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10 things that seemed useless, but eventually changed humanity

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10 things that seemed useless, but eventually changed humanity
10 things that seemed useless, but eventually changed humanity

Video: 6 Stupid and Dangerous Things Scientists Did to Themselves 2024, July

Video: 6 Stupid and Dangerous Things Scientists Did to Themselves 2024, July

The most correct advice of our time: "If you have nothing to say, better shut up." Unfortunately, not all people listen to these wise words. From ancient times to this day, some ingenious inventions are considered primitive and ridiculed in every way. Here you will find out without which humanity would still remain at the level of the Middle Ages.

The steam engine moves according to the will of Satan


Can one imagine life without rail transport now? Of course not. It is impossible to believe, but the first train launches and their replacement of animal power were negatively perceived by the clergy. In such a transport, it saw signs of evil spirits. Some modern doctors believe that driving at speeds in excess of 40 kilometers per hour is harmful to health.

No one needs alternating current


Thomas Edison, the inventor of an ordinary light bulb, did not have such knowledge in physics as Nikola Tesla or other geniuses of his time. In this case, alternating current is used to this day. In the confrontation of two scientists - Edison and Tesla - the first won.

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The lamp is useless


One of the scientists at the Stevens Institute of Technology in the USA claims that the first incandescent lamp was "uninteresting and useless." But why then does this invention still exist? Such lamps are now used to illuminate streets in the city of Livermore, California.

Vaccines are unhealthy


Any vaccine for a large number of people on the planet is almost the poison they fear most. They refuse to vaccinate children, citing serious complications. But why do they not take into account the fact that thanks to vaccines, it was possible to completely eradicate a disease such as smallpox? How much effort scientists had to make to protect humanity from more dangerous pathologies.

Television will quickly bore people

The fact that television will not have commercial success was suggested not only by ordinary people, but also by some inventors. For example, Lee de Forest, a radio amateur, did not believe that a television would be a welcome device in every home in the near future. As you can see, these people were very mistaken.

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The spaceship will not take off


The American physicist Lee de Forest, who at one time was respected by his colleagues, did not believe that any spacecraft would leave the earth's atmosphere in the future. Yuri Gagarin broke his statement by flying around the planet aboard the Vostok-1 aircraft. Soon after this event was followed by the landing of the first man on the moon. Now mankind has a new plan - to conquer Mars. But even now, for many, this venture seems an empty and unattainable dream.

Lamborghini can only produce agricultural machinery


The history of a modern expensive high-speed car began with the fact that the owner of the tractor factory Ferruccio Lamborghini purchased a Ferrari 250 GT, which had a clutch broken. Enzo Ferrari did not want to acknowledge the problem and advised Lamborghini to continue the production of tractors, since he did not know anything about sports cars. But he was mistaken. Lamborghini not only corrected someone else's structural mistake, but also created a supercar. This brand of cars still competes with Ferrari.

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Who needs a personal computer?


In 1949, when the Manchester Small Experimental Machine was created, some critics claimed that it would not work to create something more perfect. Now it sounds strange, even funny. Some inventors also claimed that there were no daredevils who wanted to have a personal computer at home. As can be seen today, these allegations did not materialize.

No one will buy cell phones


Back in the 80s. of the last century, mankind was skeptical of cordless phones, arguing that people will never give up fixed phones. Many believed that if this project was implemented, it would become too expensive. Cell phones will only be affordable for the "mighty of this world." Indeed, the first devices were the size of a brick, which made their use extremely inconvenient. But now they are small, comfortable, multifunctional and accessible to almost everyone.