
52 or 45? Yana Rudkovskaya gave comprehensive explanations about her real age

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52 or 45? Yana Rudkovskaya gave comprehensive explanations about her real age
52 or 45? Yana Rudkovskaya gave comprehensive explanations about her real age

A bright female entrepreneur, producer of singer Dima Bilan, a TV presenter and just a beautiful and stylish lady is Yana Rudkovskaya, around whose name scandals do not abate. More recently, Yana celebrated her 45th birthday, and for her age she looks more than chic. However, the celebration was the occasion for some bloggers to try to "cheat" the business woman, accusing her of hiding her age. Allegedly, in fact, Rudkovskaya is 52 years old!


Disclosure of secrets

For some reason, many haters decided that this beautiful well-groomed woman makes sense to reduce her age by 7 years. If for a moment we assume that Rudkovskaya is really older than she used to say, then she can only be envied. Her face, figure and style are on top!

However, in fact, Yana is really 45 years old. On her page on social networks, she published an angry post in which she tried to shame bloggers who had plus her notorious 7 years.

Some time ago, when conversations about age had just begun, Yana invited her former class teacher to television. The teacher certainly did not make any sense to play down the years of his student. However, even this did not stop the haters.
