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9-mm Makarov pistol: photos, specifications, history of creation and modification

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9-mm Makarov pistol: photos, specifications, history of creation and modification
9-mm Makarov pistol: photos, specifications, history of creation and modification

Video: Makarov 9x18 ( Russian Military Model) 2024, July

Video: Makarov 9x18 ( Russian Military Model) 2024, July

If you ask any man in our country what model of a gun comes to his mind in the first place, then he will probably remember Makarov’s gun. This 9 mm pistol has proven itself for half a century of service and to this day has not lost ground.

When Makarov created his gun

Almost immediately after the end of the war, approximately in 1947-1948, the designers of the Soviet Union were tasked with creating a new pistol that would become the main weapon of officers in the army and in the police. There were many reasons for this - we will talk about them a little later.

At that time, most of the military had vast experience in using weapons - from pistols to machine guns, both domestic and captured or sent as military aid by the Allies (after all, the largest war in human history has just ended).

A lot of works were submitted to the competition. Well-known, venerable designers and specialists hitherto unknown to the masses appeared here: Stechkin, Korobin, Tokarev, Korovin, Simonov, Lobanov, Sevryugin and many others. Of course, Nikolai Fedorovich Makarov was among them.


As he later told himself, he worked extremely fiercely during these months, setting himself an extremely tight schedule. He worked seven days a week, getting up at 8 in the morning, going to bed at 2-3 hours after midnight. At the same time, he created and shot several times more prototypes than rivals. Apparently, thanks to this, it was his pistol that was chosen in 1948 and put into service in 1951.

What are the requirements for weapons

Since it was planned to create millions of copies to arm the police and the army in a huge country in the world, a lot of demands were made on weapons.

Then it was decided to put into service two pistols - one for special operations (this role was assigned to the tested APS - Stechkin’s automatic pistol), and the second - for continuous use. Of course, it was supposed to be compact - officers and warrant officers had to constantly carry weapons both on their belts and in holsters for hidden carrying.

Verified TT ("Tula Tokarev") did not fit. On the one hand, it had rather large dimensions. On the other hand, he did not have a fuse (he appeared later on some modifications, and TTs were produced in many places - starting from Poland and Romania, ending with China and Pakistan), which increased the danger of use.


Not the least role was played by the fact that the population was left with a large number of ammunition. Not all captured and wartime weapons and ammunition were surrendered by business people. Therefore, one of the main requirements was to create a pistol for cartridges not 7.62 (which was the TT), but a 9-mm caliber. Many experts, using the captured Walter PPK during the war, appreciated this pistol and caliber.

It had many advantages, especially for use by police in settlements. Firstly, the 9 mm bullet had a significant stopping effect. Secondly, the penetration ability was low - there was no need to fear that a bullet would break through thin partitions and injure an outsider accidentally hiding behind them.

As a result, it turned out that it was the 9-mm Makarov pistol that fully met all the requirements.

The performance characteristics

The first thing that catches your eye when looking at the PM is its compactness. Indeed, its total length is 161 millimeters - compared to 195 millimeters for the TT that was in service before.

By weight, he also won significantly. With a full store, it weighs only 810 grams, and its predecessor - 940 grams.

The remaining performance characteristics of the 9 mm Makarov pistol are also very good.

The stopping effect was excellent. Especially when it was decided to abandon the use of a 9 x 17 mm cartridge used in Walter pistols in favor of a specially designed 9 x 18 mm. When hit, a massive, blunt bullet inflicted terrible damage, introducing the criminal into a state of pain shock and not allowing resistance.

The store holds 8 rounds - enough for a short street fight or shootout indoors. And for more pistols are not used. Although theoretically the maximum range is a distance of 50 meters, in practice this distance is reduced to 20-25 meters. But for certain purposes this is enough - in cities, police rarely have to shoot long distances.

The initial velocity of the bullet is 315 meters per second, which in total with a mass of 6 grams allows you to inflict serious damage on impact.

Here, perhaps, all the most important performance characteristics of the 9-mm Makarov pistol. Now let's talk about its main advantages.


Main advantages

One of the main requirements for any weapon is its reliability and simplicity. The exception is the designs developed for special services - here they often sacrifice simplicity, since only professionals will work with weapons. But the 9mm Makarov pistol was designed specifically for millions of people. Therefore, it was and remains as reliable as possible - in comparison with the Walther PPK, which was studied as a basis, it has an even simpler device.

