
Abyzov Mikhail Anatolyevich: biography, photo and personal life

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Abyzov Mikhail Anatolyevich: biography, photo and personal life
Abyzov Mikhail Anatolyevich: biography, photo and personal life

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Mikhail Abyzov, a minister without a portfolio, carries out state and public activities. He is also known as a successful entrepreneur and manager. Abyzov is married. He has children: two sons and a daughter. His activities as an official are evaluated very ambiguously. However, many analysts recognize his enterprise and success. He has a fairly high income, owns shares of large companies and is considered to be the richest official in the managerial state apparatus. We find out further what activities he carries out.


Mikhail Abyzov: biography

He was born on June 3, 1972. Mikhail Abyzov, whose nationality is Belarusian, studied at Moscow State University. Some sources indicate that he graduated from this university. However, at Moscow State University they say that he was expelled for academic failure from the 2nd year. He finished his studies at Moscow Pedagogical University. Sholokhov (now MSU) with a degree in mathematics. The labor activity of the future politician began at age 14. Mikhail Abyzov then got a job as a laborer at the Minsk printing house, and then at the Belarus plant as a loader. As part of the student construction team of the local medical university, he traveled to Tyumen, where for the first time he was able to earn serious money. After some time, Abyzov Mikhail was engaged in retail trade. He sold mainly Turkish consumer goods on rented areas in various department stores. In 1991, he was engaged in the import of alcohol and food products from Bulgaria.


Activities since 1993

Since this year, Mikhail Abyzov has held senior positions in several energy companies. He created AOZT MMB GROUP. This enterprise worked closely enough with the Ministry of Agriculture. This work was facilitated by relations with the deputy Starikov, who was at that time on the post of deputy chairman of the agrarian committee. Abyzov Mikhail was his assistant. Starikov introduced him to Mukha, who at that time was the governor of the Novosibirsk region. AOZT carried out intermediary activities in the framework of the settlement of issues related to arrears in the supply of raw materials. In those years, racketeering and raiding were widespread. In 1996, Mikhail Abyzov acquired a 19% stake in Novosibirskenergo through a chain of various offsets. After an insignificant period of time, he already owned a controlling stake in securities. In November 1996, he became CEO of SLAVTEK. In June 1997, Abyzov joined the board of directors of Sibecobank. In December of the same year, he ran for deputy. However, the campaign was unsuccessful. The following year, 1998, Abyzov was appointed deputy chairman of the board of directors of Novosibirskenergo. In the same year, he was elected a member of the board and head of the department of business projects and investment policy of RAO UES. From May 1999 to August 2000, he was chairman of the board of directors of Chelyabenergo. At the same time, the entrepreneur became part of the management apparatus of Kuzbassenergo.


Work after 1999

Upon entering RAO UES, Mikhail Anatolyevich Abyzov indicated that he was the 1st Deputy General Director of a certain Federal Financial Industrial Group under the Office of the President. But such a structure did not exist; it does not appear in the registers. In RAO "UES" its activities were related to the fight against debts and non-payments. In 1999, Mikhail Anatolyevich Abyzov participated in the election campaign of Abramovich as a deputy of Chukotka. Since the beginning of 2002, he joined the Board of Directors of JSC FGC UES. In the period from 2003 to 2005, he chaired the RCC. Abyzov was also a member of the board of directors:

  • Since 2004 - at JSC OGK-5.

  • Since December 2004, he has been at TGK-9.

Since July 2005, Abyzov took the post of general director of Kuzbassrazrezugol LLC. In September of the following year, management was transferred to UMMC-holding. The latter was led by Kozitsyn. Until June 2007, Abyzov remained a member of the board of directors of Kuzbassrazrezugol. For 6 years (from 2006 to 2012), he chaired the RU-COM business group. He was also on the board of directors:

  • From July 2007 to January 2012, he served at E4 Group OJSC.

  • From August 2007 to January 2011 - in OJSC "Mostotrest".


Mikhail Abyzov: "Open Government"

On January 18, 2012, he was appointed Advisor to the President. Many are interested - Abyzov Mikhail Anatolyevich - Minister of what? In the new post, he was responsible for organizing the activities of the commission. She, in turn, coordinated the work of the Open Government. In addition, he was part of the Public Committee that supported the activities of President Medvedev. Since 2010, Mikhail Anatolyevich Abyzov has been a member of the RSPP administrative apparatus.


Mikhail Abyzov is on the 76th place of the Forbes rating. The value of his fortune is estimated at 1.3 billion dollars. He is considered the richest minister of the Government of Medvedev. He owns the E4 Group, in which he consolidated many assets previously owned by RAO UES. The shares of Novosibirskenergo, PowerFuel, the energy sales holding SibirEnergo, several coal mines, and the agricultural holding Kopitania are also owned by Mikhail Anatolyevich Abyzov. Wife Catherine also does business. The family owns Isola Pinocchio and The Apartment restaurants. They are probably led by a spouse.


The case of Novosibirskenergo

In 2000, law enforcement agencies were interested in interactions between ORTEC and the Novosibirsk Region. They instituted criminal proceedings against former then Governor Mukha. Mikhail Abyzov, who at that time was already in the position of deputy chairman of RAO UES, appeared in the case as a witness. In this regard, it was suggested that the trial with Novosibirskenergo was initiated by regional industrialists and bosses, who suffered losses as a result of measures taken to eliminate the crisis of energy non-payments. According to Melamed, whose investment company owned a large stake in Novosibirskenergo, Abyzov left the participants in 2001. This was due to the fact that he, as a top manager, was experiencing a “conflict of interest”. Around the same time, a large stake in Novosibirskenergo, which belonged to ORTEK, was divided and changed owners. At the end of 2001, the case against Flies was terminated under an amnesty. Another, but just as short, case was also related to Novosibirskenergo. It was instituted in 2003. Then the management of the enterprise was accused of underestimating the amount of electricity transferred through the networks to Novosibirskoblenergo. Because of this, the state organization suffered, according to the investigation, the damage of 72 million rubles. At the Novosibirskenergo enterprise several searches were carried out. Until now, it is not known what documents the investigators searched for on the servers and in the safes of the company. A year later, in the fall of 2004, the case was closed due to a lack of staff.


Conflict between OGK-2 and E4

It arose at the beginning of 2009. OGK-2 accused E4 of defaulting on the contract for the construction of 2 combined-cycle gas turbine units of the Stavropol State District Power Plant. In this regard, the company refused to return the advance payment listed. To this, E4 said that construction was not carried out at the request of OGK-2, and they could return part of the prepayment. As it turned out, the managers of Gazprom (controlling OGK-2) really planned to move the construction of one of the blocks to Moscow. Abyzov, in turn, was interested in reaching a compromise for further cooperation. OGK-2 was also ready to resolve the conflict. The head of the Ministry of Energy Shmatko participated in resolving the situation. He sent Deputy Prime Minister Sechin a letter stating the need to return most of the advance.

Debt to E4

In the fall, the Group's employees presented Abyzov, who had declared several apartments in Italy, Russia and the UK by that time, with a request to return the accumulated wage arrears, the amount of which was already more than 100 million rubles. As members of the initiative committee indicate, he continues to participate in the management of E4, thus violating legislation that prohibits officials from conducting commercial activities. At the same time, according to them, the profits from the work of the Abyzov Group are directed towards satisfying personal needs, not caring about the pre-bankrupt state of the engineering holding. According to Ivanov, executive director of the Interregional Public Anti-Corruption Movement, a statesman is actively putting forward ideas to fight corruption, while his own incomes need to be explained. The members of the association asked to check the activities of Abyzov and identify facts of violation of the law on his part.
