
Stars that lost weight: celebrity photos, weight loss stories, interesting facts

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Stars that lost weight: celebrity photos, weight loss stories, interesting facts
Stars that lost weight: celebrity photos, weight loss stories, interesting facts

Video: 15 Famous People Lost Extreme Amount Of Weight 2024, July

Video: 15 Famous People Lost Extreme Amount Of Weight 2024, July

Why is it so important for many people to lose weight? There are usually several reasons. This is an attractive appearance - the desire to have a beautiful body, to please yourself and others. Excess weight prevents an active lifestyle. In addition, health problems often begin.

Deciding on any changes is always difficult. And when the habitual way of life is threatened, the mission becomes almost impossible. Therefore, every person embarking on the path of transformation needs constant motivation. And there is no better incentive than to see with your own eyes the one who was able to overcome himself, organize and lose those extra pounds. And if it’s also a celebrity …

Thousands of people every day look at the stars who have lost weight. In turn, public people willingly share information on how they managed to cope with this problem. They are pleased to tell you which power systems they used, what sports they did, and how much time the whole process ultimately took.

We offer the top 13 weight loss stars with photos before and after losing weight.

1. Jessica Simpson

Tops the list of stars who have lost weight, a popular American singer and actress. She is actively acting in films and advertising, conducts television shows and entertainment shows. In addition, the star tries herself in the design of women's shoes and works on creating her own cosmetic and perfume line.

Jessica is not tall and has always been slim and fragile. But after the birth of the children she recovered greatly. Problems in family life and the subsequent divorce only exacerbated the situation. The girl began to depression, and weight began to grow at a catastrophic pace.

But the singer managed to cope with the situation. This was facilitated by new love relationships. In just six months, just in time for the next wedding, Jessica said goodbye to her pounds. The star lost 30 kg.

Jessica was happy. She generously shared her photos and told how she managed to achieve such a result. No miracles, pills, operations. Active training on simulators four times a week and a strict diet.

She does a lot of sports and eats a little - that’s the whole secret. But the fans are again worried. In the photo in the swimsuit that Jessica put on the Web, her figure looks like a pumped weightlifter.

Now Jessica Simpson weighs 42 kilograms.


2. Jennifer Hudson

Famous American singer and actress, and now also a model! Yes Yes exactly!

Jennifer has always been chubby. But this did not bother her at all. The dark-skinned beauty was a great success with the opposite sex. But when the girl fell in love (they say that the actress and her future husband fell in love at first sight), she firmly decided to remove excess weight.

After the birth of her son, the star went in for sports: an exercise bike, basketball, running, boxing. I also seriously revised my diet: removed fatty, fried, sweet from the daily menu. A few months later, Jennifer managed to get rid of 36 kg.

The singer was happy and did not hide her joy from anyone. When asked what changed in her life after losing weight, she proudly stated that the transformation helped her become a model for people. If earlier it was called "fatty Jennifer", but now they imitate the star and want to be like her.

There are those who do not believe that Jennifer lost weight herself. They say she did the plastic. To which the singer replies that everyone can lose weight without surgery, you just need to really want to. A balanced diet and physical activity will help any person get rid of extra pounds.

Now Jennifer is developing a new profession. She tries herself in fashion design.


3. John Hill

Popular actor, producer and screenwriter. He was always attracted to creativity. Even in the years of training, John wrote plays and himself played them. It was a great success.

Once, for a role, an actor lost 15 kg. But he decided not to stop there and continued to transform his body. They say that all John lost 50 kg. And now, many fans will not recognize their idol. Instead of a big, good-natured fat man in front of them, a handsome athletic build.


4. John Goodman

American actor, producer. Acted in commercials, worked at children's parties, participated in musicals.

Now he devotes a lot of time to films, voices cartoons. With age (the actor is already over sixty), John felt that overweight prevents him from working fully. No joke - 180 kg. So at 62, it was decided to lose weight.

Sports, proper nutrition, no alcohol and sweets. And it all worked out! The actor dropped 45 kg. Then he recovered again and again went on a diet. John now weighs 130 kg.


5. Kersty Ellie

The famous American actress. Engaged in interior design. He is fond of Scientology, a follower of Hubbard.

When Ellie was 51 years old, she began to quickly gain weight. I had to resort to the help of a nutritionist. After working on herself, the star lost 66 kg. Unfortunately, Kersti stopped following the recommendations and soon gained 38 kg.

Now the actress is listening to doctors, adheres to the principles of proper nutrition and the requirements of her nutritionist. At 67, Kersti has a normal weight, leads an active life and looks great.

The actress loves animals. Chinchillas and lemurs live at her house, from which she is crazy and even in her will left orders on their account.


But something we are all about foreigners. Willingly share their achievements in the field of weight loss and before and after photos of thinner Russian stars.

