men's issues

Badge "Voroshilovsky shooter": photos, varieties, for which they awarded

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Badge "Voroshilovsky shooter": photos, varieties, for which they awarded
Badge "Voroshilovsky shooter": photos, varieties, for which they awarded

After the events of the October Revolution, defense-mass work was very actively promoted and strongly encouraged among youth. Sports shooting took the leading place in the military training of workers in the mid-1920s.


By 1928, 2.5 thousand shooting galleries operated in the USSR, in which about 240 thousand people trained. In order to encourage the very best, a very large number of different award badges were made. The most popular of them was the Voroshilovsky shooter badge. For what they gave, what did the award look like, in what types and in what quantity was it made? Information about this is presented in the article.


In the summer of 1932, offset command firing was carried out. The chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council, Kliment Voroshilov, when examining the targets, drew attention to one of them, which remained completely untouched. The shooter assigned to her complained about the poor quality of the revolver. Voroshilov took his weapon and moved to the line. Then he aimed and fired seven shots, knocking out 59 points. Having returned the revolver back, K. Voroshilov noticed that there are no bad weapons, but there are bad arrows. According to one version, the idea of ​​creating the Voroshilovsky shooter badge was born precisely after the incident with the famous revolutionary.


“Shoot Voroshilovsky!”

In order to encourage skill in marksmanship, the Presidium of the Central Council of the USSR in October 1932 approved the rank and badge of the Voroshilov Shooter. Soon in Moscow was opened the very first in the Soviet Union "Voroshilov Riflemen Club". In the early thirties, club members represented the country at international shooting competitions. Portsmouth Rifle Club (USA) became an opponent of the Moscow club. During the competition, the Soviet participants won, knocking out 207 points more. The Voroshilovsky shooter movement, due to the high enthusiasm of the working people, and assistance from the CPSU (b) and the Soviet leadership, has become widespread. The USSR in those years became the most shooting country in the world. Soon, several varieties of the Voroshilovsky shooter badge were created: a badge of the first and second steps and a reward for young shooters.

Regulations and regulations

On May 28, the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR approved Order No. 92 on the Voroshilovsky shooter badge. The document indicated the standards for the delivery of firing to obtain this mark. The initiator of the adoption of the Order was the Political Administration of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army. In June 1934, the Regulation was adopted on awarding the Voroshilov Shooter badge with the best servicemen of the Red Army and Navy.

First stage sign

The left side of the chest became a place to wear this badge “Voroshilov shooter” (photo presented in the article). The first stage badge with a diameter of 25 mm was made of high quality brass and cold enamel. Fastening was carried out using a screw with a nut.


In form, this sign resembled an irregular oval. On the front side was a five-pointed red star, against the background of which was a Red Army man aiming from a rifle. The target was located below, and on top - a red flag on which there was an inscription: "Voroshilov shooter." A wheat ear was depicted on the right side of the icon, and gears with the inscription "Osaviahim" on the left.


What was awarded the first Voroshilov shooter badge with?

After the events of 1917 in the Soviet Union, the full potential of the working people was directed to defense labor activity. Osoaviahima society was especially distinguished by its zeal - the members of this organization were engaged in defense, aviation and chemical construction.

Since Osoaviahim was the leader among other Soviet socio-political defense organizations in terms of firing standards and scope of work, the owners of the Voroshilovsky shooter badges were mostly its members. To get this sign, it was necessary to pass the standards for shooting at "excellent". The badge of the first step was also received by the Red Army men who demonstrated high skill.


Sign of the second stage: conditions for obtaining

To the second stage of this sign higher requirements were imposed. To get this sign, you must be the owner of the first stage badge. For each sign issued a certificate. If the owner of the first stage badge did not pass the standards, then he did not lose his badge. The exception was cases when a member of Osoaviahim was expelled for any defamatory act from the community.

The delivery of standards for obtaining the Voroshilovsky shooter of the second stage was carried out only using rifles.

This badge was intended for command, political and commanding personnel of the Red Army and the Red Army of the USSR. Awarding took place by order of the unit commander. The Red Army, Red Navy, and cadets who demonstrated excellent rifle shooting also had the right to wear the second-level badge.

Badges of the second stage were awarded from 1934 to 1939. By that time, a new award was approved - "For the excellent shooting of the Red Army", which began to be handed over to employees of defense enterprises before the start of World War II.


The sign has the shape of a circle in which, like the icon of the first stage, there are images of an ear of wheat and gears. But in this icon the inscription: “Osoaviahim” is replaced by “Red Army” and “NKVD”. Under the enamel of the badge there is an image of a red five-pointed star with rays in the form of notches. Against the background of this star is a Red Army man dressed in summer uniform. In his hand he holds a three-line rifle of 1930 of release. On top of the star is a red flag with the inscription: "Voroshilovsky shooter." Between the two lower rays of the star there is a standard white target with a small black circle in the center. In some icons, the target did not represent a single whole with the main sign, but was a separate element.

Product size 57x44 mm. During the external examination of the badge, the impression was made that the Red Army soldier was standing on the circle of the target and preparing for shooting. On the badge “Voroshilovsky shooter” of the second stage, the Roman numeral “2” was necessarily present. In some samples, the number was depicted in Arabic numerals. On the back of the icon is the abbreviation of the NKVD and the number.


Awards for children

For pioneers and schoolchildren there was a badge “Young Voroshilov shooter”. He differed from previous badges in that in the children's version the shooting Red Army man was replaced by a pioneer bonfire. The badge was created from pure copper, as well as from copper with nickel additives. The sign was made by stamping. It depicted a pioneer bonfire, under which the target was located.


A flag with the inscription: “Young Voroshilov shooter” fluttered above the flame. Red enamel was used to cover the image of the flame and flag; the image of the shooting target was covered with white and black enamel. All of them were framed by a circle. On the left side of the badge there was a gear wheel and the inscription: "Osoaviahim." On the right side was a wheat ear. The icon number was located on the back. The size of the product was 35x40 mm. There were also badges and smaller ones - 15x20 mm. To fix the badge, a threaded pin and a nut with a number stamped on it were provided.


Millions of Soviet people proudly wore this sign of the popular Osoaviahim society. Of great interest to collectors are earlier and very rare samples. Several types of the award sign “Voroshilovsky shooter” were issued:

  • Badge 1932 release. It was distinguished by a large size: 4x5 cm, each sample was equipped with its own number. The target was a separate overhead element. The badge was awarded for only one year.

  • Sign of 1933. Differs in the smaller size: 3x4 cm.

  • Badge of 1935. It is a rare miniature "dress" option.

  • "Voroshilovsky shooter" of the second stage of 1934 release. It is characterized by the presence of the invoice of the Roman "deuce".

  • Badge with an Arab "deuce" on the target.

  • The sign "Voroshilovsky shooter" of the second stage with the inscription: "Red Army".

This badge was awarded to:

  1. Border troops. The product had an engraving: "GUPVO".

  2. Soldiers and commanders of the Red Army and Navy. The badge had an engraving: "RKKA" and "RK Navy."

  3. Military personnel and command staff of the NKVD. Corresponding engraving was located on the reverse of the target.

The dimensions of the badges for these three options were: 44x57 mm.

Badge "Young Voroshilov shooter." It was handed over to pioneers from 1934 to 1941. During this time, this sign was awarded to 550 thousand children.