Therefore, its users did not have to spend a lot of time studying the manual on small business with the 9-mm Makarov pistol - the device was simplified as much as possible.

He copes well with the defeat of manpower of the enemy. In recent years, more and more they say that he can not penetrate even light bulletproof vests. However, it should be borne in mind that in the late 40s of the twentieth century, bulletproof vests were simply not used by either special services, military, or even less so criminals. Therefore, the weapon coped well with its function.

In addition, much later, a special PBM cartridge was developed, capable of punching a sheet of titanium 1.25 mm thick, 30 layers of Kevlar and after that retaining stopping power. So this drawback was completely eliminated by using more modern ammunition.

The stopping effect, as mentioned above, was also beyond praise.

Carrying a gun is easy and convenient, even in an axillary holster, designed for covert use by police. Well, in the holster on the belt it is almost invisible, since, together with the holster and the equipped spare store, it weighs only a little more than a kilogram.

When working with him, there are practically no misfires and poking - of course, provided that high-quality ammunition is used. This nuance is extremely important for any military weapon. After all, a lost second may well cost the owner its life.

The main disadvantages

Unfortunately, any weapon, even the most advanced, will have some drawbacks - designers always have to sacrifice one for the other.

Of course, Makarov’s 9 mm pistol was no exception. PM is often accused of low accuracy. This is really a problem - in pursuit of maximum compactness, the aim line was significantly reduced. Because of this, tagging has become more difficult. However, in tests, the gun confidently “puts” bullets from a distance of 25 meters in a circle with a radius of 75 millimeters. Therefore, even a not too trained person can easily hit a chest target from such a distance. Well, experienced officers who have undergone special training confidently plant 3 bullets per ten from 25 meters - a tiny circle with a diameter of about 25 millimeters.

We have already talked about the short range of the battle. However, all 9 mm pistols suffer from this - PM is not an exception here. But for the needs of the guards, about 25 meters is more than enough.

But the objective drawback is the extremely uncomfortable latch for retrieving the store. Alas, while in many other pistols you can easily “snap out” an empty magazine with one hand, while the other instantly drives a full magazine into the handle, this technique will not work with PM. You have to use both hands to hold the gun on one and at the same time remove the magazine of the other.

Today, among lovers of weapons in general, it’s quite fashionable to blame Makarov’s pistol, comparing it to Walter P99, various modifications of Glock, the latest versions of Beretta and others. However, entering into such a discussion, one should not forget that it was developed 70 years ago when they did not even hear about these pistols. Of course, during this time, the small arms business has gone far ahead.

Upgraded gun

In the early 90s, it was decided to upgrade the time-tested gun. The main direction was the increase in store capacity. The classic contained 8 rounds - the designers were tasked with increasing this indicator to 12. Well, this goal was achieved.


Moreover, the gun can be used both as a single-row magazine for 8 rounds, and as a double-row magazine for 12, which can be called a serious advantage. The double-row in the upper part goes into a single-row neck, so even the slightest compatibility problems do not arise.

It is also important that the PMM (modernized Makarov pistol) is 70% compatible with its predecessor, which simplified production and repair.

In addition, a new cartridge was developed specifically for PMM. Of course, the caliber remained the same - 9 x 18 millimeters. But at the same time, the powder filling increased by 30%. The shape of the bullet was also changed - it began to resemble a truncated cone. Thanks to this modernization, the return has increased - by about 15%. Therefore, any shooter will have to get used to the new conditions of use, but even in this case, accuracy and, accordingly, practical rate of fire on the target have slightly decreased.

But these shortcomings are fully offset by significantly increased breakdown ability and lethal action. It is also important that the new form of the bullet significantly reduced the risk of rebounds. This is very important to ensure the safety of the owner when shooting in a closed room in an extreme situation, when there is simply no possibility and can not be carefully aimed.

The new cartridge proved to be excellent in trials. From a distance of 20 meters, he punches a sheet of steel 3 mm thick. When shooting 10 meters from the bullet, the Zh-81 army body armor does not save.

PM for civil

Short-barreled rifled weapons in our country are the prerogative of the military, police, bodyguards, as well as officers and deputies who have premium weapons and relevant documents for them.

