. We will consider the most common representatives.

Australian snake-tortoise

This species inhabits the eastern part of the mainland. Adults reach 30 cm in length. Distinctive features are the dashed border on the edge of the carapace and an orange iris.

A giant snake-necked tortoise also lives in Australia, individuals of the species have the largest sizes in the family - up to 50 cm.


Australian turtles move perfectly on land, local authorities even set appropriate road signs and encourage motorists to be careful about long-necked reptiles on the road. But these turtles feed only in water. The basis of the diet is live fish, small reptiles and amphibians.

Fringed Matamata

Perhaps this is one of the most bizarre creatures of nature. A fringed tortoise is characterized by an extremely outstanding appearance. With a cursory glance, it can be mistaken for a mossy snag, thanks to outgrowths, bulges and spikes. The weight of an adult can reach 15 kg.

These turtles are also predators, in the natural environment they feed mainly on live fish.

They are found in South America, from Orinoco to the Amazon. Introduced in some water bodies of the state of Florida (USA).


Unusual appearance caused close attention from lovers of exotics. Matamata turtle is successfully bred and kept in captivity. She needs a spacious terrarium with shaded areas using screens. Excess light reptiles are not needed. For feeding, you can use fish, raw meat and even medium-sized live rodents, for example, fodder mice. The temperature of the water should not fall below 24 ° C, otherwise the animal will become lethargic, will begin to refuse food.

Siebenrock Turtle

This snake-necked tortoise lives in New Guinea, on the Cape York Peninsula, as well as on some islands of the Torres Strait.


The top of the carapace is painted in dark shades of green. Adults reach a length of 30 cm. This is an exceptionally predatory animal that hunts in water. He goes to land, but he is not interested in land animals as food.

The name is given by the name of the zoologist who studied and described the species.


The only genus of the subfamily Hydromedusinae includes two species of snake-necked turtles: Argentinean and Brazilian. Both are endemic to habitats, by which they received their names.


The sizes of representatives of both species are average, about 20 cm. The length of the neck is much greater than the length of the carapace. The hydromedus diet includes leeches, tadpoles, small lizards, insects, fish roe, and in rare cases, plants.

The color corresponds to the terrain. The transition between the upper dark part of the neck and the lower light is sharp, not smooth. Plastron (the lower part of the shell) has a light beige color.

Red-headed flat turtle

This is the only species representing the genus of flat turtles. Despite the name, the color of the upper part of the head is usually orange or yellow. Body length rarely exceeds 17 cm.

The species is common in the northern part of South America, prefers water bodies with a small current.


Red-headed turtles are of interest to terrarimers. The content is simple, but some experience will be required. The terrarium should be 20% of land, enough darkened corners. Since these creatures lead a daily lifestyle, they need lighting at least 12 hours a day. Food, as for other snake-necked turtles, should consist of fish, mollusks, insects, raw chicken meat are also acceptable.

Toad Turtle

This genus, represented by several similar species, lives in Australia. Among all serpentine ones these are the smallest turtles. The body length of a sexually mature male usually reaches 15.5 cm and a weight of 500 grams. Females are slightly smaller. The neck is covered with spikes.


The genus is poorly understood. Representatives lead a secretive lifestyle, scientists rarely manage to catch a new object for subsequent research. It is known that, like all relatives in the family, these little turtles are predators.