
"Abalak Field" - the main festival of historical reconstruction in Siberia!

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"Abalak Field" - the main festival of historical reconstruction in Siberia!
"Abalak Field" - the main festival of historical reconstruction in Siberia!

Tobolsk is an ancient Siberian capital, and today it is a completely modern city. The history of these places is interesting and amazing. Not far from Tobolsk is the small town of Abalak, whose capture in 1584 opened the way to Siberia for Yermak. In memory of the events of those years, a tourist complex was built here today and the festival of historical reconstruction "Abalak Field" is held annually.

The most northern historical festival


The festival of historical reconstruction in Abalak dates back to 2008. The event is improved annually, pleases guests with new experiences and thematic venues. “Abalak Field” is a real adventure for all lovers of historical reconstruction and Russian culture. Traditionally, the festival is held on the first weekend of July. Participants of the event are pre-registered, and anyone can visit the festival site as a guest. The main difference between the “Abalak Field” and all other historical festivals is the strict observance of the traditions of the selected time period. The event is dedicated to Russian culture and everyday life of the X-XVI century.

Entertainment and Events Program


The heart of the festival is the camp of participants. Here, the living conditions of the Middle Ages are completely recreated. Instead of modern tourist tents, spacious tents, the residents of which are completely forbidden to use the benefits of civilization, invented later than the XVI century. Guests of the event can observe the cooking according to old recipes, and carefully study the features of Russian life. No less interesting venues are the town of artisans and the fair. Here you can find out the intricacies of the work of masters of various crafts, participate in a master class and purchase finished handicrafts. The festival of historical reconstruction "Abalak Field" pleases guests with combat fights. The program includes individual and massive battles of warriors. The culmination of the first day of the festival - "Honey Feast", is a grand OPEN AIR in folk style. The evening concert includes the performance of famous folk music groups, light and fire shows. “Abalak Field” is a festival suitable for families. All conditions are created for guests with young children, special play and entertainment areas work.

Useful information for festival guests


Everyone can visit the festival "Abalak Field". It is enough to purchase tickets (at the entrance to the festival field). The cost of participation as a guest is usually symbolic - 100-200 rubles. The festival lasts 2 days, those wishing to spend the night on the site are offered two accommodation options. You can put your own tents in an organized tourist town, or settle in the hotel of the complex "Abalak" - the cost of living is from 2000 rubles. For guests of the festival organized catering points, you can also dine in the restaurant. What is especially nice, getting to the festival field is very easy with public and private transport. The main landmark is the city of Tobolsk. The festival "Abalak Field" takes place on the territory of the historical and tourist complex "Abalak", located in the village of the same name. You can get from Tyumen by bus or train to Tobolsk, then by bus to Abalak. By private car you should move along the highway in the direction of Khanty-Mansiysk to Tobolsk. Then drive eastward along the festival signs.