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Famous and outstanding citizens of Bashkortostan

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Famous and outstanding citizens of Bashkortostan
Famous and outstanding citizens of Bashkortostan

Video: 7 Facts about Bashkortostan 2024, June

Video: 7 Facts about Bashkortostan 2024, June

Let's make a list of "outstanding citizens of the Republic of Bashkortostan." Among them are representatives of literary, musical, and artistic creativity. Prominent citizens of Bashkortostan have proven themselves in many areas of art. We invite you to get to know them in more detail. Opens our list of Mazhit Gafuri.

Mazhit Gafuri


The years of life of this founder of Bashkir and Tatar literature, as well as the national poet of Bashkiria - 1880 - 1934. In his work reflected the main social problems in Tatarstan and Bashkiria in the first third of the 20th century.

Mazhit Gafuri - the son of a teacher from the village of Zilim-Karanovo. At 13, he loses both his mother and father, begins to wander around the Urals in search of work. He was deeply impressed by the work of akyns, Kazakh songs, legends and tales of his native and Kazakh peoples.


Creative way

Mazhit Gafuri created his first poem, entitled "Shakidram Ishana, " in the winter of 1901-1902. The first collection was published in Orenburg in 1904. At the same time, in a separate book in Kazan, the first story of this author, "A Life Passed in Poverty, " is published. Gafuri simultaneously appears both as a prose writer and as a poet, continuing to work in various genres until the end of his creative career. Poems of this author about the Siberian Railway are known, in which the century of progress is glorified, and there is also the theme of backwardness from the European development of the East, ignorance and clogging of Bashkirs and Tatars in comparison with Russians.


This writer welcomes the revolution of 1905 with all his heart, devoting it to her the same year, “The Verse of Joy, ” calling this time “the rising of freedom.”

Among the other works of this writer, we note the story “The Poor People” (1907), which depicts the hopeless life of the city lower classes, “Orphans” (1907), as well as verses from 1908-1909 (“The Rich”, “The Rich Man and the Worker” ", " I regret ", " Beggar "), where the inequality of social status is exposed. Having been among the Bashkirs in 1909, he published Zayatulyak and Khuuhylu, an epic work. In 1927, the story “Disgraced” (“The Black-faced”), which became very popular, was completed - one of his best works, which depicts the slavish position of a village woman full of tragedy. This author also has several children's stories: "Batrak", "Wild Goose", "Lost Aktyrnak" and others.

Mustay Karim


We continue our list of "outstanding citizens of Bashkortostan." The next author I would like to talk about is Mustay Karim, a poet. He was born in 1919, was in his family only the second person who could write and read. The first was his older brother. When the war began, this future poet had just graduated from the Pedagogical Institute, the literary faculty, and immediately went to the front. Throughout the service, he wrote poetry, even when he got to the hospital with a severe wound. After the amendment, Mustay Karim worked as a correspondent for various front-line newspapers, remaining at the front until the last day. Military poetry brought him real fame.

Characteristic of creativity

Mustay Karim gives us Bashkiria with his work - he wrote a lot about his native land. In his poems freshly and multicolored live water meadows and arable land, lakes, rivers and mountains.

The poet raised serious questions. How should a person live? You will find the answer in Mustai Karim's poem, "So Life Begins."


In 1957, he wrote the comedy Abduction of a Girl, full of folk humor. But nevertheless, the genre of tragedy is closer to his work. The author’s pen belongs to The Country of Aigul (1967) - a romantic drama, the tragedy of Salavat (1971) and others devoted to the main theme - man's search for the meaning of life, of himself.

"The Joy of Our Home" occupies a special place among other books on the description of military childhood. She is very bright, tells the story of the friendship of two children and the peoples of a vast country.

The creativity of this poet, thus, is filled with love for the homeland and the peoples living in this region, the desire to make people better.

Gaziz Salikhovich Almukhametov


The list of “outstanding citizens of Bashkortostan”, of course, includes Gaziz Salikhovich Almukhametov. The life of this man (1895-1937) was like a feat. We present to you the work of this author, included in the list of "outstanding citizens of Bashkortostan." See photo above.

Gaziz Almukhametov was born into a poor family of farm laborers. Once, together with his older brother, he went to work, leaving for Tashkent. In a foreign land, the boy really misses his native places, and he conveys these experiences in his favorite songs, which he knew a lot from childhood. The singing of Gaziz admires the Tatars and Bashkirs, who began to invite him to concerts in Tashkent parks.

Increased popularity

A few years later, his fame went beyond even Central Asia, reaching Bashkortostan, Tatarstan and Siberia. Further there were tours in Siberia, the Volga region, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan. This young man, who was then already included in the list of “outstanding people of Bashkortostan”, is not satisfied only with concert activity, keenly interested in Tatar and Bashkir folk songs, their legends and history. He collects and writes them, gradually becoming a folklorist.


After that, he takes a great interest in the idea of ​​creating an opera based on the Bashkir and Tatar folk melodies, and implements it (opera Sania). The premiere took place in Kazan in 1925. She was followed by another, "Esche."

After that, Gaziz Salikhovich searches for talents for the opera studio, being a mentor to many musicians, singers and composers, who later also joined the list of “outstanding personalities of Bashkortostan”.

In 1933 he published a book devoted to the problems of musical education.

Ahmat Lutfullin

The true, sincere, vibrant art of this artist, born in 1928, conquers with national originality. This is truly Bashkir, not only by origin, but also by attachment to his people and land.

The first exhibition of his works took place in 1957, in the summer, in the city park of Ufa. Even then, it became clear to some that this person has all the makings in order to replenish the list of “outstanding people of the Republic of Bashkortostan” in the future. Both the press and the audience welcomed this exhibition warmly. Already in the first works, one can see the desire to create portraits-images that convey the best features of the people of Bashkiria (wealth of the inner world, physical beauty, sense of national dignity).

Best works

In 1968, this author, included in the list of "famous people of Bashkortostan", wrote one of his best works - "Golden Autumn", a portrait-meditation depicting an elderly married couple.

A great success was Lutfullin's painting "Three Women" (1969), which embodied the moral beauty and purity of folk characters. Plot: three women in the Bashkir hut drink tea in national clothes.

The artist also paints landscapes, in particular, “The Last Old House in the Aul, ” built on contrasts.