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The meaning and origin of the surname Antonov

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The meaning and origin of the surname Antonov
The meaning and origin of the surname Antonov

Video: How to pronounce Antonov (Russian/Russia) - 2024, July

Video: How to pronounce Antonov (Russian/Russia) - 2024, July

Most Russian surnames were formed from Orthodox names. In ancient times, it was categorically required to name children in honor of saints or respected historical figures venerated by the church on a certain day of the year. According to tradition, any family name was chosen according to the parents’liking, which was according to the calendar on the baby’s birthday.

Surname history


The roots of the name Antonov go back to about the 16th century. It consists of the number of old Russian surnames. Even in ancient times there were loved ones. So, for example, during the first church set of names, the apostles, followers, and students were already given names that were popular at that time, among which one could find the name Anton.

The history of the origin of the surname Antonov originates from the canonical folk forms of baptismal Russian names. Most of the population in ancient Russia for a long time did without surnames. Soon Kiev Metropolitan Petro Mogil in 1632 called on priests to record the dates of birth and death of people. Thus, it became necessary to call people by their full names with a middle name and a surname. The emergence of the family name "Antonov" was an ancestor named Anton, in whose honor the surname was given.

Surname value


The origin and meaning of the surname Antonov comes from 50% of the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia. It is also believed that she met in Bulgarian and Serbian.

It should also be noted that in ancient chronicles there is information that the carriers of this surname were Tula merchants during the time of Ivan the Terrible. The grand duke had his own list of respected families, which were granted to honorable residents as a reward for good deeds. This included the surname Antonov, which was received by representatives of the Tula merchants. It is interesting that in ancient times it was of rare importance, and in our time, this surname is not one of the most common.

However, there is a version that the name Anton has Greek roots. In the original ancient Roman version, the name sounds like Anthony, which means "opponent" or "entering the battle." Other sources report a Christian martyr and protector of Great Anthony, in whose honor the name Antonov was invented. The main meaning of this surname is “competing in battle” or “adversary”.

Ancient origin


Despite the traditional explanation of the origin of the surname Antonov on behalf of Anton (Anthony), some historical references give a tip that the Slavic name came from the people of Antov, who inhabited the Mediterranean coast at the beginning of the birth of Ancient Egypt. Hence the name Anton, later used in Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece and in Russia, is formed.

From the Greek “ANT-ON” was deciphered in the meaning of courage, strength and grandeur. This nickname was called the brave warriors.