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The meaning and origin of the surname Sergeev

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The meaning and origin of the surname Sergeev
The meaning and origin of the surname Sergeev

Video: Surname 2024, June

Video: Surname 2024, June

As soon as the reform was carried out to abolish serfdom, the leadership of the Russian Empire faced a difficult task: it was necessary that the serfs also receive names. In 1888, a decree appeared, which stated that now everyone, regardless of their position and status, must have surnames, which now must be indicated in official documents. It was at this time that the name of Sergeyeva sounded for the first time. What is the meaning of the name of Sergeyev? Where did she go from? This article provides a complete overview of the most common versions of the origin of this family name.

Origin of the surname

The active appearance of surnames in the territory of Ancient Russia was associated with the formation and capture of the leading positions of the new stratum of society - the landowners. Almost all of their surnames in those days ended in -s or -ev, which indicated an older one of a kind.

Last name Sergeyev is one of the most common surnames and falls into the hundred most popular in our country. If you think about it, then anyone will remember someone they knew who bore this name. The Sergeevs live not only in Russia, but also in the countries of the former Soviet Union; it even occurs in Serbia.

Earring Version

In fact, everything is very commonplace, such names were given to Cossacks who had an earring in their ears. She was a significant attribute, not just a decoration. She meant that this man was the last of his kind and he was not allowed on dangerous and sometimes deadly missions. After all, if he died, then in his family not only the breadwinner would not remain, but there would be no procreation.


Latin origin

Surname Sergeev is on the 30th line in the 100th prevalence in our country. This is because the very name Sergey, from which the corresponding surname appeared, was very popular in Russia, it is translated from Latin as "highly respected". In the same way, apart from Sergeyev, the names of Serenin, Serezhkin, Serganov, Sergushin, Seregin, Serggin, etc. occurred. But the surname Sergachev is formed from people who lived in the city of Sergach, which appeared on the map in the middle of the 18th century.


Representatives from the clergy

The entire list of names that appeared both from the middle name of Sergeyev and on behalf of Sergey is the same. So where does the name Sergeyev come from? Everything is simple! It was not formed on the territory of Russia, it is closer to such a social layer as representatives of the clergy, which were mostly Greeks.

An example is the well-known clergyman Sergius of Radonezh. He possessed truly amazing oratorical abilities and often acted as a judge and a party of reconciliation in disputes between various princes. During the Battle of Kulikovo, he was able to bring everyone together on one side, which ultimately allowed the Russians to win a great victory over the Golden Horde.

Came from the baptismal name

This theory of the origin of the surname Sergeev is the most popular. Therefore, it is more common than others. It is believed that the name of Sergeyev came from the baptismal Sergey, or, as they said in ancient times, - Sergius. From here comes the formation of a whole list of similar surnames Sergushin, Serezhichev, Sergulin, etc.


Sergeyev Konstantin Mikhailovich - famous Soviet ballet dancer, teacher, head of the Opera and Ballet Theater. Winner of many awards and titles, including People's Artist, four Stalin Prizes, Hero of Labor. The first to start staging productions is Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella. On television, he conducted a series of programs devoted to ballet and everything connected with it, wrote several scripts. And this is far from the only known bearer of the name Sergeyev.

Noble theory

The history of the name of Sergeyev is also of noble origin. An ancestor of the whole family named Dol (when he was baptized, he became Vasily) left the German settlement in Pskov, then visited the territory of Tver, where he visited the ruler there - Alexander Mikhailovich Tversky, who made him his boyar, gave fertile land and several houses with peasants.

Already the grandson of Vasily had a great-grandson Sergei, who was granted the noble rank. He received the estate and cash salary. At the end of the 18th century, a special document was provided to his descendants, which confirmed the eminence of their surname Sergeeva, origin from the great and significant people of Russia.


Like all noble houses, the Sergeevs have their own coat of arms. It is a shield, which depicts a red field, a cross is a firearm and broadsword, covered with silver. Military paraphernalia means that most representatives of the clan were in the service of the king. A helmet and a special crown are also attached to the shield. Covering a shield of red color with gold. The coat of arms is included in the list of famous noble families of the Russian Empire.