
Pet shop in Novosibirsk "Wet nose": addresses, opening hours, reviews

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Pet shop in Novosibirsk "Wet nose": addresses, opening hours, reviews
Pet shop in Novosibirsk "Wet nose": addresses, opening hours, reviews

Wet Nose is the largest network of pet stores in Novosibirsk. In general, the product range is designed for dogs and cats. The choice of products for rodents, reptiles and ferrets is less than for familiar pets. In addition to the Wet Nose pet stores, their founder owns a network of veterinary pharmacies in this city.

About network

As noted above, pet stores are located throughout the city. There are more than 60 branches located both in the center and in the sleeping areas.

Pet shop "Wet Nose" (Novosibirsk) has not only branches. Here you can order online. The management assures of the delivery of products as soon as possible and at a convenient time for the client.



A very large selection of products for cats and dogs. Here you can purchase feed, animal equipment, grooming items, toys, houses. It is impossible to list everything from economy-class feed to cages for keeping dogs and cats.

Products for other animals, birds, fish and reptiles are less diverse. Ferrets, guinea pigs, rats and hamsters are offered feeds, care products, vitamins and goodies. As for the birds, for them you can purchase feed, treats and various accessories, including cages.

For fish and reptiles sold feed, water purifiers (for aquariums), all kinds of goodies.



At the pet shop "Wet Nose" (in Novosibirsk), the addresses are diverse, because there are more than sixty branches. Here are some of them:

  • May 9th Street, Building 12;

  • 5 Geodesicheskaya street;

  • Lenin street, house 102;

  • Pushkin street, house 57;

  • Uchitelskaya street, house 17.

Opening hours

Wet Nose pet shops in Novosibirsk operate from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Daily, without lunch and holidays.


Customer reviews

The majority of pet owners are satisfied with the network service. There is a large selection of pet products, friendly and quick service at the branches, and good faith sellers to their duties. Network staff will always help with the right choice, recommend the best and highest quality.

Not without unpleasant moments. Customers are unhappy with the small selection of products for rodents. People say that management should pay attention to this.

As for the online pet shop "Wet Nose", reviews about the store in Novosibirsk were divided. Some are satisfied with the delivery time, prices and quality of the goods. Someone is outraged by the work of couriers, they talk about their rudeness and constant rudeness. Customers do not like the problems with delivery time: the courier is late, not meeting the deadline, or arrives earlier.

Employee Reviews

Is it worth it to get a job at the Wet Nose pet store (Novosibirsk)? Judging by the reviews of former employees, many people bypass this network on the tenth road. The fact is that the attitude towards employees is very bad. They are delayed wages, fined due to any trifles, forced to sell stale goods. There is also a minimum check of the buyer, if its amount is less than necessary, then the seller is deprived of the premium. Employees sell the most expensive animal feed and accessories so that the amount of the minimum bill satisfies managers.

The most interesting is employment. On large job search sites, job opportunities for the Wet Nose pet shop in Novosibirsk often appear. Sales consultants required. At the interview, it turns out that, in addition to his usual duties, a potential candidate for a vacancy will have to perform the functions of a cashier and a security guard. The latter does not depend on the gender of the applicant; employers save on security.

In addition, interns are not paid for training, no one is going to deal with them. People who attended the internship share their impressions of how they were left completely alone in the hall. Training lasts a week, during which time the candidate is obliged to remember the entire assortment, the number of which exceeds five thousand.