
Significant role of personality in history

Significant role of personality in history
Significant role of personality in history

Video: What is Personality? - Personality Psychology 2024, June

Video: What is Personality? - Personality Psychology 2024, June

Politicians, philosophers, historians, sociologists at all times and throughout the civilized world were interested in the problem: "the role of the individual in history." In the recent Soviet past, the Marxist-Leninist approach prevailed: the main driving force of society is people, the working masses. They form society, classes. The people create history and nominate heroes from their midst.

It’s hard to argue with these, but it is possible to emphasize otherwise. Society to realize


meaningful goals in their development, passionaries (more about this later), leaders, leaders who are able to predict the course of social development earlier, deeper and more fully than others, understand goals, set guidelines and attract like-minded people are simply necessary.

One of the first Russian Marxists G.V. Plekhanov argued that the leader is great "because he has features that make him most capable of serving the great social needs of his time, which arose under the influence of general and special reasons."

What criteria should be followed in determining the role of the individual in history? Philosophy is judged by

a) how significant ideas for society this person generates, b) what organizational skills does she have and how much is she able to mobilize the masses for the solution of national projects, c) what result will society achieve under the leadership of this leader.

The most convincing way to judge the role of the individual in the history of Russia. V.I. Lenin headed the state for no more than 7 years, but left a significant mark. Today it is rated with a plus sign and a minus sign. But no one can deny that this person entered the history of Russia and the whole world, influencing the fate of several generations. Assessment of the activity of I.V. Stalin went through all stages - from worship, and then many years of silence - to a decisive condemnation and denial of all his activities and again to the search for a rational leader’s actions


of all times and peoples. ” In the last years of life, L.I. Brezhnev, only the lazy did not make fun of the “leader”, and after decades it turned out that his reign turned out to be the golden mean for the Soviet Union, only subsequent grief reformers not only could not multiply the achievements, but also squandered the potential created during the post-war decades. And today, the assessment of its activities is again undergoing changes. It seems that the personality of M.S. Gorbachev. He would already have become a national hero and recognized world authority if the "perestroika 1985-1991 g" conceived by him and his team had not been so disastrous. We recall how many "Yeltsinists" were in the country in the nineties, until it became clear that this "democratic leader", along with his team, was surrendering Russia, being under the hood of the American administration. Life will probably make amendments, much is hidden from the eyes of contemporaries, but a lot has been published. He who has ears, let him hear.

But today it would be nice to turn to the theory of passionarity of Lev Nikolayevich Gumilyov. In the passionary theory of ethnogenesis, people of an energy-rich type are those citizens who have the innate ability to receive more energy from the environment than is required only for species and personal self-preservation. They can give out this energy as a focused activity, which aims to modify their environment. Evidence of increased passionarity characteristic of human behavior and its psyche.

The role of the individual in history under certain conditions becomes an engine for them.


, thanks to such quality as determination. In these cases, passionaries seek to change the environment in accordance with their ethnic values. Such a person compares all his actions and actions with moral standards that are based on ethnic values.

The role of the personality in the history of such people is that they are people of new thinking in the population. They are not afraid to break the old way of life. They are able to become and become the dominant link in new ethnic groups. Passionaries push, develop and introduce innovations.

Probably, among contemporaries there are also many stands. For ethical reasons, we will not call the living. But then a portrait of the leader of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, about whom they wrote during his lifetime, that this is the hope of progressive humanity, arises before his eyes. Russian cosmonauts, outstanding athletes, scientists, researchers - they are therefore heroes because they do not need exaltation, but simply do the job. History will determine their role. And she is a fair lady, only with a result postponed to future generations.