6. Polina Gagarina

Russian singer, actress and fashion model. She spent her childhood in Greece, where her mother (a professional dancer) worked under a contract. Winner of the “Star Factory 2” project.

After the singer was born a baby, she quickly and greatly recovered. Polina complained that she had a very strong appetite, but at the same time she could not get enough.

But the star did not give up! She revised the power system. Large physical loads during training at the Moscow Art Theater School were very welcome. Dancing and fencing, the stage movement is no worse than the gym to handle excess weight.

Admire the photo of a thinner star - minus 40 kg. This is impressive! Before and after photos in the studio, please.


7. Tatyana Arno

Russian TV presenter, journalist. Successfully works in popular television shows and on radio.

They say that once between Tatyana Arno and Ksenia Sobchak there was a small dispute. Ksenia noted that Tatyana has too magnificent forms. What Arno promised to lose 10 kg in just a month.

A very strict diet, physical activity, a special drug that enhances the effect of the diet, and … the star lost weight!


8. Dana Borisova

The famous Russian TV presenter. She worked as an announcer. Filmed for the Playboy magazine. She led various youth programs.

For an unknown reason, Dana dramatically gained weight, adding as much as 15 kg. Why this happened, the press was not told. Different versions have been put forward (illness, pregnancy), but the secret remained unsolved.

The yellow press put the star in first place in the ranking of the thickest Russian stars. That's all and calmed down. Just not Dana herself. This title did not suit her at all.

To have a beautiful body and attractive appearance for public people is not a whim, but a professional necessity. The star TV presenter quickly corrected everything, and from 15 extra pounds there was nothing left. What can you do, the job is to be beautiful!


9. Anfisa Chekhov

Russian television and radio host, acting in films, plays in the theater, sings. Positions itself as a host of television shows of a sexual orientation.

The birth of a child was a long-awaited and happy event in the life of a star. It was only during pregnancy that Anfisa's figure was somewhat affected. However, she did not put up with it and immediately took up her appearance.

Six months later, the sexiest Russian star lost 15 kg and began to look better than before pregnancy. Anfisa gladly talks about how she managed to achieve this. She claims that nutrition and yoga have helped.

Whether it is true or not, it is unknown, but the star looks breathtaking.


10. Nastya Kamensky

Continues the list of stars who have lost weight, another bright representative of the star Olympus Nastya Kamensky. Ukrainian singer, actress and TV presenter. From childhood, Nastya was engaged in vocals, piano and ballet. For a long time she lived in France and Italy, participating in a family exchange program for children. Nastya's parents believed that in this way she would be able to learn foreign languages.

Nastya has always been the owner of seductive forms. A few years ago, she recovered to 80 kg. The press immediately announced her pregnancy. The singer herself reacted to this with humor and told everyone that a busy touring life does not allow eating normally and monitoring the quality of food. But she has a wonderful secret diet. Soon she will get rid of extra pounds and centimeters at the waist.

The star succeeded. And now it is three sizes smaller than it was. Nastya looks great and proudly bears the title of the most beautiful woman in Ukraine.


11. Olga Kartunkova

Russian actress, captain of the KVN team "Pyatigorsk City". He has an amazing sense of humor. Brisk, bold, as a child, more than once participated in fights with peers. The former KVN worker herself secretly said that at one time she was even registered in the children's room of the police. Hooligan, in a word.

With her groovy character, cheerful disposition and sparkling humor, a girl always attracts people and is the soul of any company. The actress never lacked fans.

Olga claims that a colorful appearance does not bother her at all. She did not perceive her weight (150 kg) as an obstacle either in work or in her personal life. So it was. But once a girl got a leg injury. The treatment, and especially the recovery, was very difficult and lengthy. All because of the unfortunate extra pounds.

Then Olga decided to say goodbye to them. A balanced diet, swimming and a great desire to lose weight helped the actress to lose 60 kg in 1 year.

Look at the thinner Russian star before and after. Impressive, isn't it?


12. Irina Pegova

The next in a series of thinning stars, Irina Pegova, Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Irina's father is a famous athlete. Parents wanted her daughter to follow in the footsteps of dad. As a child, the girl tried different kinds of sports. And there was a violin playing, vocals and a dream about a singer's career.

The actress is prone to overweight and is constantly struggling with excess weight. She is categorically against exhausting strict diets. He claims that the main thing is physical activity. Eaten calories to spend. Pills and operations - no! Physical education and active life - yes!

And Irina does not recommend drinking a lot of tea and coffee. After all, there will always be a temptation to eat extra candy or a delicious cake with a cup of hot drink. Pegova herself drinks only clean water and sometimes freshly squeezed juices.

Look at the photo of a thinner Russian star, and you will see that her slimness recipe works. After all, Irina looks very good.