However, ordinary citizens also want to be able to protect themselves and their home. Especially for them in 2004, a special traumatic Makarov pistol (9 mm) was developed - IZH-79-9T. It received a name similar to the original - “Makarych” - and could be acquired by any person who was ready to take the appropriate courses and provide storage conditions.

He became the first traumatic weapon to copy the appearance of the PM - even a specialist will not be able to immediately discern what the enemy is holding: a real gun or trauma. Even the popular traumatic 9-mm pistol Jorge was born later - only in 2006. Moreover, outwardly, he did not at all resemble a Makarov pistol - his design was taken from the Fort.


Of course, Makarych fired not full-fledged live ammunition. For him, very different ones were intended, the same as those used by the owners of many other traumatic pistols - 9 mm RA (from the German Pistole Automatik - an automatic pistol). The main difference between this munition was a bullet made of plastisol or rubber - soft, elastic materials. Externally, the cartridge resembles a battle. But you can’t shoot from the Makarych using a full 9 x 18 mm cartridge - there were two protrusions in the barrel that were opposite each other at some distance. A malleable rubber bullet squeezed between them at high speed. The metal one will simply break the barrel when trying to make a shot.

Of course, such a weapon immediately aroused serious interest. After all, any man wants to protect himself and his loved ones anywhere and anytime. And to do this with a pistol (even if it is not a combat one, but just a shooting 9 mm PA pistol) is much easier than using a knife, baton, gas spray or bare hands. In a short time, quite a few injuries were sold out. Many users have noted a number of important advantages. First of all - the external resemblance to real weapons. Removing a traumatic gun from a holster in a dark alley, where he was met by suspicious people, a law-abiding citizen can be sure that the opponents will not be able to tell if this is a real weapon or not. It is also important that they are also structurally similar. That is, a person with experience in handling PM will easily master Makarych, and vice versa. Moreover, he was also extremely reliable.

Alas, there were flaws. First of all - not the most convenient design, completely adopted from the original pistol. In addition, the quality of the cartridges cannot be called high enough. More than once there were cases when a person, defending himself, shot a drunken attacker in the chest, legs or arms, but thereby only inflamed him. Shooting in the head could well result in the death of the attacker, which would put the defender in a very awkward position. Alas, for example, the 9-mm Jorge pistol, and many other injuries, have the same drawback.

In addition, a bullet fired from such a weapon, unlike a real rifled pistol, does not receive rifling when flying through a barrel. As a result, if a person was killed from a traumatic weapon, a forensic examination will not be able to associate the found bullet with a specific registered (if registered at all) pistol. This greatly complicates the work of internal affairs officers, allowing criminals to evade punishment.

Subsequently, Makarych was discontinued, but it was replaced by IZH-79-9TM, MR-79-9TM, MP-80-13T and others. However, they did not completely get rid of the shortcomings inherent in the first model.


They also released gas 9-mm pistols based on PM, but they did not receive such widespread distribution as the above traumatic ones. Their main feature is the use of special cartridges that do not have bullets - they are replaced by special capsules containing tear gas. The advantage is the direction of the action - you do not have to pay attention to the direction of the wind, which can cause serious problems when using a gas spray. The downside is low efficiency, especially if you use this weapon against drunk people or animals.

Interesting facts about PM

About the 9-mm traumatic gun, we talked enough. Now back to the classical PM and tell some interesting facts - they will certainly be interesting to many readers.

To begin with, it was Makarov’s pistol that became the first weapon in the world to be in space. Yes, yes, it was he who was present in every installation intended for the crew of the Vostok crew. Subsequently, it was replaced by a specially designed multifunctional gun.

The State Unitary Enterprise "Instrument Design Bureau" still lists the PM, which passed the test here in 1949. With a shot at 50 thousand rounds and more than a solid age, it still retains combat properties.

What will replace him

Any weapon, even the most modern, becomes obsolete over time. And Makarov’s gun is no exception. Although it still remains in service with many countries, Russia is gradually abandoning it, moving to a more modern Yarygin pistol. Developed in 1993, it passed all the tests and was adopted only after 10 years - in 2003. Designed for 9 x 19 mm caliber, it has almost all the advantages of PM, but lacks some of its shortcomings. For example, the distance of confident battle and accuracy increased. In addition, the special design of the store allows you to hold up to 18 rounds, which is a very important advantage.


However, the PM does not give up its final position - it is still used by many military and police officers in our country, remaining a true legend.